Baptisms (1627-1812)

Note: Abbreviations such as Wm, Robt, Margt, Richd &c. have been transcribed as William, Robert, Margaret, Richard &c.

A hyperlinked entry connects to the individual's page on this website.

Christening Date Details
29 Oct 1627 Gruffinus filius Davidus Lloyd ap William
7 Nov 1627 Jana filia Gruffin ap Richard ap William
8 Jan 1627/8 Robertus filius Humffredi ap John ap Hugh
2 Feb 1627/8 Jana filia Roberti Lloyd
10 Feb 1627/8 Margaretta filia Gruffini Humffrey
1 Mar 1627/8 Anna filia Thomæ Rowland
4 Mar 1627/8 Katherina filia Johannis Thomas
7 Mar 1627/8 Lucia filia Thomæ Humffrey
21 Mar 1627/8 Robertus filius Richardi ap John ap Hugh
31 Mar 1628 Elizabetha filia Johannis ap Richard ap William
10 Apr 1628 Richardus filius Arthuri Owen
Gulielmus filius Robert ap William Owen
18 Sep 1628 Margaretta filia Humfredi Poole
  several lines illegible due to fading and water damage
20 Sep 1628 Robertus filius David [Fenid?]
4 . . . . . . . 1628 . . . . . . . filius Gulielmi ap Richard Gruffyth
15 . . . . . . . 1628 . . . . . . . filia Hugonis? ap . . . . . . .
14 Oct? 1628 Robertus filius Eliezi Lewis
. . . . . . . 1629 [Gru]ffinus filius . . . . . . . ap John
  several lines almost completely illegible but which appear to be burials (sepulta)
7 Feb 1629/30 Jana filia . . . . . . .
27 Jun 1630 Evanus filius Gulielmi Owen
5 Sep 1630 Eduardus filius Gruffini Edward
27 Oct 1630 Margareta filia Griffini ap Richard
8 Dec 1630 Johannes filius Evani Griffith
25 Dec 1630 Elizabetha filia illegitima Davidi Lloyd ap William
9 Jan 1630/1 Robertus filius illegitimus Richardi ap William ap Rees
11 Jan 1630/1 Jana filia Humphredi ap John ap Edward
20 Jan 1630/1 Gwena filia Griffini Humphrey
31 Jan 1630/1 Elizabetha filia Roberti ap Richard
25 Feb 1630/1 Humphreidus filius Evani ap Humphrey
14 Apr 1631 Catherina filia Gruffini Humphrey
24 Apr 1631 Agnes filia Johannis Ednyved
24 May 1631 Margreta filia Antonii Rowlands
15 Jun 1631 Jana filia Johannis Antonie
7 Aug 1631 Joanna filia Humphredi ab Jevan ap Hugh
15 Sep 1631 Owenus filius Beniamini ap Jevan
18 Oct 1631 Gruffinus filius Johannis ap Richard
18 Nov 1631 Anna filia Henrici ap William ap John
20 Dec 1631 Gwena filia Richardi ap Robert
1 Apr 1632 Jana filia Thomæ Rowlands
19 Oct 1632 Margaretta filia illegitima Richardi Poole
11 Nov 1632 Anna filia Richardi ap William
9 Jan 1632/3 Mauricius filius Roberti Lloyd
19 Feb 1632/3 Humphreidus filius Evani ap Humphrey
24 Apr 1633 Elena filia Antonii Rowland
29 Apr 1633 Mauricius filius Evani Griffith
22 Jun 1633 Humphreidus filius Griffini Edward
11 Oct 1633 Davidus filius Gruffini Humphrey
27 Nov 1633 Margretta filia Roberti Richard
9 Feb 1633/4 Margretta filia Richardi Robert
10 Jun 1634 Evanus filius Humphredi ap Jevan ap Hugh
19 Aug 1634 Joanna filia Johannis Antonie
28 Oct 1634 Gwenna filia Oweni Griffith ap William
6 Nov 1634 Eduardus filius Thomæ Rowlands
24 Nov 1634 Gulielmus filius Gruffini William
18 Feb 1634/5 Richardus filius Eduardi Thomas ap John
Margretta filia Gruffini William
15 Mar 1634/5 Margretta filia Oweni ap Richard
23 Mar 1634/5 Jana filia illegitima Eduardi William
15 Jun 1635 Rowlandus filius Elizai Rowland
12 Jun 1635 Elizeus filius Roberti Lloyd
9 Jul 1635 Ursula filia Johannis David
4 Oct 1635 Gulielmus filius Richardi Poole
25 Oct 1635 Gulielmus filius Evani ap Humphrey
1 Nov 1635 Laurella filia Eduardi Humphrey
6 Dec 1635 Robertus filius Evani Griffith
3 Jan 1635/6 Laurella filia Richardi William
11 Mar 1635/6 Richardus filius Hugonis Morgan
23 Mar 1635/6 Elena filia Richardi Robert
3 Apr 1636 Elizabeth filia Griffini William
13 May 1636 Anna filia Griffini ap Jevan John:
14 Oct 1636 Anna filia Roberti Richard
7 Dec 1636 Johannes filius illegitimus Hugonis ap John ap Hugh ex Jana vch John ap Edward
29 Jan 1636/7 Elizabetha filia Edwardi Thomas ap John
15 Mar 1636/7 Margaretta filia Roberti ap John ap William
30 May 1637 Gwenna filia Humphreidi ap Jevan ap Hugh ex [uxore] sua Marreda vch Evan ap William
26 Sep 1637 Catherina filia Johannis Robert ex Margaretta vch John uxore sua
1 Oct 1637 Elizabetha filia Eduardi Humphrey ex Joanna vch Thomas uxore sua
5 Oct 1637 Samuell filius Hugonis Morgan ex Maria Thomas uxore sua
25 Oct 1637 Margaretta filia Evani Griffith ex uxore sua Elena vch Jevan
14 Nov? 1637 Mauritius filius Evani ap Humphrey ex uxore sua Jana? vch William Owen
. . . . . . . 1637 Elizabetha filia Richardi Poole [ex uxore sua] . . . . . . .
14 Jan 1637/8 Anna filia Thomæ ap Hugh ex uxore sua Margaretta Lloyd
4 Jul 1638 Gruffinus filius Cadwaladeri ap Rhees Griffith ex uxore sua
14 Jul 1638 Gwenna filia eiusdem Cadwaladeri ap Rhees Griffith ex uxore sua Margaretta Thomas
14 Aug 1638 Elena filia Gruffini William ex uxore Margaretta [William?]
23 Sep 1638 Johannes filius Eduardi Thomas ex uxore Jana vch John
30 Sep 1638 Margaretta filia Richardi William ex uxore sua Elizabetha vch Thomas
16 Oct 1638 Antonius filius Lodovici Jon ex uxore Margaretta . . . . . . .
29 Mar 1639 Carolus filius Hugonis Morgans clerici ex uxore sua Maria Thomas
6 Apr 1639 Gruffinus filius Roberti John ex uxore sua Elizabetha Griffith
7 Apr 1639 Mauritius filius Gulielmi ap Evan Robert ex uxore sua Maria vch John
11 Aug 1639 Catherina filia Richardi Poole ex uxore sua Gwenna Anwyl
20 Feb 1639/40 Robertus filius Johannis Robert ex uxore sua Margaretta vch John
23 Feb 1639/40 Anna filia Eduardi Thomas ex uxore sua Jana vch John
Gap in the Register 1640 to 1644 inclusive.
? Apr 1645 Thomas filius Johannis Lloyd
Gap in the Register 1646 to 1648 inclusive
25 Jul 1649 (born) Gulielmus filius Griffini Hughes
Gap in the Register 1650 to 1653 inclusive
10 Feb 1653/4 Griffinus filius Samuelis Griffith ex uxore sua Gwenna vch William
21 Feb 1653/4 Margetta filia Gruffini Hughes ex uxore sua Jana vch Humffrey (born 20 Feb 1653/4)
26 Feb 1653/4 Mauriteus filius Johannis Moris ex uxore sua Laurea vch Evan
1 Mar 1653/4 Johannes filius Ludovici John ex uxore sua Margaretta vch Cadwalader
Henricus filius Evani William ex uxore sua Sara vch William
31 Mar 1654 Richardus filius Anthonij Poole ex uxore sua Elizabetha Thomas (born 27 Mar 1654)
18 Feb 1654/5 . . . . . . . filia Thomæ Wynne ex [uxore sua] Elizabetha vch William
17 Mar 1654/5 Gwenna filia Eduardi Pugh ex uxore sua Laurea vch Edward
. . . . . . . Gwenna filia Anthonij Poole . . . . . . .
