Family Links |
1. Unnamed first wife
2. Mary Bright
3. Elizabeth Snatt
Richard Bristed of Waldron
- Born: 1616, Heathfield, Sussex, England
- Christened: 15 Sep 1616, Heathfield, Sussex, England 1
- Married (1): Abt 1637
- Married (2): On or shortly after 4 Mar 1654/5, St. Michael's Church, Lewes, Sussex, England 2
- Married (3): 3 Jul 1680, Waldron, Sussex, England 3
- Buried: 24 Feb 1694, Waldron, Sussex, England 4
General Notes:
8 x great-grandfather
Research Notes:
Family name also spelled BURSTED, BURSTOWE and BRISTEED.
In 1620 Richard received 40 shillings from the will of his maternal grandfather Richard Warrell of Heathfield, husbandman.
Deed of feoffment: 11 Jan 1658. 5
By GEORGE WELLER of Uckfeild, taylor, to RICHARD BRISTED of Waldron, yeoman, - for £167 - of 7 pieces of land &c. called Hillye Croft, Firzye feilds and South Budletts, containing 23 acres, in the occupation of Samuell Virgo in EASTHOADLY, viz., to lands late of George Virgo, north-west and north-east, to the heirs of Benjamin Pickering, clerk, east, the heirs of John Norris, south, and Sir John Pelham, bart., west.
Witnesses: to deed and livery of seisin, John Sone, Robert Norden
In Sep 1678 Richard Bristed and [his wife] Mary Bristed were witnesses to the will of Esdras Harper of Framfield, yeoman who, according to his will, had freehold lands in Waldron.
Old Richard Bristed (burial record)
The Will of Richard Bristed of Waldron in the County of Sussex, Yeoman, written 7 Feb 1694, proved 5 Jun 1694. 6
In the Name of God Amen I Richerd Bristed of Waldron in the County of Sussex Yeoman being Sicke and weak in Body but of Good and perfect Sence and memory (blessed be God) Doe make and Ordaine this my Last Will and Testament in manner and forme following vizt first and principally I Commen my Spirit to God that gave it relying solely on the mercy of God through Christ And my Body to the Earth from whence it first Came to be Decently Interred at the Discretion of my Executor hereafter named And as for my Worldy Goods which God has blest me with I dispose thereof as followeth vizt Imprimis I give and bequeath unto Elizabet my Loveing Wife the Summe of Six pounds of good and Lawfull of Englgland [sic] to be paid unto her within Six moneths next after my Decease Alsoe my mind and Will is that She have all the Household goods which was hers I Marryed her Item I give and bequeath unto my Son Richard Bristed the Summe of Twenty Shillings to be paid unto him Within six moneths next after my Decease Item I give and bequeath unto his Seaven Children namely Elizabeth Richard Samuel Benjamin Joseph James and Ezekiel the Summe of Six Shilling and eight pence apeece to be paid when they shall attaine to their respective ages of one and Twenty yeares Item I give devise and bequeath unto my Son Obadiah Bristed All that one Messuage with two Barnes Orchards Gardens and severall peices or parcels of Land arable Meddow pasture and Wood grounds thereunto belonging lyeing and being togeather in Waldron aforesd. by Estimation threescore and Twelve acres be the sence more or Less and alsoe all those peices or parcels of Land with a little Coppice and part of a lane thereunto belonging lyeing and being togeather in the said parish of Waldron conteyning by Estimation twelve acres be it more or less (both of which said Tenements I lately purchased of Richard Taylor of London Esqr as by one Deed bearing Date the twenty sixth Day of May Anno Dni One thousand Six hundred Sixty and eigh more at large Doeth or may appear) To have and to hold all these Said Devised Land and premises with th'appurtenances to him the said Obadiah Bristed and To his Heires for Ever Item my mind and Will is that my said Son Obadiah Bristed shall pay [or] cause to be paid unto Elizabeth my Loveing Wife the Summe of thirty Shillings a year halfe yearely which Summe I give and bequeath unto her During Her Naturall life and which Summe if my said Son Obadiah Bristed refuse or neglect to pay then I Devise give and bequeath unto her the feild next the Beakon down and adjoining to a peice of Land called Cumings mead now in the Occupation [of] Thomas Borman or his Assignes and all the Rents and proffits thereof dureing her naturall life Item I give and bequeath unto My youngest Son Ezekiel Bristed the summe of One hundred pounds of Good and lawfull Money of England to be paid unto him or his Assignes within six moneths next after my Decease by mine Executor here after named Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Chapman wife of Joseph Chapman of Wartling in Sussex aforesaid the Summe of five pounds of good and Lawfull money of England to be paid unto her within one year next after my Decease Item I give and bequeath unto Mary Sarah Elizabeth and Martha Chapman Daughters of the said Joseph and Sarah Chapman the Summe of four pounds of Good and Lawfull money of England to be paid to be paid [sic] to each and every one of Them when they shall attaine the Severall and respective ages of One and twenty yeares and if any of the said Children shall dye or decease this Life before they attaine the Severall ages aforesaid then my mind and Will is that the said Legacy or Legacies of four pounds apeece of the Deceased Child or Children shall be equally devided between the Survivors of them And further my mind and Will is that my Executor hereafter named shall pay or cause to be paid unto my Son in Law Joseph Chapman aforesaid the Severall Summes of four Shillings apeece for the use of the abovenamed four Children (being Intrest for the said Severall legacies of four pounds apeece) yearely untill the Dayes of payment above mentioned And Lastly I Doe make ordaine and appoint my Son Obadiah Bristed to be my Sole and Only Executor of this my last Will and Testament and I doe Constitute publish & Declare this to be my last Will and Testament revoaking all other which at any time I have heretofore made or bublished [sic]. In Witness whereof I have hereunto I the said Richard Bristed to this my last Will and Testament have set my hand and Seale this Seaventh day of this instant February in the fifth yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King and Queen defenders of the faith &c. Anno Dni Christi One Thousand six hundred ninety and three The marke of Richard Bristed Signed Sealed and published as my last Will and Testament in the presence of John Tattersall Rect Robert Norden Edward Durrant Joseph Fuller.
Marriage Information:
The name of Richard's first wife is currently not known. They married about 1637. (The 'wife of Richard Burstead' was buried on 30 Sep 1646 in Waldron, Sussex, England.)
Marriage Information:
Richard also married Mary Bright on or shortly after 4 Mar 1654/5 in St. Michael's Church, Lewes, Sussex, England. (Mary the wife of Richard Bristed was buried on 10 Jan 1679 in Waldron, Sussex, England.)
Marriage Notes:
Banns of marriage between Richard Bristed of Walderne [Waldron], husbandman, and Mary Bright of the same, spinster, published on 17 Feb, 24 Feb and 4 Mar 1654/5.
Marriage Information:
Richard also married Elizabeth Snatt on 3 Jul 1680 in Waldron, Sussex, England.
Marriage Notes:
Both of Waldron