Seventh son, named in his father's will. 4
The Will of Steven Vivian of the Parish of Camborne in the County of Cornwall, written 3 Jul 1733, proved 19 Sep 1733. 5
I Steven Vivian of the parish of Camborn in the County of Cornwall being sick in body but in good and perfect memory, thanks be to god for it, doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and form as fowlling
In the name of god Amen, first I bequeth my soul to god that gave it trusting by the merits of Jesus Christ my only lord and saviour do beg pardon for all my former sins and A Joyfull Resurrection att the last day.
Item I give to my son Francis Vivian five pounds
Item I give to my Dafter Mary my Chest of drawers and one genney of gould
Item I give to my Grandson Steven Vivian the son of Steven Vivian one halfe Crown
Item I give to my Grandafter Ann Vivian one halfe Crown
All the Rest of my goods and Chattells by me not given with bills bonds writtings and Accounts togeather with all other writings whatsoever I give to Sarah my dearly beloved wife whome I make my whole and sole Executor her paying all my depts and legasies wittness my hand the sine of
Steven Vivian
Wittnes hereto
Richard Williams
the sine of Elizabeth Davey