25 Mar 1655 Richardus filius Roberti [Cadwalader?] ex uxore Abigal Pryce
26 Mar 1655 Griffinus filius Johannis LLwyd ex uxore sua
25 Feb 1655/6 Richard Junior filius Antonij Poole ex uxore sua Elizabetha Thomas (born 20 Feb 1655/6)
Apparent gap in the Register 1656 to 1660 inclusive
? Jun 1661 Edmundus filius Eduardi Price de Maes-y-Garnedd
23 Jun 1661 Margareta filia Henrici Lloyd de Llwyn-Ithel
? Jul 1661 Humphreidus filius Johannis Rowland
9 Oct 1661 Eduardus filius Ricei Edmund
18 Oct 1661 Johannes filius Davidis Lloyd de Penyr Âllt
22 Jan 1661/2 Catherina filia Roberti ap Howell
31? Jan 1661/2 Evanus filius Griffini Sr. Humphrey
9 Apr 1662 Jana filia Oweni Beniamin
13 Dec 1662 Lousia filia Eduardi Maurice
2- Feb 1662/3 Elena filia Evani Ellis
6 Mar 1662/3 Humphreidus filius Henrici Lloyd
15 Mar 1662/3 Lucia filia Fulconis William
23 Apr 1663 Albanus filius Anthonij Poole
24 Apr 1663 Owenus filius H[ugonis?] ap Humphrey
  final entry on the page illegible due to fading
-8 Aug 1663 . . . . . . . filius Johannis Williams
22 Nov 1663 Morganus filius Eduardi Price
7 Dec 1663 Beniaminus filius Oweneni Beniamin
13 Feb 1663/4 Gulielmus filius Richardi ap William John
24 Feb 1663/4 . . . . . . . filius Rebeccæ Hughes ex eius corpore per quendam Gulielmum Roberts in adulterio susidata
20 Aug 1664 Gulielmus filius Henrici Lloyd
29 Oct 1664 Humphreidus filius Evani ap Humphrey Junior
31 Jan 1664/5 Elizabetha filia Eduardi Lloyd de Cwm Bychan
3 Feb 1664/5 Robertus filius Johannis ap William ap Robert
27 Mar 1665 Gulielmus filius Ricei Edmunde
14 May 1665 Catherina filia Evani Ellis
16 Jun 1665 Loucia filia Oweni Beniamin
18 Jun 1665 Sina filia Roberti ap Howell
4 Aug 1665 Catherina filia Davidi Lloyd de Penyr Allt
11 Sep 1665 Evanus et Catherina gemelli filij Anthonij Poole
17 Sep 1665 Elizabetha filia Guilielmi Meiricke
18 Sep 1665 Guilielmus filius Fullonis [or Fultonis] Williams
25 Oct 1665 Grûffinus filius Johannis Grûffith
1 Nov 1665 Margarita filia Guilielmi Thomas
10 Nov 1665 Elizeus filius Henrici Lloyd
2 Jan 1665/6 Anna filia Catherinæ John Robert ex eius corpore per quendam Griffini Humphrey
[2]8 Feb 1665/6 Ludovicus filius Evani Lewis
19 Mar 1665/6 Agneta? filia Grûffini Humphrey
2 Apr 1666 Elizabetha filia Eduardi Price
7 Apr 1666 Joneta filia Eduardi Grûffith
15 Apr 1666 Humphreidus filius Henrici Price
2 May 1666 Evanus filius Anthonij David
29 May 1666 Robertus filius Johannis Edward Rowland
29 Aug 1666 . . . . . . . filia Johannis William
10 Oct 1666 Owenus et Robertus gemelli fillij Anthonij Poole
20? Jan 1666/7 Humphreidus filius Humphredi ap Evan
1 Feb 1666/7 Robertus filius Evani Grûffith
4 Feb 1666/7 Grûffinus filius Evani ap Humphrey
Martha filia Johannis Evan
14 Apr 1667 Grûffinus filius Eduardi Grûffith
18 Apr 1667 [blank] filia Oweni Grûffith
3 Apr 1667 Jana filia Richardi ap William John
27 Apr 1667 Maria filia Evani Ellis
19 Nov 1667 Jenkinus filius Roberti ap Howell
27 Nov 1667 Hugo filius Rowlandi ap William Owen
13 Feb 1667/8 Ellena filia Evani ap Humphrey
5 Jul 1668 Petrus filius Anthonij Poole
1 Oct 1668 Eduardus filius Johanni Evan de Pen y brŷn
15 Nov 1668 Owenus filius Guilielmi Thomas Rowland
29 Mar 1669 [blank] filia Evani Grûffith [died the same day]
12 Sep 1669 Anthonius filius Anthonij Poole
3 Oct 1669 Ellena filia Oweni Grûffith
8 Oct 1669 Eduardus & Samuell gemelli filij Johannis Edward
28 Oct 1669 Owenus filius Johannis Owen de Caergynog
27 Feb 1669/70 Jana filia Evani Ellis
21 Mar 1669/70 Owenus filius Richardi Lloyd
14 Apr 1670 Robertus filius Janæ Thomas ex eius corpore per quendam Maurieu? Humphrey in fornicatione susidata
29 Aug 1670 Jonetta filia Humphridi ap Evan de Cŵm y afon
4 Sep 1670 Guilielmus filius Morgan Roberts
9 Dec 1670 Jana filia Richardi Humphrey
13 Dec 1670 Maria filia Johannis Thomas
23 Jan 1670/1 Marreda filia Evani ap Humphrey
25 Jan 1670/1 Carolus filius Richardi Lewis
25 Oct 1671 Jana filia Griffini ap Richard
27 Oct 1671 Griffinus filius Hugonis Griffith
29 Nov 1671 Guilielmus filius Roberti William
Anna filia Johannis Williams
13 Mar 1671/2 Davidus filius Johannis Thomas
21 Mar 1671/2 Jana filia Johannis Owen de Caergynog
7 Jul 1672 Evanus filius Guilielmi ap Evan
21 Jul 1672 Gwenna filia Guilielmi Thomas Rowland
24 Sep 1672 Samuelus filius Johannis Edward de Penybont
6 Oct 1672 Ricardus filius Guilielmi ap Richard William de pwll y marth?
25 Oct 1672 Elizabetha filia Janæ vch Humphrey ex eius corpore per quendam Antonium Lewis in fornicatione susidata
[blank] Mar 1672/3 Elizeus filius Evani Ellis
8 Apr 1674 Ludovicus filius Richardi Lewis
11 May 1674 Morganus filius Richardi Humphrey
18 May 1674 [blank] filia Hugonis Gruffith Hugh
20 Jul 1674 Johannes filius Griffini William de Llanbell?
1 Sep 1674 Petrus et Richardus gemini filij David ap William
4 Oct 1674 Johannes filius John William ap Robert de . . . . . . .
3 Feb 1674/5 Richardus filius Gulielmi ap Richard de Pwll y march
27 Feb 1674/5 Maria filia Gulielmi ap Evan de Cŵm y avon
28 Mar 1675 Anna filia Griffini John ap Richard
7 May 1675 Anna [filia Johannis] Owen de Re-------
18 Nov 1675 Maria filia Johannis Edward
27 Nov 1675 Morganus filius William de Llanfet?
6 Mar 1675/6 Richardus filius Gulielmi Pruchard
? Mar 1676 Ellinora filia Hugonis Humphreys & Lucretia (born 21 Mar 1675) [entered out of sequence on the page for the year 1655]
24 Apr 1676 Elizabetha filia Henrici Evan de Garreg Loyd
27 May 1676 Jana filia Hugonis Griffith Hugh de Pen y Bont Rhyd y Cymmer
27 Jul 1676 Johannes filius Henrici John Griffith de Gwerin bychan
8 Sep 1676 Jana filia Humphridi ap Evan de Cwmyravon
19 Sep 1676 Johannes filius Richardi Lewis de Llanbeder
Thomas filius Roberti Wynne de Keven Kymere
21 Sep 1676 Maria filia Griffini John William de Llanbeder
9 Jan 1676/7 Robertus filius Rhodrici Robert de Llanbeder
8 Apr 1677 Robertus filius Davidi William Simon
13 May 1677 Gwenna filia Hugonis Humphreys & Lucretia Vaughan (born 12 May 1677) [entered out of sequence on the page for the year 1655]
15 May 1677 Maria filia Gulielmi Thomas Rowland de Llanbeder
1 Aug 1677 Humphridus filius Hugonis Grûffith et Catherinæ uxoris eius
4 Dec 1677 Richardus filius Henrici John Grûffith et Janæ uxoris sua
26 Feb 1677/8 Johannes filius Gulielmi ab Evan et Janæ uxoris sua
10 Nov 1677 Lowria filia Johannis Robert et Elizabethæ uxoris sua
3 Feb 1677/8 Robertus filius Grûffini William Simon et Sibillæ uxoris eius
20 Feb 1677/8 Margaretta filia Grûffini Richard Robert et Elizabethæ uxoris eius
7 Apr 1678 Mablia filia Griffini John ap Richard et Margarettæ Evan uxoris eius [incorrectly entered in the register as 1677]
Apparent gap in the Register May 1678 to Jun 1682 inclusive
29 Jul 1683 Elizabetha filia Johannis William Price et Catharinæ Wyn uxoris eius
2 Dec 1683 Elizabetha filia Richardi Poole & Gwennæ Vaughan uxoris eius
22 Dec 1683 Bathseba filia Elizabetha John Evan ex eius corpore per quendam Robertum Lloyd de Pennarth in fornicatione susidata
[blank] Jan 1683/4 Gulielmus filius Henrici Price & [blank] eius uxoris
21 May 1684 Francisca filia Hugonis Robert et Anne uxoris eius
14 Aug 1684 Humphreidus filius Griffini Humphrey et Elenæ uxoris eius
12 Sep 1684 Johannes filius Humphredi Evan et Janæ uxoris eius
19 Sep 1684 --h---tius? filius Davidi Lloyd et Janæ uxoris eius
27 Nov 1684 Gwenna filia Evani ap Humphrey et Elizabethæ uxoris eius
7 Dec 1684 Griffinus filius Johannis Thomas et Elenæ? uxoris eius
26 Jan 1684/5 [Hen]ricus filius Thomasij Lewis et Elizabethæ uxoris eius
14 Feb 1684/5 Johannes filius Henrici Robert et Janæ uxoris eius
16 Feb 1684/5 Caterina filia Johannis William et Caterinæ uxoris eius
10 May 1685 Caterina filia Davidi Lloyd et Elizabethæ uxoris eius
17 Aug 1685 Evanus filius Hugonis Roberts et Annæ uxoris eius
25 Feb 1685/6 Elen Evan filia Griffini Evan et Elenæ uxoris eius
5 Mar 1685/6 Margretta filia Ricardi Poole et Gwenæ uxoris eius
5 Apr 1686 Joneta filia Henrici Price Howels et Elenæ uxoris eius
13 May 1686 Gaynor filia Griffini John Evan et Jonetæ uxoris eius
Apparent gap in the Register 1687 to 1693 inclusive
2 Aug 1694 David filius Thomæ Lloyd et Catherinæ uxoris eius
6 Feb 1694/5 Maria filia Elizei Evan et Jonnetæ uxoris eius
12 Mar 1694/5 David filius Griffini John Evan
12 Aug 1695 Eduardus filius Evani John Robert fornicatione genitus ex corpore Lowriæ Edward
16 Aug 1695 Maria filia Griffini ap Prichard Robert de Llanvair fornicatione genita ex corpore Eleanoræ vch Robert de Pwll dû
13 Oct 1695 Henricus filius Morgan Parry et Margaretæ uxoris ejus
28 Oct 1695 Jonetta filia Hugonis Jones et Catherinæ uxoris eius
12 Nov 1695 Margareta filia Henrici Evan de Pen y Bont newydd? et Eleanoræ uxoris ejus
18 Nov 1695 Elizabetha filia Andreæ Savage Clerici et Catherinæ uxoris ejus
24 Dec 1695 Robertus filius Johannis Griffith et Janæ uxoris ejus
30 Mar 1696 Anna filia Hugonis ap Robert Morgan et Annæ uxoris ejus
26 Jul 1696 Jana filia Elizei Edward de gelly y waên et Mariæ uxoris ejus
18 Oct 1696 Johannes filius Thomæ Wynne & Mariæ uxoris eius
5 Feb 1696/7 Elizabetha filia Hugonis Griffith & Janæ Owen uxoris ejus
[25] Mar 1696/7 Jana filia Lucia Foulke ex eius corpore per quendam Ow[enum] William . . . . . . .
