1st Christian King of Munster in Ireland, between 453 and 489.
Fell in the battle fought against him by Muircheartach Mac Earca, by Illann, son of Dunlaing, by Ailill, son of Dunlaing, and by Eochaidh Guineach, of which was said:
"Died the branch, the spreading tree of gold, "Aenghus the laudable, son of Nadfraech, "His prosperity was cut off by Illann, "In the battle of Cell Osnadha the foul."
Marriage Information:
Áengus married Eithne Uathach ingen Crimthainn UA CHEINNSELAIG, daughter of Crimthann Cas MAC ÉNNAI CHENNSELAIG rí Laigin and Mell INGEN ERNBRAN. (Eithne Uathach ingen Crimthainn UA CHEINNSELAIG died in 489.)