Morys ap Siôn
Angharad ferch Elisau
Lewys ab Ieuan
Robert ap Morys als. Anwyl of Parc
(Abt 1500-1576)
Lowry ferch Lewys
Lewis Anwyl of Llanfrothen, Gent.
(Abt 1535-1605)


Family Links

1. Elizabeth ferch Morys

2. Margaret Richard

Lewis Anwyl of Llanfrothen, Gent. 1

  • Born: Abt 1535, Parc, Llanfrothen, Merioneth, Wales
  • Married (1):
  • Married (2):
  • Died: Between Aug 1605 and 14 Nov 1605, Llanfrothen, Merioneth, Wales

  Also referred to as Lewis Anwill ap Robert of Parc.

  General Notes:

compiler's 12 x great grandfather

  Research Notes:

The Will of Lewes Anwill of Llanfrothen, Gentleman, written 6 Mar 1604/5, proved 14 Nov 1605. 2

(Paragraphed for easier reading)

In the Name of God: Amen The Sixthe daye of Marche in the yeare of our Lorde God One Thowsand Sixe Hundreth and Fower, I Lewes Anwill of Llanvrothen in the Countye of Merioneth gentleman, sicke of bodye, but of perfect remembrance (thanks be to God) doe make and declare my Testamente wherein is contayned my laste will, utterlie revokinge and adnullinge all former Testamentes, Wills, gifts, Legacies and bequestes by me formerlye and in any wise made, declared, geven, or bequeathed.

Firste by this my Testamente I bequeathe my soule to God my maker hopinge to be saved by and throughe the merytts of Christe Jesus my Redeemer. And my Bodie to be buryed in the parishe Churche of Llanvrothen or in any other place after Christian buriall by my frendes disposicon.

Item. I geve and bequeathe towardes the reparacons of the same Churche Twentie shillings.

Item. I geve and my will is that the Executor of this my Will doe and shall distrybute the some of Fyve poundes amongste the poore.

Item. I geve and bequeathe the some of Twentye marks to be bestowed and geven unto suche learned preachers as the Lo: Bisshopp of Bangor shall appoynte, and that doe and shall preache Fortye Sondayes after my decease within the Churches of Llanvrothen, Trausvenith, Penmorva, and Bethkeller in maner and sorte as the said Lo: Bisshoppe shall prescribe and appointe.

Item. I doe by this my laste will and Testamente geve, devise, and bequeathe unto my sonne Richard Lewis begotten uppon and of the bodye of Margarett my now wedded wife all those my messuages, Lands, Tenements, and heredytaments by what name or names soever they and severallie called, with all and singular their appurtenances scytuat and beinge within the countye of Carnarvon which I have, had, and purchased of Sr. Willm Morris of Clenenney in the Countye of Carnarvan aforesaid knighte, and Roberte Wyn Brincker of Brincker in the saide Countye esquire. To have & to houlde all the same premisses with the appurtenances, and all my estate, righte, use, tytle of in and to the same unto him the said Richarde Lewes and to the heires of his bodye lawefullie to be begotten for ever.

And in defaulte of suche issue then my will is, that the same whole premisses shall bee and remayne unto John Lewes one other of my sonnes begotten of the bodye of the said Margarette, and to the heires of the bodye of him the saide John to be begotten for ever.

And in defaulte of such issue Then my will is that the same doe and shall remayne unto Willyam Lewes my sonne and heire apparente, and to his heires and assignes for ever, By and under such lymitacons, provisoes, contingencs or condicions specified and contayned in a payre of Indentures made betwene them the saide Sr. Willyam Maurice knighte, then esquire, and Roberte Win Brinker of of the one partie and me the saide Lewes Anwill on the other partye bearinge date the laste daye of Apryll in the Seven and Thirtithe yeare of the raigne of our late soveraigne Lady Elizabeth [1595], and in another payre of Indentures made by the saide Sr. Willyam Maurice then esquire, Robert Win Brinker Ellis Brinker all of the one partye, and me the sayde Lewes of the other partye bearinge date the Twentithe daye of June in the Foure and Fortithe yeare of the raigne of the said late Queene Elizabeth [1602]. Provided nevertheles and my Will plaine and expresse meanenge and full intente and mynde is, that if the said Sr Willm. Morris or Robert Wm. Brinker their heires executors & Administrators or assignes, of any of them do well and truelie paye and satisfie or cause to be satisfied and payde the full some of Fowre hundreth threescore and fower powndes, and allso the some of Twelvescore poundes of current Englishe money as it appeerith by the said Indentures and other Writings at suche tyme place and in maner and forme as it is lymited, expressed, sett downe, and declared in and by the saide Indentures and other Writings, or lawfullie tendred unto the Executors and administrators of me the said Lewes Anwill or to any of them, So as to the saide messuages, landes, Tenements and Hereditaments by force of the saide paymente and of the lymitacions, uses, provisoes, agreements or condicions in the saide Indentures lymited and declared, bee or shalbe lawfullie devested or taken from my saide sonnes and their Issues, and invested and setled in the saide Sr Willyam Moris, Robert Wm. Brinker or his or their heires, & that therebie this my saide will can take no further place or effecte touchinge the saide messuages, landes, Tenements and Hereditaments: Then my Will is and herebye doo geve and devise that all the saide somes of Fower hundred Threescore and Fower powndes, and the some of Twelvescore powndes, paide, tendred, received or had shalbe paide by my Executor hereafter named or Admynistrator, or suche person, or persons unto whom any suche paymente or tender shalbe lawefullie made by force of the said Indentures and writings within one weeke after the saide paymente or tender unto such of my saide sonnes or his heires of his bodye as have or hathe any estate, tytle, righte, or interest in or to the saide messuages, landes, Tenements and Hereditaments by force of this my Will and Testament at the tyme of the saide paymente or tender so had and made as aforesaide.