18 Jun 1697 Edwardus filius Hugh ap Robert Morgan et Annæ Evans uxoris ejus
7 Jul 1697 Maria filia Evani John pau: et Elizabethæ uxoris ejus
8 Nov 1697 Ellena filia Henrici Evan et uxoris ejus
10 Dec 1697 Ellena filia Jenkini Lloyd et uxoris ejus
14 Feb 1697/8 Guilielmus filius Thomæ William et uxoris ejus
20 Mar 1697/8 Gwenna filia Hugonis Griffith et uxoris ejus
12 Aug 1698 Richardus filius Franciscii John et uxoris ejus
6 Oct 1699 Maria filia Johannis Philip de Dôl wreiddiog et uxoris ejus
16 Oct 1699 Louria filia Henrici Evan et uxoris ejus
2 Mar 1699/1700 Owenus filius Elizei Evan de Blei[dd]bwll
26 Mar 1700 Jana filia Griffini Owen
9 May 1700 Johannes filius Elizei Pugh
23 Jul 1700 Gracia filia Griffini John Evan et uxoris ejus
1 Nov 1700 Ricardus filius Humphredi ap Richard de Greigddu
4 May 1701 Antonius filius Humphridi John Owen et uxoris ejus
22 Jun 1701 Antonius Harry filius Henrici Humphrey et [Ele]nora? in fornicatione...
Evanus filius Hugonis John et uxoris ejus
12 Dec 1701 Elena filia Johannis Griffith et Janæ uxoris ejus
Jana filia Hugonis Robert et Annæ uxoris ejus
24 Dec 1701 Robertus Ellis filius Ellesei Pugh
7 Feb 1701/2 Gulielmus Wynn filius Thomæ Wynne et uxoris ejus
17 May 1702 Jana filia Mauricij [blank] et uxoris ejus
3 Sep 1702 Antonius filius Edwardi Anthony et uxoris ejus
4 Oct 1702 Gulielmus filius Humphredi John Owen et uxoris ejus
26 Oct 1702 Robertus filius Roberti Maurice et Margarettæ uxoris ejus
25 Jan 1702/3 Richardus filius Edwardi Edwards et Marredæ John in fornicatione...
27 Jan 1702/3 Humphredus filius Johannis Owen et Margarettæ uxoris ejus
16 May 1703 Jana filia Hugonis Probert et Annæ uxoris ejus
11 Aug 1703 Gwena filia Aletheis Richard spinster in fornicatione suseitata ex quedam peregrino...
25 Aug 1703 Ludovicus filius Audoeni Griffith et Catherinæ uxoris ejus
17 Sep 1703 Audoenus filius Richardi William et uxoris ejus Barbaræ
7 Oct 1703 Anna et [Jonetta] filiæ Francisci Jones et uxoris ejus Catherinæ
11 Oct 1703 Ellinora filia Gulielmi Jones . . . . . . . et uxoris ejus
10 Nov 1703 Daniel filius Gulielmi John pleb' et Luciæ Foulk in fornicatione susceptus...
29 Nov 1703 Griffinus filius Johannis Griffith et uxoris ejus
1 Dec 1703 Humphredus filius Davidis Owen pleb' et uxoris ejus
1 Jan 1703/4 Jana filia Thomæ Lloyd et uxoris
5 Jan 1703/4 Johannes filius Johannis Parry et Janæ uxoris ejus
10 Jan 1703/4 Catherina filia Henrici Humphrey paup:
1 Mar 1703/4 Johannes filius Richardi John pleb' et uxoris ejus
24 Jul 1704 Eduardus filius Roberti Edward paup: et uxoris ejus
25 Sep 1704 Ellinora filia Humphredi Owen paup: et uxoris ejus
21 Jan 1704/5 David filius Thomæ Wynne pleb' et uxoris ejus
4 Feb 1704/5 Maria filia Eduardi Edwards paup: et uxoris ejus
10 May 1705 Mauritius filius Roberti Maurice paup: et uxoris ejus
18 Nov 1705 Jana filia Johannis Parry paup: et uxoris ejus
13 Mar 1705/6 Owenus filius Johannis Griffith Evan paup: et uxoris ejus
27 Mar 1706 Elena filia Thomæ Lloyde pleb' & uxoris ejus
18 May 1706 Thomas filius Abraham Lloyd pleb' & uxoris ejus
8 Sep 1706 Elizabetha filia Meyrici William & uxoris ejus
6 Oct 1706 Elizabetha filia Mauritij William paup: et uxoris ejus
11 Sep 1706 Elizæus filius Hugonis ab Ellis
10 Nov 1706 Eduardus filius Wilielmi Jones fabri ferrarij
19 Feb 1706/7 [blank] filius Johannis Parry paup: et uxoris ejus
11 Sep 1707 Morris filius Davidis Griffith & uxoris ejus
23 Sep 1707 Owenus filius Thomæ Wynne & uxoris ejus
10 Dec 1707 Margaretta filia Evani ab Humphrey & uxoris ejus
5 Dec 1708 Elena filia Elizæi Thomas & uxoris ejus
17 Dec 1708 Jana filia Roberti John Edward & uxoris ejus
9 Feb 1708/9 Richardus filia [sic] Evani Prichard & uxoris ejus
20 Mar 1708/9 Jana filia Richardi John David
25 Mar 1709 Jana filia Griffini Owen & eius Uxoris
22 May 1709 Johannes filius Henrici ab Humphrey & ejus uxoris
22 Sep 1709 Catherina filia Abrahami Lloyd & ejus uxoris
2 Oct 1709 Richardus Pool filius Anthonini Pool & Dorotheæ ejus uxoris
4 Dec 1709 Margaretta filia Humfredi John
3 Mar 1709/10 Catherina filia Johannis William & uxoris ejus
Catherina filia Elizæi Thomas & uxoris ejus
10 Sep 1710 Johannes filius Evani ab Humphrey & uxoris ejus
15 Oct 1710 Catherina filia Samuelis John & uxoris ejus
3 Dec 1710 Anthonius Poole filius Anthonij Poole & Dorotheæ uxoris ejus
30 Jan 1710/1 Humphredus filius Thomæ Lloyd et ejus uxoris
14 Feb 1710/1 Catherina filia Griffini Owen & uxoris ejus
21 Feb 1710/1 Catherina filia Richardi John David & uxoris ejus
22 Jul 1711 Edouardus filius Griffini ab Edward & uxoris ejus
21 Dec 1711 Johannes filius Oweni Pryddarch et Elizabethæ Pool
17 Feb 1711/2 Johannes Pool filius Anthonini Pool armiger & Dorothiæ uxoris ejus
28 Sep 1712 Gulielmus filius Johannis William et Margarettæ William
2 Nov 1712 Owenus Benjamin filius Griffini Owen Benjamin et Jonettæ Hugh
5 Nov 1712 Jana filia Abrahami Lloyd & Lowriæ Wynn
26 Nov 1712 Anna filia Samuel Jones & Elinæ Robert
21 Dec 1712 Gulielmus Jones filius Johannis William & Mariæ Wynn
1 Feb 1712/3 Elizabetha filia Mauricej Owen & Margarettæ Richard
22 Feb 1712/3 Richardus filius Johannis Parry & Janæ Jones
26 Mar 1713 Jonetta filia Evani Prichard & Catherinæ Jones
25 May 1713 Anna filia Elizei Thomas & Elizabethæ Jones
30 Sep 1713 Richardus filius David Prichard & Judeth Humphrey
17 Jan 1713/4 Richardus filius Evani Humphrey & Lowriæ Richard
31 Jan 1713/4 Elin filia Anthonini Poole de Cae Nêst
10 Feb 1713/4 Jonett filia Richardi William & Annæ Wynne
14 Feb 1713/4 Valentinianus filius Oweni Pryddarch & Elizabethæ Poole
28 Feb 1713/4 Gulielmus filius Mauricei William & Margaritæ Jones (apud Llandanwg)
9 May 1714 Maria filia Johannis William et Margaritæ William
15 Aug 1714 Maria filia Griffini Owen & Jonettæ Hugh
12 Sep 1714 Maricius filius Roberti David & Helenæ Moris
13 Jan 1714/5 Richardus filius Griffini Edward & Jonettæ Richard
9 Mar 1714/5 Margaretta filia Evani Prichard & Gwennæ William
13 Mar 1714/5 Margaretta filia Johannis Parry & Janæ Jones
Jana filia Elizei Thomas & Elizabethæ Jones
27 Mar 1715 Lawrea filia Eduardi William & Hannæ Owen
16 Apr 1715 Maria filia Abrahami Lloyd & Lawriæ Wynne
29 Jun 1715 Anna filia Eduardi Griffith & Catherinæ Edward
10 Jul 1715 Gulielmus filius Samuelis Jones & Elin Robert
13 Nov 1715 Richardus (adulterinus) filius Johannis Richard & Elizabethæ Griffith
22 Nov 1715 Jana filia Roberti Wyn
15 Feb 1715/6 Elizabetha filia Griffini Owen & Jonettæ Hugh
17 Feb 1715/6 Lowria filia Johannis William & Margaritæ William
29 Feb 1715/6 Gulielmus filius Oweni Prydderch & Elizabethæ Pool
7 Mar 1715/6 Humphredus filius Johannis William & Mariæ Wynne
16 May 1716 Robertus filius Evani Humphrey & Lowriæ Richard
12 Aug 1716 Helena filia Elizei Thomas & Elizabethæ Jones
30 Jan 1716/7 David filius Johannis Griffith & Margaritæ Jenkin
24 Feb 1716/7 David filius Samuelis Jones & Helenæ Robert
16 Jun 1717 Lowria filia Abrahami Lloyd & Lowriæ Wynne
25 Jun 1717 Margaretta filia Johannis Parry & Janæ Jones
26 Jun 1717 Owenus filius Eduardi William & Annæ Owen
30 Jul 1717 Jana filia Thomæ Lloyd & Gwennæ Humphrey
11 Aug 1717 Lowria filia Richardi William & Annæ Wynne
6 Sep 1717 Mauricius filius Evani Morris & Janæ Ellis
26 Jan 1717/8 Thomas filius Elizei Thomas & Elizabethæ [Jones]
30 Jan 1717/8 Jonetta filia Johannis Parry & Janæ Jones
6 Apr 1718 Anna filia Humphredi Morris & Janæ Richard
12 Apr 1718 Eduardus filius Griffini Thomas & Annæ Griffith
20 Apr 1718 Jana filia (adulterina) Johannis Vaughan & Mariæ Parry
22 Jun 1718 Griffinus filius Evani John Lewis & Gwen Edward
23 Jul 1718 Maria filia Roberti Wynne & Annæ Lewis
4 Mar 1718/9 Richardus filius Henrici Prichard & Elena Owen
7 Apr 1719 Jonetta filius Evardi William et Annæ Owen
12 Apr 1719 Robertus filius Audoeni Rowland & Chatherinæ Owen
28 Jun 1719 Jana filia Evani Morris & Mariæ Ellis
4 Jul 1719 Johannis filius Griffithi Jones & Elizabethæ Cadwaladr
9 Aug 1719 Jana filia Johannis William & Mariæ Wynn
25 Oct 1719 Griffithius filius Anthonini Rowland & Margareta Jones
15 Nov 1719 Evanus filius Johannis Parry & Janæ Jones
10 Jan 1719/20 Foulkus filius adulterinus Evani Jones & Margaretæ Edward
7 Feb 1719/20 Anna filia Gulielmi Parry & Margaritæ Lloyd
6 Mar 1719/20 Mauritius filius Humphredi Morris & Janæ Richard
3 Apr 1720 Johannes filius Abrahami Lloyd & Lowriæ Wynne
8 May 1720 Maria filia Evani John Lewis & Gwennæ Edward
29 May 1720 Anna filia Roberti Morris & Margaretæ Wynne
11 Dec 1720 Morganus filius Foulei Morgan & Elizabethæ Griffith
6 Jan 1720/1 Robertus filius Richardi William & Annæ Wynne
23 Apr 1721 Thomas filius Griffithij Prichard & Gratiæ Phylip
7 May 1721 Catherina filius Anthoninij Rowland & Margar[etæ] Jones
4 Jun 1721 Mauritius filius Griffithij Thomas & Annæ Griffith
13 Sep 1721 Hugho filius Griffithij Hugh & Gwennæ William
19 Nov 1721 Margareta filia Johannis Parry & Janæ Jones
22 Apr 1722 Helena filia Henrici Prichard & Helenæ Owen
4 Nov 1722 Griffithius filius Francisci Parry & Mariæ Griffith
24 Feb 1722/3 Gulielmus filius (illegittimus) Johannis Owen & Mariæ Lloyd
17 Mar 1722/3 Margareta filia (posthuma) Anthonini Rowland & Margaretæ Jones
4 Aug 1723 Johannes filius Johannis Williams & Mariæ Wynne
13 Sep 1723 Anna filia Davidi Davies & Lauriæ William
