Alférez 11 Apr 1015-26 Feb 1020. Alfonso V King of León granted property to "Sarracini Ariani" by charter dated 17 May 1018, subscribed by "Vegila Ennegoniz, Munniu Roderici, Fredinando Flaginiz, Munnio Munioni, Munnio Ruderici, Pelagius Froylani armiger reg[is], Albarus Ordonii, Nebocianus Vegiliz, Petrus Munnioni, Iohanni Munnioni". "…Pelagio Froilaz" confirmed the charter dated 19 Nov 1018 under which the abbot of Sahagún recited the foundation of the abbey and the confirmation of its privileges by King Alfonso V. Alfonso V King of León granted property to "Cidi Domnaliz" by charter dated 18 Mar 1019, subscribed by "Pelagio Froilz cod. arma regis, Aluaro Ordoniz, Roderico Veillaz, Enego Veillaz, Piniolo Eximeniz, Vellasco Alemeiuze, Vermudo Cidiz". “...Pelagio Frolaz armiger...Peitro Frogilaz...Scemeno Frogilaz...” confirmed the charter dated 18 May 1019 under which Alfonso V King of León granted " Ual de Lorma in tereturio Leonesis", confiscated from “Cotina Fernadiz et filium suum Fredenato Pelagiz...abesaris nostris...”, to "Petro Flaginizi et uxore sua Bronildi". “...Pelagius Froila armiger regis...” confirmed the charter dated 26 Feb 1020 under which “Fredenandus Flayniz et eius coniuge Geloire” donated property to the monks of San Martín. “...Pelagio Froyla...Xemenio Froylan...” confirmed the charter dated 26 Feb 1022 under which Alfonso V King of León set the limits of hunting rights at Santa María de Obona. “...Petrus Froilaz, Pelagius Froilaz...” confirmed the charter dated 2 Aug 1026 under which "Didacus Fredenandiz et uxor mea Marina et filiis nostris" donated "Uilla Ualle de Ratario...hereditate que fecit Uincenti ad Fafila Olaliz avius istius Didaco Fredenandiz" to León Cathedral. "…Pelagio Froilaz…" subscribed the charter dated 15 Nov 1028 under which "Ueremudus proles Adefonsi principis et Geluire regine" donated "villam meam…Cordario que fuit avorum et parentum meorum Menendi et dne Tote" to Santiago de Compostela.
Conde: Vermudo III King of León granted property to "Monio" by charter dated 24 May 1030, subscribed by "comes Velasco Almeiuce, comes Pelagyo Froilaz, Petro Flaginiz, Rodorigo Muniuz qui armiger regis, Fafila Petriz pincerna yn palacio, Anagin Veremudiz…". King Vermudo III exchanged “villa Lapeto qui fuit de abia mea regina domna Velasquita” with “comes Pelagio Froilaz et uxor vestra comitissa Ildontia Ordoniz” for “villa...Framilani que fuit de Monnio territorio Asma prope domo Sancto Iuliano” by charter dated 4 Oct 1032. “Comite Petro Fruelas, Pelagio Frueles...” subscribed the charter dated 16 Sep 1033 under which King Vermudo III granted “quos carta de ingenuidad” to “Manulphum connominato Vellito Aurilis...vassalus [de] Pelagium Frolas”. Torres suggests that the following charter refers to Pelayo Froílaz “el Diácono”. “Meleke cognomento Velite et Michael” sold property “in territorio Legionense de nostros avios iusta flumen Porma in Uilla Torelle” to “Froila Xemenez et filiis meis Pelaii [...filii mei Pelagio]” by charter dated [11] Apr 1048. There are two apparent difficulties with this hypothesis. Firstly, the document refers to “filii mei Pelagio”: it is difficult from the context the person to whom “mei” can apply. Secondly, the first purchaser is “Froila Xemenez”: if this refers to the father of Pelayo Froílaz “el Diácono”, he would have been extremely old at the time, assuming that the sale recorded in the charter was contemporary with the document. 1