Item. I doo geve and bequeathe unto my sonne Morris Lewes Anwill the some of One Hundred powndes of current Englishe money.

I geve allso unto my sonne David Lewes the some of Fortye powndes.

Allso I geve unto my sonne Ievan Lewes the full some of One Hundreth powndes of like lawefull money.

Provided allwayes and my Will and mynde is, that if any of my saide sonnes (viz. Morris, Ievan or David) happen to dye before he or they shall have, receave, or be payde of their said porcions not havinge any childe, or yssue of his or their bodye or bodyes lawefullie begotten then lyvinge, then that so muche of his or their porcions or porcion so dyenge withoute yssue as shall happen to be unpayde at the tyme of his or their deathe shalbe payde unto the rest of my said sonnes survivinge.

Item. I doo geve and bequeathe unto every childe that my daughter Lowry Lewes hathe or shall have then lyvinge Fower beasts of the kinde of meate.

Item. I geve and bequeathe unto my sonne Richard Lewes before named and to his assignes all that my Farme called Drws y Coed withe all the appurtenances lieinge in the Countye of Carnarvan in suche sorte and as ample as the same is demised and graunted unto me, and uppon suche condicions and by the lymitacion as in and by the said demise is sett foorthe and expressed. And in case the same Farme shall happen to be dismortgaged and redeemed and the some of Twoo Hundreth powndes payde or lawefullie tendred unto my executor or administrators or to any of them, Then my Will is and herebye doo geve and devise that the saide some of Twoo Hundred powndes payde, tendred, receaved or had shalbe payde by my executor hereafter named or Administrator or suche person or persons unto whom any suche paymente or tender shalbe lawefullie made by force of suche demise before mencioned within one weeke nexte after the saide paymente or tender unto the saide Richarde his heires, executors or assignes. Notwithstandinge my will is, and so hereby doo geve and devise that my saide sonne Morris Lewes in case the same demise shall stande in force and the same some not payde in maner as in --?-- by the saide Demise is expressed, shall and maye have and enioye quietlie the occupacion and ----rance of the one moietye or one haulf of the said Farme called Drws y Coed for and duringe the terme of Tenne yeares nexte ensuinge the tyme and daye lymited and appointed for the payment and tender of the saide some of money, yeeldinge and payenge for the same moietye yearely for and duringe the same terme the yearely Rente of Twentye powndes of current Englishe money uppon everye Feaste of Sainte Michaell the Archangell duringe the saide terme unto the saide Richarde Lewes, his heires, executors and assignes. And after the expiration of the same terme, my Will is that the same moietye so bequeathed doo and shall remayne free unto the said Richarde his heires and executors withoute any lett or interruptyon of the said Morris his executors or assignes.

Item. I doe by this my laste will and Testament geve, devise, and bequeathe all that my messuage lands and Tenemente y Coitkaye ddny with all and singular the appurtenances unto the same belonginge scituat and lieinge within the parishes of Trawsvenithe & Maentwrock in the Countye of Merioneth aforesaid and all my estate, ryghte, tytle, use & intereste of in and to the same Tenemente and landes unto my said sonne John Lewes and to the heires of his bodye lawefullie to be begotten for ever. And in defaulte of suche issue my will is that the same premisses shall be and remayne unto my sonne Richard Lewes and to the heires of his bodye lawefullie to be begotten. And in defaulte of suche issue my will is that the same doo remayne unto my said sonne Morris Lewis and to his heires for ever.