3 Nov 1723 Robertus filius Ludovici Griffith & Mariæ John
17 Nov 1723 Cadwaladr filius Griffithij Prichard & Gratiæ Philip
29 Nov 1723 Margareta filia Evani Elis & Mariæ Jones
7 Dec 1723 Anna filia Roberti Morris & Margaretæ Wynne
13 Mar 1723/4 Anthoninus filius Samuel Poole & Lauriæ Griffith
16 Mar 1723/4 Griffithius & Johannes filii (Gemini) Humphredi Bevan & Annæ Roberts
6 Apr 1724 Hugo filius Oweni Rowland & Chatherinæ Owen
7 Jun 1724 Griffinus filius Humphridi Griffith & Annæ Humphrey
15 Jul 1724 Elizabetha filia Abrahami Lloyd & Lauriæ Wynne
19 Jul 1724 Elizabetha filia Johannis Parry & Janæ John Evan
30 Aug 1724 Elizabetha filia Davidis Davies & Lauriæ William
11 Oct 1724 Helena filia O[w]eni William & Elizabethæ William
22 Nov 1724 Griffinus filius (adulterinus) Roberti Morris & Sydnæ Owen
3 Oct 1725 Catherin the daughter of Evan John Robert & Margaret his wife
5 Dec 1725 Jonet daughter of Evan Ellis & Mary his wife
6 Jan 1725/6 Ellis son of Bernabes Richard & Ursula his wife
2 Mar 1725/6 Ann daughter of Samuel Poole & Lowry his wife
8 May 1726 Jane daughter of Humphrey Evans & Anne his wife
24 Jul 1726 Margaret daughter of Thomas Knowls & Gwen his wife
11 Sep 1726 Abraham son of Richard Lloyd & Margaret his wife
5 Oct 1726 William son of David Davies & Lowry his wife
30 Dec 1726 Richard son of Evan Morris & Jane his wife
Robert son of John Parry & Jane his wife
18 Jan 1726/7 Lowry daughter of Owen William & Elizabeth his wife
22 Jan 1726/7 Jane daughter of Edward Roberts & Lowry his wife
6 Jun 1727 Robert the son of Robert Morgan & Anne his wife
24 Aug 1727 Harry son of Robert Matthew & Catherine his wife
26 Aug 1727 Jonet daughter of Francis Parry & Mary his wife
18 Jan 1727/8 Robert son of Humphrey Evans & Anne his wife
6 Feb 1727/8 Betsy daughter of Evan Ellis & Mary his wife
Humphrey son of Anthony Humphrey & Elin his wife
31 Mar 1728 William son of Richard Lloyd & Margaret his wife
25 Apr 1728 Griffith the son of Gwilim Williams & Jane his wife
24 Nov 1728 Elin daughter of Morris Prydderch & Lowry his wife
21 Dec 1728 Elizabeth daughter of Edward Roberts & Lowry his wife
9 Feb 1728/9 Elin daughter of Bernebas Richard & Ursula his wife
5 Apr 1729 Anne daughter of David Davies & Lowry his wife
no entries shown for 1730
2 Jul 1731 Elizabeth daughter of Rhydderch Humphrey & Anne his wife
18 Jul 1731 Mary daughter of Richard Lloyd & Margaret his wife
8 Aug 1731 Barbara daughter of Morris Prydderch & Lowry his wife
10 Oct 1731 Griffith son of David Davies & Lowry his wife
23 Jan 1731/2 Robert the son of Edward Robert & Margaret his wife
30 Jan 1731/2 John the son of Edward John & Jane his wife
17 Mar 1731/2 Evan son of John Evans & Lowry his wife
no entries shown from Apr 1733 to Mar 1733/4
7 Apr 1734 John the son of Ellis Thomas Lloyd yeoman and Catherine his wife
21 Apr 1734 Catherine daughter of Thomas Lloyd yeoman and Anne his wife
25 Jul 1734 Griffith the son of John Evans yeoman and Lowry his wife
1 Sep 1734 John the son of Harry John Parry and Catherine his wife
24 Oct 1734 Catherine daughter of Edward John yeoman & Margaret his wife
1 Dec 1734 Catherine daughter of Evan Ellis and Mary his wife
12 Jan 1734/5 John the son of William Griffith yeoman and Mary his wife
26 Jan 1734/5 Evan the son of William Bevan yeoman & Margaret his wife
10 Mar 1734/5 Richard the son of Anthony Poole Clr & Margaret his wife
2 Apr 1735 Thomas the son of Ellis Thomas Lloyd yeoman & Catherine his wife
6 Apr 1735 Jane daughter of Griffith William yeoman & Gwen his wife
10 Apr 1735 David the son of John David yeoman & Ellin his wife
11 Apr 1735 Humphrey son of Humphrey Evans gent & Anne his wife
3 Aug 1735 Elizabeth daughter of John Edward Owen yeoman & Jane his wife
14 Sep 1735 Margaret daughter of Griffith John yeoman & Gwen his wife
5 Oct 1735 Richard son of Henry John Parry yeoman & Catherine his wife
9 Nov 1735 Robert son of Robert Owen yeoman & Grace his wife
30 Nov 1735 Griffith son of Owen Owens yeoman & Elizabeth his wife
6 Jan 1735/6 John the son of Rhydderch Humphrey yeoman & Anne his wife
7 Mar 1735/6 Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Lloyd yeoman and Anne his wife
20 May 1736 Owen the son of John Evans yeoman and Lowry his wife
22 May 1736 Humphrey son of Humphrey Evans gent & Anne his wife
29 Jun 1736 Ellis son of John Hughes Clr & Lowry his wife
11 Jul 1736 Margaret daughter of William Bevan yeoman and Margaret his wife
9 Feb 1736/7 Griffith the son of Humphrey Griffith yeoman and Anne his wife
20 Mar 1736/7 Margaret daughter of Griffith William yeoman & Gwen his wife
30 Apr 1737 Robert son of Robert Griffith yeoman and Jane his wife
3 Jun 1737 Mary daughter of Anthony Poole Clr and Margaret his wife
24 Jul 1737 Margaret daughter of Harry John Parry & Catherine his wife
19 Aug 1737 Humphrey son of William Humphrey yeoman and Ellin his wife
4 Sep 1737 Hugh the son of Griffith Hugh yeoman & Elizabeth his wife
10 Sep 1737 Jane daughter of Griffith John yeoman & Gwen his wife
14 Sep 1737 Jane daughter of Richard Evans yeoman & Catherine his wife
16 Sep 1737 William son of David Griffith yeoman & Ellin his wife
20 Sep 1737 John son of Evan Ellis gent & Mary his wife
12 Oct 1737 Jane daughter of Ellis Thomas Lloyd yeoman & Catherine his wife
20 Nov 1737 Alice daughter of John Lewis yeoman & Gwen his wife
24 Nov 1737 John son of Thomas Lloyd yeoman & Anne his wife
1 Jan 1737/8 Margaret daughter of William Meyricke yeoman & Jane his wife
2 Apr 1738 Dorothy daughter of Foulk Prys yeoman and Catherine his wife
30 Aug 1738 John son of William Bevan yeoman & Margaret his wife
21 Oct 1738 Anthony son of Anthony Poole Clr & Margaret his wife
5 Nov 1738 Gwen daughter of Rhydderch Humphrey yeoman & Catherine his wife
1 Dec 1738 Richard son of Humphrey Evans Gent & Anne his wife
26 Dec 1738 Robert son of Morris Prydderch yeoman & Lowry his wife
23 Jan 1738/9 Mary daughter of John Hughes Clr & Lowry his wife
11 Feb 1738/9 Jane daughter of Humphrey Ellis yeoman and Catherine his wife
26 Feb 1738/9 John son of Morris Edward yeoman & Anne his wife
8 Apr 1739 Jane daughter of Harry John Parry yeoman and Catherine his wife
17 Jun 1739 Ellin daughter of Griffith John yeoman & Gwen his wife
29 Jul 1739 Lowry daughter of Richard John yeoman & Barbara his wife
2 Aug 1739 Jane daughter of William Humphrey Daniel & Margaret his wife
2 Sep 1739 John son of William John Robert yeoman and Jane his wife
30 Sep 1739 Lowry daughter of Thomas Lloyd yeoman & Anne his wife
27 Nov 1739 Elizabeth daughter of Evan Ellis gent & Mary his wife
  Griffith son of John Lewis yeoman & Gwen his wife
6 Feb 1739/40 John son of Griffith John yeoman & Jane his wife
17 Feb 1739/40 William son of John William Parry yeoman & Jane his wife
8 Jun 1740 Edward son of Foulk Prys yeoman & Catherine his wife
6 Jul 1740 Catherine daughter of John Jones yeoman & Jane his wife
10 Aug 1740 Robert son of Robert yeoman & Anne his wife
6 Feb 1740/1 Ellin daughter of John Hughes Clr & Lowry his wife
15 Feb 1740/1 Mary daughter of Ellis Humphrey yeoman & Ellin his wife
5 Apr 1741 Anne daughter of William Bevan yeoman & Margaret his wife
8 Apr 1741 Mary daughter of Griffith John yeoman & Jane his wife
31 May 1741 Lewis son of William Lewis yeoman & Margaret his wife
28 Jun 1741 Elizabeth daughter of William John yeoman & Jane his wife
18 Aug 1741 Hugh son of Anthony Poole Clr & Margaret his wife
19 Sep 1741 Owen illegitimate son of John William & Lucrece David
23 Sep 1741 William son of Thomas Lloyd yeoman & Anne his wife
18 Oct 1741 John son of Ellis Thomas Lloyd yeoman & Catherine his wife
14 Feb 1741/2 Gaenor daughter of William Meyricke yeoman and Jane his wife
24 Feb 1741/2 Lowry daughter of Evan Ellis gent & Mary his wife
3 Mar 1741/2 Ellin daughter of John Jones yeoman & Jane his wife
11 Apr 1742 John son of Griffith John yeoman & Gwen his wife
6 Oct 1742 Ellin daughter of John William Parry yeoman and Jane his wife
12 Jan 1742/3 Lowry daughter of John Hughes Clr & Lowry his wife
30 Jan 1742/3 Grace daughter of Morris Prydderch yeoman and Lowry his wife
13 Feb 1742/3 Ellin daughter of David Thomas yeoman & Susanna his wife
28 Apr 1743 Jonet daughter of John Richard yeoman and Jane his wife
4 May 1743 Mary daughter of Evan Ellis gent & Mary his wife
3 Jul 1743 Gwen daughter of William John David yeoman and Catherine his wife
21 Aug 1743 Richard son of William Bevan yeoman and Mary his wife
29 Sep 1743 Mary daughter of William John yeoman and Jane his wife
20 Nov 1743 Francis son of William Lewis yeoman and Margaret his wife
20 Apr 1744 Ellis son of Griffith John yeoman & Jane his wife
Lewis son of Lewis Robert yeoman & Margaret his wife
6 May 1744 Humphrey son of Ellis Humphrey yeoman & Ellin his wife
John son of William Humphrey Daniel yeoman and Elizabeth his wife
1 Jun 1744 Jane daughter of John Hughes Clr & Lowry his wife
3 Jul 1744 Richard son of Thomas Lloyd yeoman & Anne his wife
15 Nov 1744 Anthony son of Ellis Thomas Lloyd yeoman and Catherine his wife
20 Nov 1744 Ellin daughter of John Lewis yeoman & Gwen his wife
Ellin daughter of William Meyricke yeoman and Jane his wife
24 Nov 1744 John son of Anthony Poole Clr & Margaret his wife
31 Mar 1745 Ellin daughter of Robert John yeoman & Catherine his wife
