Thomas C. King
Henry James King
(Abt 1866-1916)


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Eveline Mary Crase

Henry James King

  • Born: Abt 1866
  • Married: 12 Nov 1895, Archer St., North Adelaide, S.A., Australia 1 2
  • Died: 1 Apr 1916, East Fremantle, W.A., Australia 3
  • Buried: 2 Apr 1916, East Fremantle Cemetery, W.A., Australia

  Research Notes:

"KING.—On April 1, 1916, Henry James, beloved husband of Evelyn King, of Canning road, .East Fremantle, aged 50 years."


By the death of Mr. Henry James King, Fremantle has lost one of its most genial and urbane citizens. The deceased .gentleman was for many years at the head of Dalgety's shipping department, and was a permanent resident of the Port since the early eighties. His father was an old sea captain, and was for many years associated with the celebrated Green Line of sailing ships, in the sixties and seventies, when the clippers Hydaspes, Highflyer, Dharwar, Samuel Plimsoll (now a coal hulk at North Fremantle) and others were the greyhounds of the ocean between Australia and London. Captain King was widely known ín Victorian shipping circles and, like the subject of .this notice, was a man of attractive personality. His home, Seven Oaks, at Moonee Ponds, was an emporium of antiquities, as well as a rendezvous for the prominent old sea dogs of. their time. As may be imagined, Seven Oaks contained numerous mementoes of the trips Captain King had made to various parts of the worid,and being an interesting conversationalist, it was a treat to listen to his globe trotting experiences.

The late Harry was the eldest of a family of four sons and two daughters, and up to short time ago Seven Oaks was the property of the King family, with Harry's room just as he lett it, one bright morning, to try his fortunes in Western Australia.

It is now about twenty years ago since the late Mr. King's youngest brother met with a shocking fatality wnile he was travelling by rail between Moonee Fonds and Melbourne, and owing to which he was decapitated by a passing train, during a momentary interval that his head waa outside one of the carriage windows.

It was the privilege of the writer, to have visited the King family at their pretty and well-equipped home during Melbourne's Exhibition year, and to have accompanied Captain King to one of Musical Director Cowen's concerts, at Carlton Gardens. We subsequently witnessed together the downfall of the mighty Carbine in the ' ; V.R.C. Derby and the out-geuetalling of Derrit, the rider of Australia's idol, by that master of the pigskin the redoubtable Hales, who had the mount on Ensign- 'On the Tuesday following we were at Fleming- ton together when Donald Wallace's Mentor won the Cup, with Tradition and The Yeoman in second and third places. That was the Cup in which the Derby winner and the beautiful Spade Guinea.' a New Zealand Mare, each snapped a fetlock and had to be destroyed. Mr. King inherited many of his father's atttibutes, which stood him ia good stead in the position he was destined to fill iii our, local shipping circles.....

He is survived by his widow, two sons and two daughters, as well as by two sisters and two brothers...."


Probates and Administrations...

Henry James King, late of Fremantle, to Evelyn King, and Tom Garter, £580 0 s. 7d. 4

  Marriage Information:

Henry married Eveline Mary Crase, daughter of George Crase and Caroline Jane ("Kate") Jones, on 12 Nov 1895 in Archer St., North Adelaide, S.A., Australia 1 2. (Eveline Mary Crase was born on 22 Jan 1872 in Kapunda, S.A., Australia 5.)

  Marriage Notes:

Evelyn Mary Crase, age 24, daughter of George Crase; and Henry James King, age 29, son of Thomas C. King


"On the 12th November, at the Archer-street Wesleyan Church, North Adelaide, S.A., by tbe Rev. T. Lloyd, Henry James, second son of the late Thomas C. King, of Seven Oaks. Moonee Ponds, Victoria, to Evelyn Mary, eldest daughter of George Crase (Belmore), North Adelaide, S.A."


1 South Australia BDM, South Australian Marriages (1842-1916), Book 185, Page 527.

2 The Daily News (Perth), Wednesday 27 Nov 1895.

3 Western Mail, Friday 7 April 1916.

4 Ibid, Old Time Memories, Friday 14 April 1916; Friday 21 July 1916.

5 South Australia BDM, South Australian Births (1842-1906), Book 92, Page 56.

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