Allso I doo geve and bequeathe unto my said wife Margarett and unto my said sonne John Lewes Twelve kyne withe Calves of my kine whiche are fodred? and kepte within my Tenemente called y Parcke, and fower and Twentye sheepe towardes their maynetenance.

And my will and mynde is that my said wife Margarett shall have the Custodie of my saide sonnes Richard and John, and the possession and use of their severall porcions in landes or goods hereby geven or bequeathed unto them takinge and receoovinge reasonable allowance thereof towards and for their keepinge and educatyon, employenge and bestowinge the overplus to their beste use and comodytie for the tyme and untill (viz.) the porcion of Richarde untill he shall accomplishe the full age of One and Twentye yeares, and the lands and porcion of John untill he shall accomplishe the age of Thirtye yeares.

Item. I geve, devise, and bequeathe unto Morris Willyams my daughters sonne the landes and Tenemente called Havod Ruffith withe the appurtenances thereto belonginge scytuat and lieinge in the said Countye of Carnarvon in as ample and in suche sorte as I and my assignes nowe houlde and enjoye the same.

Item. Whereas towerdes the prefermente of my said sonne Willyam in marriage, and for other consideracions I have heretofore covenanted assured and promised to assure all those my Farmes called Pennantigy and Kumyfynnon unto my saide sonne Willyam freelye and wholie to be and remayne unto him the saide Willyam his executors and assignes after my decease withoute any clayme, challendge or interruption made, or to be made by any person or persons claymenge any tytle or possession from by or under me nowe for further establishinge the same and performance of my promises and covenants, I doo herebye geve, devise and bequeathe bothe the said Farmes called Pennantigy and Kumyfynnon with their appurtenances unto him the saide Willyam Lewes his heires executors and assignes for and duringe all the tyme and terme of yeares as I have of and in the same, And withall doo geve and bequeathe all granntes, Patents, Wrytings.... whatsoever of and uppon the same Farmes withe all my estate, use, possession and interest therein unto the saide Willyam Lewes his executors and assignes.

Item. I geve, devise, and bequeathe all suche Deeds, Writings, grannts, obligacions and all some and somes of money therein contayned, as Sr William Morris, Roberte Wm Brinkir, Ellis Brinkir, John Griffithe esquire, and others with or for them heretofore unto me touchinge and concerneinge the messuages, Tenements and Farme called Braich y dyuas, --rowe, Sirran, and Drws y Coed unto my said sonne Richarde Lewes his heires, executors and assignes. Nevertheles my will and mynde is that suche bonds before mencioned be sued (if forfeited) by my Executor hereafter named, and the forfeyture of the same to be to the use and benifytte of my saide sonne Richard and his heires and assignes. And in lyke maner my Will is that every bande or bandes made touchinge the Tenemente called y Coitkae ddny be sued (if any waie forfeyted) by my Executor hereafter named, and the forfeyture of the same to be to the benifytte and use of the saide John Lewes my sonne without any collusion or deceipte.

Item. In consideracion, and if that my sonne Willyam Lewes doo, shall, and will presentlie after my decease, and from tyme to tyme and at all tymes thence after take uppon him to accomplishe this my laste will after my true meanenge and intente, and performe, doo, worcke and execute all & everye acte and acts, thing and things requisytte to be performed, don, wroughte, and executed for the reducinge? and bringinge all and everye my saide gifts, devises, and bequests to effect after my true intente and meanenge. And uppon his owne coste & chardges without any collusion, remissues or omyssion effectuallie defend the said severall messuages, landes, Tenements & farme unto my sonnes Richarde and John to their use, and impugne by all lawefull meanes all iniury offred unto them or either of them touchinge the tytle or interest of the same premisses or of any parte thereof, I doo by this my laste will and Testamente in --?-- and recompence of his effectuall defence chardges and travell, geve, devise & bequeathe all those messuages, landes, and Tenements called Hayader, ynisvawr [and] ynisvech withe their appurtenances scytuat and lieinge in Llanvrothen aforesaide unto my saide sonne Willyam Lewes and to his heires and assignes uppon the condicions and for the consideracions before expressed.

But if the saide Willyam his heires or executors doo not, or will not accomplishe or undertake the accomplishmente of this my Will, or not effectuallie defende, and performe and doo all acts as aforesaide: Then my will and mynde is, and hereby doo geve and devise and bequeathe the sayde messuages, landes, and Tenements called Hayader, ynisvawre and ynisvech unto my saide sons Richarde Lewes and John Lewes and to their heires for ever..... And my will and mynde is that saide wife Margarett shall not clayme, require or have any dower of the said messuages and landes called ynisvawre, ynisveche and Hayader.