19 May 1745 Ellin daughter of William John David yeoman & Catherine his wife
5 Jul 1745 John son of David Thomas yeoman & Susanna his wife
9 Sep 1745 Thomas illegitimate son of Robert Wynne & Catherine Lloyd
4 Nov 1745 Lowry daughter of Evan Ellis gent and Mary his wife
14 Feb 1745/6 Lewis son of John Hughes Clr & Lowry his wife
27 Apr 1746 Jane daughter of William Bevan yeoman & Margaret his wife
14 Jul 1746 Griffith son of Thomas Lloyd yeoman & Anna his wife
8 Aug 1746 Margaret & Elizabeth daughters of William Bevan & Mary his wife
10 Aug 1746 John son of William John yeoman & Jane his wife
24 Aug 1746 Edward son of Morris Prydderch yeoman & Lowry his wife
31 Oct 1746 John son of William John David yeoman & Catherine his wife
8 Nov 1746 William son of Richard Evan yeoman & Catherine his wife
21 Nov 1746 Margaret daughter of William Lewis yeoman & Margaret his wife
4 Feb 1746/7 Margaret daughter of Robert John yeoman & Catherine his wife
22 Mar 1746/7 Catherine daughter of John Richard yeoman & his wife
7 Apr 1747 Lowry daughter of Edward Thomas yeoman & Lowry his wife
5 Jun 1747 Hugh son of John Hughes Clr & Lowry his wife
20 Jul 1747 Gwen daughter of Evan [Evans] yeoman & Gwen his wife
27 Sep 1747 Margaret daughter of Richard William yeoman & Catherine his wife
8 Dec 1747 Mary daughter of William David yeoman & Catherine his wife
31 Dec 1747 Harry son of Ellis Thomas yeoman & Catherine his wife
21 Jan 1747/8 Lowry daughter of William Bevan yeoman & Margaret his wife
28 Feb 1747/8 Margaret daughter of Robert Wynne gent & Margaret his wife
13 Mar 1747/8 Owen son of Daniel William yeoman & Jane his wife
Ellin illegitimate son of William Jones & Jonet Ellis
27 Mar 1748 Margaret daughter of Lewis Robert yeoman & Margaret his wife
7 Apr 1748 Thomas son of David Thomas yeoman and Susanna his wife
14 May 1748 Edward son of Thomas Edward yeoman & Lowry his wife
12 Jun 1748 Mary daughter of William Lewis yeoman and his wife
29 Oct 1748 Elizabeth daughter of John William Parry yeoman & Jane his wife
10 Nov 1748 William son of John Hughes Clr & Lowry his wife
3 Feb 1748/9 Anthony son of William Bevan yeoman & Mary his wife
16 Apr 1749 William son of David Richard yeoman & his wife
13 Sep 1749 William son of Daniel William yeoman & his wife
19 Dec 1749 John son of William John David yeoman & Catherine his wife
Tudor son of William John yeoman & his wife
26 Dec 1749 William son of John Lewis yeoman & Gwen his wife
14 Mar 1749/50 Evan son of Robert Wynne gent & Margaret his wife
4 May 1750 Anne daughter of John Hughes Clr & Lowry his wife
22 Sep 1750 Robert son of Richard Lewis yeoman & Jane his wife
Margaret daughter of Edward William yeoman & Catherine his wife
17 Oct 1750 Margaret daughter of John William Parry yeoman & Jane his wife
11 Nov 1750 Ellis son of John Ellis yeoman & Ellin his wife
25 Jan 1750/1 Charles illegitimate son of Evan David yeoman & Elizabeth Robert
11 Jun 1751 Margaret daughter of D[avid] Thomas & Susanna his wife
15 Jul 1751 Edward son of John Hughes Clr & Lowry his wife
13 Oct 1751 John son of Humphrey John yeoman & Jane his wife
18 Nov 1751 Robert son of Robert Wynne gent & Margaret his wife
22 Dec 1751 Elizabeth daughter of Lewis Robert yeoman & Margaret his wife
28 Dec 1751 Evan son of Daniel William yeoman and Jane his wife
11 Jan 1751/2 Rhys son of Humphrey Prys yeoman & Lowry his wife
9 Feb 1751/2 Jane daughter of William John David yeoman & Catherine his wife
20 Mar 1751/2 Ellin daughter of Evan Rhys yeoman & Gwen his wife
22 Mar 1751/2 Lewis son of Luke Lewis & Anne his wife
17 Apr 1752 Lowry daughter of William Jones gent & Mary his wife
11 Jun 1752 Morris son of William John yeoman & Jane his wife
15 Oct 1752 Lowry daughter of Griffith Edward yeoman & Ellin his wife
22 Oct 1752 Margaret daughter of Evan Rhys yeoman & Jane his wife
6 May 1753 Lewis son of Richard Lewis yeoman & Jane his wife
17 Jun 1753 John son of Edward William yeoman and Catherine his wife
28 Nov 1753 John son of Robert Wynne gent & Margaret his wife
14 Dec 1753 Ellis son of Evan Evans yeoman & Gwen his wife
8 Mar 1753/4 Rhys son of Griffith Rhys yeoman & Elizabeth his wife
16 Mar 1753/4 Jonet daughter of John Owen yeoman & Barbara his wife
13 Apr 1754 David son of William John David yeoman & Catherine his wife
19 May 1754 Lewis son of Daniel William yeoman & Jane his wife
27 Jun 1754 John Lewis son of Luke Lewis yeoman & Anne his wife
23 Aug 1754 Jane daughter of David Thomas yeoman & Susanna his wife
29 Sep 1754 Edward son of Griffith Edward yeoman & Ellin his wife
20 Oct 1754 William son of Evan John yeoman & Ellin his wife
23 Oct 1754 Gwen daughter of Evan Rhys yeoman & Gwen his wife
15 Apr 1755 Jane daughter of Richard Lewis yeoman & Jane his wife
18 Oct 1755 Ellis son of John William Parry yeoman & Jane his wife
9 Nov 1755 Jane Roberts daughter of Robert Wynne gent & Margaret his wife
24 Nov 1755 Margaret daughter of John Hughes Clr & Lowry his wife
29 Jan 1755/6 Lowry daughter of John Owen yeoman & Barbara his wife
25 Apr 1756 Anne daughter of Edward Jones yeoman & Lowry his wife
30 May 1756 Mary daughter of John Edward yeoman & Jonet his wife
16 Jun 1756 Richard son of Edward William yeoman & Catherine his wife
15 Jul 1756 Catherine daughter of Griffith Edward yeoman & Ellin his wife
30 Sep 1756 Margaret daughter of Daniel William & Jane his wife
24 Nov 1756 Anne daughter of John Simon yeoman & Lowry his wife
11 Feb 1756/7 Anne daughter of Evan Peter yeoman & Alice his wife
7 Apr 1757 Jane daughter of Evan Rhys yeoman & Gwen his wife
19 Aug 1757 Robert son of Evan John yeoman & Ellin his wife
14 Sep 1757 Catherine daughter of Thomas Roberts yeoman & Elizabeth his wife
20 Nov 1757 John son of Griffith Rhys yeoman & Elizabeth his wife
29 Dec 1757 Elizabeth daughter of Robert Wyne gent & Margaret his wife
9 Jul 1758 John son of John Lewis yeoman & Gwen his wife
13 Aug 1758 Anne daughter of John Owen yeoman & Barbara his wife
13 Sep 1758 Jane daughter of Edward Lloyd yeoman & Catherine his wife
5 Oct 1758 Owen son of John Owen yeoman & Catherine his wife
22 Oct 1758 David son of William David yeoman & Margaret his wife
28 Mar 1759 Margaret daughter of Evan Peter yeoman & Alice his wife
27 Jul 1759 Morris son of Griffith Edward yeoman & Ellin his wife
7 Oct 1759 Griffith son of Richard Lewis yeoman & Jane his wife
28 Oct 1759 Margaret daughter of David Thomas yeoman & Susanna his wife
22 Nov 1759 Margaret illegitimate daughter of Griffith John & Anne Thomas
2 Dec 1759 Jane daughter of William John yeoman & Ellin his wife
8 Feb 1759/60 William son of Robert Wynne gent and Margaret his wife
21 Mar 1759/60 Margaret daughter of Evan Rhys yeoman & Gwen his wife
12 Apr 1760 Griffith son of Owen Rowland gent & Catherine his wife
5 Jul 1760 Lowry daughter of William David yeoman & Margaret his wife
24 Oct 1760 Margaret daughter of Morris Edward & Margaret his wife
11 Mar 1760/1 Peter Evan son of Evan Peter yeoman & Alice his wife
Ellin daughter of John Owen yeoman & Barbara his wife
24 May 1761 Evan son of Edmund Lloyd yeoman & Elizabeth his wife
5 Jul 1761 Barbara daughter of Griffith Edward yeoman & Ellin his wife
16 Aug 1761 Richard son of William David yeoman and Margaret his wife
27 Sep 1761 Humphrey Evan son of Foulk Evan yeoman & Jonet his wife
9 Nov 1761 Robert son of Evan Rhys & Gwen his wife
9 Jan 1761/2 Ellin illegitimate daughter of Edward John of Llanaber & Margaret Robert of this parish
2 May 1762 Samuel son of Owen Rowland gent & Catherine his wife
23 May 1762 Elizabeth daughter of Morris Edward yeoman & Margaret his wife
Robert son of Lewis Robert yeoman & Ellin his wife
12 Jun 1762 Griffith son of Evan John yeoman & Ellin his wife
22 Aug 1762 Anne & Ursula daughters of Humphrey Owen yeoman & Ellin his wife
21 Dec 1762 Mary daughter of William David yeoman & Margaret his wife
23 Mar 1762/3 John son of Evan John & Catherine his wife
10 Aug 1763 William son of Evan Peter yeoman & Alice his wife
28 Sep 1763 Owen & Morris sons of John Owen yeoman & Barbara his wife
2 Nov 1763 Mary illegitimate daughter of Evan John yeoman & Mary Griffith
11 Dec 1763 Margaret daughter of Hugh William yeoman & Catherine his wife
12 Dec 1763 Hugh son of Owen Rowland gent & Catherine his wife
17 Feb 1763/4 William son of Edmund Lloyd yeoman & Elizabeth his wife
1 Sep 1764 Jane daughter of Morris Humphrey of Talwrn bach yeoman & Elizabeth his wife
7 Oct 1764 Margaret daughter of Griffith Edward yeoman & Ellin his wife
9 Dec 1764 Catherine daughter of Robert Edward yeoman & Catherine his wife
28 Dec 1764 Rhys son of Evan Rhys yeoman & Gwen his wife
18 Jan 1764/5 Grace daughter of Evan John yeoman & Catherine his wife
14 Mar 1764/5 John son of Edward Lloyd & Margaret his wife
6 Apr 1765 Catherine daughter of Morris Edward yeoman & Margaret his wife
7 May 1765 William son of William David yeoman and Margaret his wife
12 May 1765 Susanna daughter of David Thomas yeoman & Susanna his wife
11 Aug 1765 Elizabeth daughter of John Griffith yeoman & Elizabeth his wife
12 Sep 1765 Margaret daughter of Richard Edward [yeoman] & his wife
8 Dec 1765 Griffith son of William John yeoman & Mary his wife
4 Jan 1765/6 Anne daughter of Edward Griffith yeoman & Jane his wife
12 Jun 1766 Robert son of John Owen yeoman & Barbara his wife
