The Chronicon Regum Legionensium names (in order) "Alfonso Ordóñez, Sancha Ordóñez and countess Eldonza who was the wife of Pelayo Fróilaz who was a deacon" as the children of "the son of the Infante Ramiro, the Infante Ordoño, who was blind" & his wife. The Chronicon Mundi of Lucas Tudensis names "Adefonsum…Ordonium, Pelagiam comitissam et Eldonciam" as the children of "Christina…ex infante Ordonio cœco filio Ramiri regis", adding that "Eldonciam" married "Pelagii Froylæ".
King Vermudo III exchanged “villa Lapeto qui fuit de abia mea regina domna Velasquita” with “comes Pelagio Froilaz et uxor vestra comitissa Ildontia Ordoniz” for “villa...Framilani que fuit de Monnio territorio Asma prope domo Sancto Iuliano” by charter dated 4 Oct 1032. 1