Item. I geve and bequeathe unto my saide wife Margarette the Thirde parte of all my plate and the Thirde of all my householde stuffe. Allso I geve and bequeathe unto Jane Lewes towardes her mayntenance and prefermente Thirtye heades of beasts of the kinde of Meate, and Thirtye sheepe.

Item. I geve and bequeathe unto David ap Roberte twoo milche kyne withe their Calves. To Howell ap Thomas One beaste of twoo yeares oulde. To everye one of my men servants and mayde servants nowe servinge me one sheepe.

And of this my laste will and Testamente I doo ordayne, nomynate, and constitute my saide sonne Willyam Lewes sole Executor, unto whom I geve and bequeathe all my goods, Chattells, Cattells, plate, ymplements of househould stuff, and debts, not geven and bequeathed by this my laste will and Testamente. And my takinge of the Farme of Aberglaslin I geve unto the saide Willyam, chardginge him the saide Willyam as he shall answer before God to paye and delyver all gifts and Legacies duelye in maner as before is lymitted, and not to trouble clayme or require any waie forth any goods or Cattells whether moveable or unmoveable that I have geven or disposed or that I shall geve and dispose at any tyme before my decease unto any person or persons. And my will and mynde is that suche gifte or disposicion by me made as aforesaide shall and maye stande & --?-- as a free gifte and not to be meante as any parte of my Will, or included within the compasse of this my Testamente.

And of the execution of this my laste will and Testamente I appointe and ordayne Mr Griffith Vaughan esquire, John ap Hughe, Richarde ap Hughe, and Morris Jones of Penmorva, Supervisors accordinge to the truste and confidence in them reposed by me the saide Lewes Anwill. And if yt happen that any doubte or scruple maye hereafter arise or growe by reason of imperfection or defection in any the wordes, clauses or sentences in this my presente will or in my true intente and meanenge herein: That then for the explanacion and construction of suche doubte or scruple I will and my mynde is the saide supervisors of this my Will shall expounde and explane the same accordinge to their discretyon & knowledge of my intencion and meanenge.

In wytnes whereof I the saide Lewes Anwill have to this my laste will and Testamente subscribed my name and put to my seale. Geven the daye and yeare firste above wrytten.

Memorand. I the said Lewes Anwill and my mynde is that none of my sonnes maye have or require any parte or porcion of my goods other than before in this my will is lymitted, and that I have payde and delyvered unto my sonne Roberte Lewes his filliall porcion (viz.) the some of One hundred powndes heretofore. By me Lewes Anwill.

A Codicill to be annexed to the laste will and Testamente of the foresaide Lewes Anwill gent. deceased.

Memorand that whereas the saide Lewes Anwill in and by his laste will and Testamente gave and bequeathed unto his sonne Morris Lewes Anwill the some of One hundreth powndes as appeereth by the same will: The said Lewes at the makinge of the saide will, or not longe after did saye unto his sonne Willyam Lewes before sundrye credible wytnesses as followeth or the like in effecte (viz.), sonne Willyam thowe arte my Executor, yf I recover not againe paye unto thy brother Morris the some of One hundreth powndes which is readye in that cheste poyntinge at the cheste by his bedside. I have geven him the same by my Will because I promised him so muche, and if I lyve I will paye the same my self unto him, and dischardge thee from payenge yt. And the saide Lewes Anwill did afterwardes amend, and accordinge to his speeches aforesaide aboute Auguste laste in the yeare of our Lorde God One Thousand Sixe Hundreth and Fyve he called to his wife sayenge, geve me my keyes that I maye paye my sonne Morris the Hundred powndes I have geven him by my will while my sonne Willyam is here (who dwelte Fower and Twentye myles and then happned? to be there). And the keyes beinge broughte unto him he opened the cheste aforesaide & tooke oute thereof a Hundred pownde and payde or caused to the same to be delyvered to his saide sonne Morris in satisfaction of the saide some of a hundred powndes so as is aforesaide geven unto him by his will.....

  Marriage Information:

Lewis married Elizabeth ferch Morys, daughter of Morys ab Ieuan.

  Marriage Information:

Lewis also married Margaret Richard, daughter of Richard ab Ieuan of Pennarth in Penmachno.


1 Landed families of Britain and Ireland: Anwyl family of Parc and Llugwy Hall; Pedigrees of Anglesey and Caernarvonshire Families, J. E. Griffith, p. 210.

2 UK National Archives, PROB 11/106/271.

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