22 Feb 1766/7 Hugh son of Richard Hugh yeoman & Grace his wife
26 Feb 1766/7 Robert son of Robert Edward yeoman & Catherine his wife
28 Apr 1767 Sidney daughter of Richard Prichard yeoman & Margaret his wife
9 Aug 1767 Anne daughter of Hugh Griffith yeoman & Alice his wife
Elizabeth daughter of Robert Evan yeoman & Margaret his wife
22 Aug 1767 Jane daughter of Ellis Griffith yeoman and Anne his wife
30 Aug 1767 Ellin daughter of William David yeoman & Margaret his wife
1 Nov 1767 John son of Griffith Edward yeoman & Ellin his wife
1 Jan 1767/8 Llewelin son of Robert Llewelin of the parish of Llandanwg yeoman & Catherine his wife
9 Jul 1768 Ellin John illegitimate daughter of John Evans & Elizabeth Richard
5 Aug 1768 Dorothy daughter of Robert Rhys of Llandanwg & Ellin his wife
30 Oct 1768 Gwen daughter of Edward Lloyd yeoman & Margaret his wife
1 Nov 1768 Griffith son of John Griffith yeoman & Anne his wife
25 Jan 1768/9 Lewis Robert son of Lewis Robert yeoman & Ellin his wife
20 Feb 1768/9 Margaret daughter of Evan William yeoman and Dorothy his wife
16 Apr 1769 Catherine daughter of Richard Prichard yeoman & Margaret his wife
23 Apr 1769 John Owen son of John Owen yeoman & Barbara his wife
31 May 1769 Sara daughter of Morris Edward yeoman & Margaret his wife
9 Jul 1769 Catherine daughter of William John yeoman & Mary his wife
13 Aug 1769 Edward son of Ellis Griffith yeoman & Anne his wife
6 Oct 1769 Evan son of Evan John yeoman & Ellin his wife
29 Nov 1769 Morris son of Richard Pugh yeoman & Grace his wife
8 Dec 1769 Elizabeth daughter of John Edward yeoman and Jane his wife
5 Feb 1769/70 Margaret daughter of John Evans yeoman & Jane his wife
28 Mar 1770 Jonet daughter of Evan John yeoman & Anne his wife
25 Dec 1770 Dorothy daughter of Evan William & Dorothy his wife
21 Jan 1770/1 John son of Ellis Prys & Dorothy his wife
17 Feb 1770/1 Ellin daughter of Lewis Robert & Ellin his wife
7 Mar 1770/1 Anne daughter of William Griffith & Lowry his wife
21 Mar 1770/1 Evan son of Robert Evan & Margaret his wife
16 Apr 1771 Margaret daughter of Ellis Griffith & Anne his wife
24 Sep 1771 Harry son of Hugh Lewis & Catherine his wife
26 Jan 1771/2 Lowry William daughter of Robert William & Margaret his wife
7 Mar 1771/2 Margaret daughter of John Griffith & Anne his wife
18 Mar 1771/2 Gwen daughter of John Richard & Ellin his wife
25 Mar 1772 Humphrey son of Richard Prichard & Margaret his wife
16 Apr 1772 Catharine daughter of John Owen & Barbara his wife
29 Apr 1772 Ellin daughter of John Hartley & Anne his wife
1 May 1772 John the son of Robert Roberts & Ellin his wife
4 Jun 1772 Foulk the son of Evan John & Anne his wife
5 Sep 1772 Jane daughter of Ellis Jones & Elizabeth his wife
20 Oct 1772 Lowry daughter of Richard Pugh & Grace his wife
24 Oct 1772 David son of John David & Ellin his wife
15 Nov 1772 Robert illegitimate son of E. Hughes & Anne Robert
21 Nov 1772 William son of William Parry & Margaret his wife
13 Mar 1772/3 Mary daughter of Ellis Griffith & Anne his wife
11 May 1773 William son of Robert William & Margaret his wife
23 May 1773 Margaret daughter of Ellis Prys & Dorothy his wife
7 Oct 1773 Anne daughter of William David & [blank] his wife
19 Oct 1773 John son of John Edward & Jane his wife
15 Apr 1774 William son of Evan William and Dorothy his wife
7 Jun 1774 Robert son of Hugh Lewis & Catharine his wife
2 Aug 1774 Robert Richard son of Robert Roberts & Ellin his wife
28 Aug 1774 John son of Evan Jones & Jane his wife
18 Sep 1774 Lowry daughter of Owen Lloyd & Jane his wife
23 Oct 1774 Catharine daughter of Richard Robert & Margaret his wife
2 Nov 1774 Mary daughter of John Jones & Mary his wife
5 Feb 1775 John the son of Robert Edward yeoman & Catherine his wife
29 Apr 1775 Griffith son of Ellis Griffith yeoman & Anne his wife
21 May 1775 Edward son of Richard Prichard yeoman & Margaret his wife
11 Jun 1775 Gwen daughter of John Owen yeoman & Ellin his wife
13 Aug 1775 Lewis son of John Griffith yeoman & Anne his wife
24 Dec 1775 Gwen the daughter of Evan Jones yeoman & Jane his wife
21 Jan 1776 William the son of John Edward yeoman & Jane his wife
28 Jan 1776 Rees son of Ellis Prees yeoman & Dorothy his wife
20 Mar 1776 Ellin daughter of Owen Lloyd yeoman & Jane his wife
6 Apr 1776 Morris son of Harry Parry yeoman & Ellin his wife
5 May 1776 John son of John David yeoman and Ellin his wife
21 Jul 1776 Jane Hugh daughter of Hugh Lewis yeoman and Catharine his wife
15 Sep 1776 William son of Robert Roberts yeoman and Ellin his wife
25 Sep 1776 Owen son of Evan Jones yeoman and Anne his wife
3 Nov 1776 Robert son of Evan Robert yeoman and Mary his wife
21 Nov 1776 Ellin daughter of Evan Richard yeoman & Ellin his wife
30 Nov 1776 Owen son of John Owen yeoman and Ellin his wife
7 Dec 1776 John illegitimate son of John Humphrey of the Parish of Llanenddwyn and Margaret Evan of the Parish of Llanbedr
8 Dec 1776 Catherine daughter of Robert Griffith of the Parish of Llanfair yeoman & Catherine his wife
26 Dec 1776 Thomas son of David Thomas yeoman and Margaret his wife
23 Jan 1777 Edward the son of Griffith Edward of the Parish of Llanfair yeoman & Catherine his wife
15 Feb 1777 Humphrey son of William Humphreys yeoman and Jonet his wife
31 Mar 1777 Elizabeth daughter of John William yeoman and Elizabeth his wife
8 May 1777 William son of John Jones yeoman and Mary his wife
18 May 1777 Edward son of John Edward yeoman and Catherine his wife
21 Jul 1777 Catherine daughter of Edward Morris yeoman & Gwen his wife
7 Sep 1777 Elizabeth daughter of Ellis Griffith yeoman & Anne his wife
8 Nov 1777 Evan son of Evan William yeoman & Dorothy his wife
28 Feb 1778 Anne the daughter of Ellis Prees yeoman and Dorothy his wife
8 Mar 1778 Edward son of Richard Prichard yeoman & Margaret his wife
5 Apr 1778 Robert son of Evan Wynne Gent. and Jane his wife
17 May 1778 Jane Owen illegitimate daughter of Owen Daniel of the Parish of Llanenddwyn & Anne Robert of the Parish of Llanenddwyn
21 Jun 1778 Margaret daughter of Richard Robert yeoman and Margaret his wife
12 Jul 1778 Gwen the daughter of John Griffith yeoman and Anne his wife
13 Dec 1778 Morris son of Richard Pugh yeoman and Grace his wife
27 Dec 1778 Gwen daughter of Robert Roberts yeoman and Ellin his wife
25 Jan 1779 Ellin daughter of Henry Parry yeoman and Ellin his wife
6 Jun 1779 Evan son of Robert Evan yeoman and Elizabeth his wife
5 Sep 1779 Maurice the son of Evan John yeoman and Anne his wife
8 Oct 1779 John Evans the son of Evan Wynne Gent. and Jane his wife
10 Oct 1779 Margaret daughter of Griffith Edward yeoman & Catherine his wife
2 Dec 1779 John son of John Jones yeoman and Mary his wife
16 Jan 1780 Robert son of Robert William yeoman and Mary his wife
2 Feb 1780 Catherine daughter of John Wynne yeoman & Margaret his wife
27 Mar 1780 John son of Charles Jones yeoman and Mary his wife
2 May 1780 John Lloyd son of Robert Lloyd yeoman and Lowry his wife
16 May 1780 Elizabeth daughter of William Thomas of the Parish of Llanfair yeoman & Mary his wife
21 May 1780 Humphrey son of Ellis Prees yeoman and Dorothy his wife
1 Nov 1780 Catherine daughter of John Humphrey yeoman and Jane his wife
5 Nov 1780 Margaret daughter of Richard Lloyd yeoman & Gwen his wife
26 Nov 1780 Morgan son of John Morgan yeoman & Catherine his wife
28 Nov 1780 Lewis son of David Thomas yeoman and Margaret his wife
4 Feb 1781 Griffith son of William Richard yeoman & Jane his wife
17 Feb 1781 Evan son of John Owen yeoman & Elianor his wife
29 May 1781 Gwen daughter of Richard Robert yeoman and Anne his wife
18 Jun 1781 Jane daughter of John Edward yeoman & Elizabeth his wife
18 Oct 1781 John son of John Jones yeoman and Mary his wife
29 Nov 1781 Grace daughter of Evan Wynne Gent. and Jane his wife
11 Feb 1782 Margaret daughter of John Evans Gent. & Elizabeth his wife
17 Feb 1782 Richard son of Ellis Griffith yeoman and Anne his wife
3 Mar 1782 William son of Richard Robert of the Parish of Llanenddwyn yeoman & Jane his wife
25 Mar 1782 Owen son of Griffith Robert of the Parish of Llanfair yeoman & Gwen his wife
25 Aug 1782 Francis son of John David yeoman & Ellinor his wife
5 Sep 1782 William son of Ellis Prees yeoman and Dorothy his wife
16 Nov 1782 Edward son of John Edward yeoman and Elizabeth his wife
6 Jan 1783 Jonet daughter of Richard Lloyd yeoman & Gwen his wife
12 Mar 1783 Anne William illegitimate daughter of William Robert & Ellin Edward his concubine
6 Apr 1783 Anne daughter of William Thomas of the Parish of Llanfair yeoman & Mary his wife
21 May 1783 William son of Robert William yeoman and Mary his wife
15 Jun 1783 Robert son of John Owen yeoman & Ellinor his wife
6 Nov 1783 William son of David Thomas yeoman & Margaret his wife
1 Dec 1783 Evan son of Richard Robert of the Parish of Llanenddwyn yeoman & Jane his wife
15 Dec 1783 Humphrey Evans son of Evan Wynne Gent. & Jane his wife
22 Dec 1783 Evan son of John Evans Gent. & Elizabeth his wife
15 Jan 1784 Mary daughter of William Evan yeoman & Lowry his wife
20 May 1784 Robert son of John Wynne yeoman & Margaret his wife
3 Jul 1784 Peter son of Evan Edward yeoman and Margaret his wife
10 Oct 1784 Margaret daughter of Evan John yeoman & Anne Foulk his wife
24 Nov 1784 Jane daughter of Richard Meredith yeoman & Catherine John his wife
