Keith Stringer says that "one of the daughters of Roger de Lacy was evidently Alan’s first wife" and that "the manor of Kippax" was her dowry, quoting a charter, dated to [19 Dec 1200/1206], under which "Alanus filius Rollandi, dominus Galuuaith Scotie constabularius…et heredibus meis" gave quitclaim to "Rogero de Lascy Cestrie constabularius et heredibus suis" for "advocationem ecclesie de Kipeis". 1
Marriage Information:
Unnamed daughter of Lord Alan DE GALLOWAY, son of Lord Roland DE GALLOWAY and Helen DE MORVILLE, before 19 Dec 1200/6. (Alan DE GALLOWAY died on 2 Feb 1234.)
1 Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, Medlands: --- de Lacy.