In an Indenture dated 1 Apr 1598 Margery Hodge of Tollgarracke, widow, demised and granted to [her son] George Hodge and to [nephews] Richard Vivian and Martin Vivian certain messuages, lands and tenements in Tolgarracke, this information being recorded in the Will of the said Richard Vivian of Tolgarrick (written 1624).
w[idow] of James Hodge (burial record).
Morveth Hodge of Camborne, spinster, John Treweeke of Camborne, gent., and George Hodge of the same place, husbandman, paid bond for Administration of the personal estate of Margery Hodge late of Camborne deceased.
"The condicion of this present obligation is such that whereas the Administration of all and singular the goods, cattails, and debts of Margerie Hodges late of the parish of Camborn decessed is graunted and comitted in writinge under the seale of the office of the Archdeaconrie of Cornewalle unto thabove boundent Morveth Hodge lawfull and naturall daughter of the saide Margerie decessed yf the same Morveth Hodges doe in maner and forme followinge will and faithfullie administer the goods cattails and debts of the said Margerie Hodge her mother late decessed ....."
Administration was granted to Morveth Hodge(s) on 23 Mar 1602/3. 3