17 Dec 1784 John son of William Robert yeoman & Lowry John his wife
27 Dec 1784 Jonnet daughter of Ellis Prees yeoman and Dorothy Lloyd his wife
9 Jan 1785 John son of Evan Lloyd yeoman & Margaret his wife
22 Mar 1785 Anne daughter of Lewis Luke yeoman & Margaret William his wife
17 Apr 1785 Ellinor daughter of John David Gent. and Ellinor his wife
Jonnet daughter of Lewis William yeoman and Anne Edward his wife
7 May 1785 Elizabeth daughter of Richard Robert of the Parish of Llanfair yeoman & Jane Wynne his wife
10 May 1785 John son of Richard Lloyd yeoman & Gwen Griffith his wife
21 Aug 1785 Richard son of Robert John of the Parish of Llanfair yeoman & Jonnet his wife
5 Sep 1785 Rees son of John Owen yeoman and Ellinor his wife
23 Oct 1785 Humphrey son of John Jones yeoman and Mary his wife
7 Dec 1785 Robert son of Richard Robert of the Parish of Llanfair yeoman & Ellinor Griffith his wife
14 Feb 1786 Evan son of William Evan yeoman & Lowry his wife
26 Mar 1786 Mary daughter of Robert Evan pauper & Elizabeth Owen his wife
27 Apr 1786 William son of John Evans Gent: & Elizabeth Williams his wife
2 May 1786 Ellinor daughter of John Ellis yeoman & Jane Humphreys his wife
10 May 1786 Richard son of John Richard miller & Ellinor Griffith his wife
15 May 1786 Robert son of David Thomas pauper & Margaret Lewis his wife
27 May 1786 Anne daughter of William Robert yeoman & Lowry Jones his wife
26 Nov 1786 Ellinor daughter of Evan Wynne Gent. & Jane Evans his wife
2 Feb 1787 Humphrey son of Evan John yeoman and Anne Foulk
4 Feb 1787 Jane Robert daughter of Richard Robert yeoman of the Parish of Llanfair & Jane Wynne his wife
14 Apr 1787 Griffith son of Humphrey Griffith of the Parish of Llanfair yeoman & Jane Williams his wife
10 Jun 1787 Jane daughter of William Evans yeoman & Lowry Griffith his wife
30 Aug 1787 Robert son of John Owen yeoman & Ellinor Evan his wife
9 Sep 1787 Richard son of Lewis Morgan yeoman & Anne Richard his wife
6 Oct 1787 Humphrey son of Owen Humphrey yeoman and Catharine Pugh his wife
12 Nov 1787 Robert son of William Robert yeoman & Lowry John his wife
2 Dec 1787 Richard son of John Edward yeoman & Elizabeth Richard his wife
25 Jan 1788 Robert son of Morris Robert yeoman & Anne Jones his wife
8 May 1788 Lewis son of Robert Lewis yeoman & Margaret David his wife
17 Jun 1788 Evan son of Griffith Evan pauper and Anne Thomas his wife
25 Jun 1788 John son of Ellis Jones yeoman and Lowry Evan his wife
27 Jul 1788 Elizabeth daughter of John Humphrey yeoman and Jane his wife
7 Sep 1788 Catherine daughter of John David of Nancol & Elizabeth his wife
12 Oct 1788 Catherine daughter of John Ellis and Jane his wife
19 Oct 1788 Humphrey & Elizabeth twin children of Evan John & Anne his wife
26 Oct 1788 Elinor daughter of Evan Lloyd yeoman & Catherine his wife
7 Dec 1788 John son of David Thomas pauper and Margaret his wife
20 Jan 1789 David son of John Evans tanner & Elizabeth his wife
29 Mar 1789 Jane daughter of Robert Evan labourer and Elizabeth his wife
24 May 1789 Gwen daughter of John Owen corvicer & Eleanor his wife
12 Jul 1789 Maurice son of William Probert yeoman and Lowry his wife
16 Aug 1789 Catherine daughter of John Edward [of] Penyrallt yeoman & Elizabeth his wife
Elinor daughter of Richard Griffith yeoman & Mary his wife
23 Aug 1789 Jane daughter of Evan Wynne of Cefney-mera Gent. & Jane his wife
29 Nov 1789 Jane daughter of Owen Robert labourer & Jane his wife
21 Dec 1789 Margaret daughter of Evan Robert labourer & Mary his wife
31 Jan 1790 John son of Hugh Jones yeoman & Mary his wife
7 Feb 1790 John son of Robert Jones taylor & Jane his wife
7 Mar 1790 Thomas son of Griffith Evan pauper & Anne his wife
29 May 1790 Anne daughter of Ellis Jones labourer & Lowry his wife
1 Aug 1790 Jonet daughter of John Humphrey yeoman & Jane his wife
12 Dec 1790 Elizabeth daughter of Evan Lloyd [of] Tanyrallt & Catherine his wife
9 Jan 1791 Griffith son of William Probert yeoman & Lowry his wife
6 Apr 1791 Margaret Owen a base child of Catherine Robert of this Parish
15 Jul 1791 John Evans son of John Evans tanner & Elizabeth his wife
2 Oct 1791 Elizabeth daughter of John Edward yeoman & Elizabeth his wife
16 Oct 1791 Gwen daughter of Ellis Jones labourer & Mary his wife
30 Oct 1791 Griffith son of John Owen pauper & Eleanor his wife
26 Feb 1792 Griffith Evan son of Griffith Evan pauper & Anne his wife
29 Apr 1792 Gwen daughter of John Ellis yeoman & Jane his wife
28 May 1792 John son of John Wynne yeoman & Margaret his wife
5 Nov 1792 Richard son of Robert Richard yeoman and Elizabeth his wife
18 Nov 1792 Eleanor daughter of Robert Evan and Elizabeth his wife
2 Jan 1793 Robert Jones son of Evan John yeoman & Catherine his wife
9 Jan 1793 Jane daughter of Ellis Thomas labourer and Margaret his wife
24 Feb 1793 Jane Evans daughter of Evan Wynne Gent. & Jane his wife
Katharine Griffith daughter of Griffith David and Margaret his wife
1 Apr 1793 Edmund the son of Evan Lloyd and Katharine his wife
3 May 1793 Margaret Lewis daughter of Lewis William and Lowry his wife
4 Jun 1793 John Edward son of John Edward and Elizabeth his wife
21 Jul 1793 Gwen Jones daughter of John Evans and Elizabeth his wife
10 Nov 1793 Mary Richard daughter of Richard Griffith and Mary his wife
2 Mar 1793 Barbara Williams daughter of William Robert and Lowry his wife
16 Mar 1793 Katharine daughter of Humphrey Griffith and Gwen his wife
18 Apr 1793 Richard Roberts son of Robert Richard and Elizabeth his wife
15 Jun 1794 Sarah daughter of Richard Evan and Elizabeth his wife
20 Jul 1794 Anne the daughter of Hugh Jones and Mary his wife
24 Aug 1794 John son of Ellis Jones and Mary his wife
9 Nov 1794 Richard son of William Richard and Jonet his wife
19 Nov 1794 John son of William Robert and Jane his wife
13 Feb 1795 Griffith son of John Jones and Catherine his wife
19 Apr 1795 Robert son of Robert Lewis and Margaret his wife
3 May 1795 Catherine base daughter of Rees Evans and Catherine his concubine
4 May 1795 Ellisha son of John Ellis and Jane his wife
9 Aug 1795 Thomas Ellis son of Ellis Thomas and Margaret his wife
28 Aug 1795 John son of John Owen and Elinor his wife
20 Dec 1795 Owen Lloyd son of Evan Lloyd and Catherine his wife
7 Feb 1796 Mary Owen daughter of Owen Griffith and Mary his wife
16 Mar 1796 Ellis son of John Evans and Elizabeth his wife
24 Mar 1796 Elinor William daughter of William Robert and Jane his wife
15 May 1796 Margaret daughter of Griffith Evan and Anne his wife
16 May 1796 Catherine daughter of Robert Evan and Elizabeth his wife
29 Jul 1796 John illegitimate son of John Griffith and Jonet Robert his concubine
16 Nov 1796 Anne William daughter of William Evan and Jonet his wife
3 Dec 1796 Margaret daughter of Hugh Scrifan and Jane his wife
15 Mar 1797 Gwen daughter of Richard Evan and Elizabeth his wife, born 2 Apr 1796
17 Apr 1797 Hugh son of Hugh Jones and Mary his wife
7 Jul 1797 Rees son of William Evan and Lowry his wife
9 Jul 1797 Richard son of Ellis John and Mary his wife
30 Jul 1797 Robert son of Evan Lloyd and Margaret his wife
27 Aug 1797 Margaret illegitimate daughter of John Evans [of] Cefncymera by Anne Hugh his concubine
27 Oct 1797 Margaret daughter of Ellis Thomas and Margaret his wife
21 Nov 1797 Anne daughter of John Jones and Catherine his wife
10 Dec 1797 Jane daughter of David Davies and Mary his wife
28 Jan 1798 Elinor daughter of Robert Lewis & Margaret his wife
28 Feb 1798 Evan son of Evan Lloyd and Catherine his wife
17 May 1798 Robert son of Richard Griffith and Mary his wife
Jane daughter of Edward David and Elizabeth his wife
3 Jun 1798 Elizabeth daughter of William Robert and Jane his wife
9 Sep 1798 John son of Robert Jones and Catherine his wife
19 Dec 1798 Mary daughter of Robert Evan and Anne his wife
30 Dec 1798 Mary daughter of John Owen and Jane his wife
10 Feb 1799 Owen son of William Richard and Catherine his wife
25 Mar 1799 Edward son of John Owen and Elinor his wife
28 Apr 1799 Ebenezer son of Evan Evans and Gwen his wife
13 May 1799 William son of Evan Lloyd [of] Caenest and Catherine his wife
23 Jun 1799 Mary daughter of Griffith Evan and Anne his wife
29 Jul 1799 William son of Robert Evan and Elizabeth his wife
5 Jan 1800 Anne daughter of Evan Lloyd and Catherine his wife
19 Jan 1800 Anne daughter of John Daniel and Margaret his wife
16 Feb 1800 Catherine Parry illegitimate daughter of Anne Hugh
12 Mar 1800 Gwen daughter of Robert Evan and Margaret his wife
18 May 1800 Caenor daughter of Ellis Thomas and Margaret his wife
1 Dec 1800 Jonet daughter of Robert Thomas and Ellin his wife
6 Dec 1800 Elizabeth daughter of Evan Lloyd and Margaret his wife
11 Jan 1801 Salmon Lewis son of Robert John and Catherine his wife
2 Feb 1801 Margaret daughter of Robert Evan and Anne his wife
11 Mar 1801 Ellis son of David Davies and Mary his wife
24 Mar 1801 Jane daughter of William Richard and Catherine his wife
24 Jan 1802 Margaret daughter of Robert Jones and Catherine his wife
22 Feb 1802 Margaret Lloyd illegitimate daughter of Edmund Lloyd and Gwen John his concubine. N.B. A certificate has been made to prevent the aforesaid child from being chargeable to this Parish, and also a Bond to indemnify the Parish of Llandanwg.
