John Vivian of Tolgarrick
(Est 1520-1569)
(-Abt 1605)
Thomas Pendarves
(Est 1525-Aft 1582)
John Vivian
(Est 1545-)
Elizabeth Pendarves
(Est 1550-)
Richard Vivian of Tolgarrick
(Est 1580-1624)


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Richard Vivian of Tolgarrick

  • Born: Between 1575 and 1585, Camborne, Cornwall
  • Married: Est 1605
  • Buried: 28 Oct 1624, Camborne, Cornwall 1

  Research Notes:

The only one of Richard's children whose name survives in the Camborne Parish Register is Christiana, who was christened on 2 May 1608 in Camborne, such that Richard, born probably between 1575 and 1585, belonged to the same generation as John Vivian who married Elinor about 1595. There being no evidence for another Vivian family in Camborne at this time, Richard is here assumed to be a younger son of John Vivian and Elizabeth Pendarves. This is given support by the fact that, in Richard's will (below), he refers to an Indenture between himself and Margery Hodge (died 1602) regarding lands and tenements in Tolgarrick he acquired from her and who would have been his aunt (i.e. Margery Vivian who married James Hodge in 1571) and the daughter of John Vivian of Tolgarrick.


The Will of Richard Vivian of the Parish of Camborne in the County of Cornwall, written 10 Oct 1624, proved 26 Apr 1625. 2 (Document fragmented in places)

Dated the xth day of October Anno Dni 1624

In the name of God Amen, I Richard Vivian of the parish of Camborne and Countie of Cornwall, yeoman, Beinge weake and sicke of Body but in mynde and remembrance I prayse God sound and perfect, doe make my Laste will and testament revokeing all former wills and the legacyes therein contayned.

Imprimis. I bequeath my soule into the hands of God my Maker and Preserver &c... And my body I commend unto Christian Buriall.

Item. I doe hereby give and bequeath and assigne and put over unto my wyfe Jennet Vivian all the Right estate tytle and interest and terme of yeeres as yet which I have or ought to have off and in and to all and singular the messuages lands tenements in Tollgarracke with-in the said parishe of Camborne and County aforesaid of the demise and grant made unto mee the said Richard Vivian, Martin Vivian and George Hodge by Margery Hodge of Tollgarracke of the said County wid: now deceased by vertue of an Indenture bearinge date the First day of Aprell in Forteth yeere of the Raigne of our Late Soveraigne Queene Elizabeth of blessed memory [1598], viz of England Fraunce and Ireland To have and to hold all the said messuages l[ands] and tenements in Tollgarracke aforesaid with all and singular theire members and app[urtenances] unto the said Richard his Executors and assignes For and Duringe the whole tyme and . . . . . . . of . . . . . . . and nine yeeres or as many yeeres . . . . . . . to be compleated and ended.

Item. I give and bequeath unto Edmond Vivian my so[nne] Thirtye Shillinges.

Item. I give unto my sonne Henry Vivian Thirty shillinges.

Item. I [give] and bequeath unto Johane Vivian my Daughter Fiftye shillinges.

Item. I give unto [my] daughter Christian Vivian Fiftye shillinges.

All the rest of my goods moveable a[nd im]moveable I give and bequeath unto my wyfe whom I make my whole and sole Executrix. In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seale the day and yeere first above written.

The Sign of Richard Vivian

Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us
Nicholas Hocken
Sampson Chatwick?

An inventory of all the goods and chattels of Richard Vevyan of Camborne deceased was appraised by Andrewe Andrewartha and Nicholas Hockin and valued at £11 14s. 10d.

  Marriage Information:

Richard married Jennet est 1605. (Jennet was buried on 16 Jan 1654/5 in Camborne, Cornwall.)


1 Camborne Parish Register transcripts, Burials, p. 108.

2 CRO AP/V/77.

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