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Tom Morris
Gwendoline King
- Born: 1901, Fremantle, W.A., Australia 3
- Married: 9 Jan 1920, St. Luke's Church, Cottesloe, Perth, W.A., Australia 1 2
Marriage Information:
Gwendoline married Tom Morris on 9 Jan 1920 in St. Luke's Church, Cottesloe, Perth, W.A., Australia 1 2.
Marriage Notes:
" MORRIS KING. On January 9, at St. Luke's Church, Cottesloe, by the Rev. Mr. Cooke, Tom, son of Mrs. Hugh Hunt of Cottesloe, late Captain of the 2nd Battery, A.I.F., to Gwen, second daughter of the late Harry J. King and Mrs. King, of East Fremantle."