11 Apr 1802 Robert son of John Robert and Lowry his wife
18 Apr 1802 Robert son of John William and Gwen his wife
20 Apr 1802 John son of Lewis Jones and Mary his wife
25 Apr 1802 Hugh son of Lewis Pugh and Margaret his wife
15 Aug 1802 John and Mary (twins) children of Ellis Thomas and Margaret John
10 Oct 1802 Mary daughter of Evan Lloyd [of] Cae-Nest and Catherine Humphreys his wife
13 Mar 1803 Catherine daughter of Robert Evan & Anne William and wife
6 Nov 1803 Richard Robert son of Evan Robert and Sarah Robert his wife
13 Nov 1803 Margaret daughter of Richard Evan and Elizabeth Edward his wife
19 Feb 1804 Mary daughter of John Daniel and Margaret his wife
30 Jun 1804 Jane daughter of Robert Thomas and Elinor John his wife
20 Aug 1804 Margaret daughter of Humphrey Morris of Talwrn-bach and Anne Morgan his wife
20 Nov 1804 Salmon son of Robert John and Catherine Lewis his wife
25 Nov 1804 Jane daughter of John William and Gwen Robert his wife
21 Dec 1804 Elizabeth daughter of William Watkin mariner and Jane his wife
25 Dec 1804 Gwen daughter of Lewis Pugh and Margaret John his wife
15 Jan 1805 Evan Lloyd son of Evan Lloyd and Catherine Humphrey his wife
20 Jan 1805 Maria illegitimate daughter of Owen Owen and Catherine William his concubine
17 Feb 1805 Robert son of John Jones and Jane David his wife
20 Mar 1805 Elinor daughter of John Robert and Lowry Morgan his wife
25 Apr 1805 Lowry Williams daughter of William Roberts of Hafody Coed, Gent. and Mary Roberts his wife
19 May 1805 Evan son of Robert Evan and Anne William his wife
5 Mar 1806 Anne daughter of Robert Roberts and Gwen Jones
6 Jul 1806 Gwen Griffith daughter of William Griffith and Anne Lloyd his wife
15 Jul 1806 Elinor daughter of Owen John and Mary Rowland his wife
21 Sep 1806 Elizabeth daughter of William Parry and Margaret his wife
24 Sep 1806 John son of Griffith Rowland and Catherine his wife
10 Oct 1806 Lowry daughter of Humphrey Morris and Anne Morgan his wife
2 Nov 1806 Elinor daughter of Robert Roberts and Elizabeth Richard
9 Nov 1806 Anne daughter of John Lloyd and Margaret Evan his wife
23 Nov 1806 Margaret daughter of Robert John and Margaret John his wife
27 Mar 1807 Catherine daughter of Robert David and Margaret Evan his wife
24 Jun 1807 William son of Robert Lloyd and Lowry Robert his wife, was born at Llwyn-hîr in the Parish of Llanfair, County of Merioneth, on 30 Mar 1796
26 Jun 1807 Morris Lloyd Roberts son of William Roberts and Mary Roberts his wife
16 Aug 1807 Morgan son of John Robert and Lowry Robert
4 Oct 1807 Jane daughter of Humphrey Ellis and Martha his wife
10 Jan 1808 Anne daughter of Lewis Pugh and Margaret John his wife
13 Jan 1808 William Williams son of Robert Wynne and Anne Williams his wife
16 Mar 1808 Lowry daughter of Griffith Hugh and Anne Robert his wife
30 Mar 1808 Catherine daughter of Thomas Jones and Catherine Michael his wife, was born in the Parish of Penmorfa, in the County of Carnarvon, in Jun 1788
6 May 1808 Margaret daughter of William Parry and Margaret Evans his wife
8 May 1808 Jane daughter of Robert Roberts and Elizabeth his wife
Ellin daughter of Robert Roberts and Gwen his wife
12 Jun 1808 Rowland David son of Griffith Rowland and Catherine his wife
23 Oct 1808 Margaret daughter of Robert David and Margaret Evan his wife
27 Nov 1808 Evan son of John Lloyd taylor and Margaret Evan his wife
4 Dec 1808 John son of Humphrey John and Mary Lloyd his wife
Margaret Ellis illegitimate daughter of Ellis William by Sarah Thomas Wynne his concubine
1 Jan 1809 Jane daughter of John Griffith and Gwen William his wife
25 May 1809 Catherine daughter of John Jones and Jane David his wife
27 May 1809 Charles son of Evan James Davies & Anne Williams his wife
11 Jun 1809 Ellis son of William Roberts Gent. and Mary Roberts his wife
6 Aug 1809 Jane daughter of William Griffith and Anne Lloyd his wife
20 Aug 1809 William son of William Parry and Margaret his wife
16 Sep 1809 Paul son of John Humphrey and Elinor Jones his wife, was born in the Parish of Dôlbenman Carnarvonshire
29 Sep 1809 Evan son of Robert Wynne and Anne Williams his wife
1 Jan 1810 Robert son of Robert Roberts and Elizabeth Richard his wife
28 Jan 1810 John son of Erasmus Lloyd and Anne Lloyd his wife
4 Mar 1810 Catherine daughter of Richard Owen and Lowry Griffith his wife
5 May 1810 Jane daughter of David Robert Meredith and Jonet Jones his wife
20 May 1810 Jane daughter of Griffith Rowland and Catherine Jones his wife
23 Jun 1810 Evan son of Owen Jones and Mary Rowland his wife
24 Jun 1810 Jane daughter of Robert David and Margaret Evan his wife
14 Oct 1810 Mary daughter of Humphrey Ellis and Martha Owen his wife
9 Dec 1810 Robert son of John Lloyd taylor and Margaret Evan
10 Dec 1810 William Morgan son of Morgan Jones and Elinor Lloyd his wife
18 Jan 1811 Mary daughter of Evan Davies glazier and Mary Jones his wife
17 Feb 1811 John Jones illegitimate son of John William of the Parish of Llanaber and Sarah Thomas his concubine
17 Mar 1811 Gwen daughter of William Parry and Margaret Evans
9 Jun 1811 Lydia daughter of John Hughes and Catherine Michael his wife, was born in the Parish of Penmorfa, Carnarvonshire in Feb 1791
30 Jun 1811 Rebecca daughter of Evan Lloyd and Catherine Humphreys his wife
16 Aug 1811 Robert son of Robert Edwards and Jane Owen his wife, was born in the Parish of Penmorfa in the County of Carnarvon, 23 May 1793
25 Aug 1811 Evan son of John Morris and Lowry Lloyd his wife
6 Oct 1811 Anne daughter of John Robert and Lowry Morgan his wife
22 Oct 1811 Jane daughter of Richard Owen and Lowry Griffith his wife
17 Nov 1811 Elinor daughter of John Griffith and Gwen William his wife
1 Jan 1812 Sarah daughter of Evan Davies glazier and Mary Jones his wife
5 Feb 1812 Anne daughter of John Robert smith and Catherine Griffith his wife
8 Feb 1812 Richard son of Griffith Jones (Pantmawr) and Elizabeth Ellis his wife
16 Feb 1812 John son of David Jones and Elinor Jones his wife
15 Mar 1812 Lowry daughter of William Griffith and Catherine Evans his wife
18 Mar 1812 Elinor Jones daughter of Rees Jones and Elinor Jones his wife
14 Jul 1812 Evan son of John Lloyd and Mary Robert his wife
19 Jul 1812 David son of Owen Jones and Mary Rowland his wife
6 Sep 1812 David son of Robert David and Margaret Evan his wife
11 Oct 1812 Gwen daughter of Robert Roberts and Elizabeth Richard his wife
18 Oct 1812 Elizabeth daughter of Griffith Rowland and Catherine his wife
1 Nov 1812 Catherine daughter of Morris William and Jane Hugh his wife
7 Nov 1812 Evan Jones son of Morgan Jones and Elinor Lloyd his wife
22 Nov 1812 Lowry daughter of Robert Jones and Jonet William his wife
6 Dec 1812 Lowry daughter of John Lloyd taylor & Margaret Evan his wife

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