Herbert Edward TEMBY
- Born: 12 Mar 1884, Lower Light, S.A., Australia 3
- Married: 30 Sep 1926, North Adelaide, S.A., Australia 1 2
- Died: 6 Jun 1957, Korunye, S.A., Australia 4
Marriage Information:
Herbert married Elizabeth Veronica BURGESS, daughter of John BURGESS and Julia, on 30 Sep 1926 in North Adelaide, S.A., Australia 1 2. (Elizabeth Veronica BURGESS was born about 1890, died on 20 May 1983 5 and was buried in Mallala Catholic Cemetery, Mallala, S.A., Australia 5.)
Marriage Notes:
"TEMBY BURGESS.On the 30th September, at North Adelaide, by the Rev. Father Chandler, B.P., Herbert, second son of the late John and Ellen Temby, Korunye, to Vera, eldest daughter of John and the late Julia Burgess, Tarcowie."