The Anwill Manuscript 2
"I was marryed the 12th daye of September, 1627: att Vaynol, in Flintshire, with Frances, the Fourth daughter of Sir William Jones, knight: I being then about the age of 31: yeares, she of the age of 23: or thereabout: my Father and Father in Lawe being then present:
"The Minister that married vs was her uncle, Edmund Gruffith, then Deane of Bangor, afterwardes bishoppe of Bangor:
"My daughter Katherin was borne at Holburne, in London, vppon a Wednesdaye, being the 15th daye of August, 1628: some half an houre before one of the clocke in the morninge: she was Christened the Thursday sevenight after, att St. Andrewes Church in Holburne : her godfather being Lieutenant Coronell Davyes, of Gwisane, her Godmothers, the Ladye Katherin Jones, and Margery my brother Charles Jones his wife :
"About a fortnight after her birth, I sent her to little Milton, in Oxford-shire, neare Whateley-bridge, where she was nursed by one Wytherington's wife, with whome shee remayned about a yeare and 3 quarters, and then was brought to Dolfenddû, in Mountgomery-shire, where her mother and my selfe then beganne to keepe house...
"About Allhallowtide, 1628, my deare Frances and myself came from London to Parke, to my Father's house, where we lived vntil May : 1630 : when we came to Dolyfonndû.
"At Maye, in Anno Dmi. : 1630 : my deare Frances and my selfe came to Dolyfondû, in Montgomery-shire, to keepe house, where we lived for the space of 3 : yeares, paying rent for the same 5£ per annum : and in lesse than 3 : weekes after my Frances went from thence to lloyn in Merioneth-shire : where she departed out of this world to my vnspeakable losse and griefe : Bendith dduw gida hi enaid : &c. : she was buried in Dolgelle Church vppon a wednesday night : I kept her commemoration vppon Sunday the 21st of Julye after, where Mr. Robert Fovlkes preached her funerall Sermon, none of my Frances Friendes beinge there present : which Discourtesye neither myself, nor (god knoweth) the partye then commemorated, did any waye deserve from them.
"My sister Gwen was marryed to Mr. Richard Pole about Shrovetide : Anno : 1632 : at Parke privately : their sonne Anthony was born at Parke about a yeare after : in anno 1633.
"1632 :
"I beganne to buyld my newe house in Kemes in the midle of Januarye, 1632, which in less than 5 monethes space I finished ; but a moneth before I could have it readye it pleased god to call my deare Frances to his mercye : Dieu a son alme :
"My brother Edward was married at Aberlleveni, the last of April 1633, with Jane the daughter of Thomas Owen of Botalog, in the parishe of Towyn : havinge bynne privately contracted in the lent before.
"My litle Cadi went to Shrewsburye to Schoole, to Mrs. Bynnies, the nineteenth of June, 1634 : where I did paye £17 per annum for her table and her maydes :
"Vpon the 14th of Maye, 1633 : I lost my deare Frances att lloyn (my Father's house neare Dolgelle) we beinge then come thither intendinge to soiourne for a moneth or thereabouts, until my newe house at Kemes should be finished : my losse of her was the greatest misfortune, and most sorrowfull accident that ever happened vnto me in all the passage of my life : for she was a woman that did love me and mine entirely, of rare partes and qualityes, both bodye and minde, of great understandinge and of an excellent witt, with so pleasing a carriage and behaviour that she did easilye attract the love and good likeinge of all whom soever she did att anye tyme converse or was acquainted with : not scornfullye proud, nor so straight laced as some of her neare kynne are, but gentle and meeke, not Disdayneinge to speake to the meanest person she mette with of her acquaintance, after a kinde, familiar, lovinge, manner....
"She Dyed vppon a Tuesdaye, betweene one and 2 : of the clocke in the afternoone, the 14th of Maye, 1633, of a fever proceedinge from a paine in the hinder parte of her head, towards the left side, beinge (as I afterwardes conceived) an Apostume there gathered : having lived about 29 years : leaving her only child Catherin, then of the age of 4 : yeares and 9 : monethes...
"Vppon her tombe :
'Quos Deus amat, iuvenes rapit.
'Hæc ffrancisca Anwill parvo tumulata sepulcro,
'Adventum expectat Christe benigne tuum :
'Scilicet hic corpus : cœlis pars altera laudat
'Æternum, Angelicis associata choris' :
"1634 :
I was married the second tyme the 6th daye of Februarye, beinge Frydaye, att Vaynol, in Carnarvonshire; with Magdalen, the only Daughter of Sir Thomas Williams : Baronett : I beinge then of about the age of 38 yeares, and she of 23 : or thereabouts; my Father and Father in lawe beinge then present :
"My Father in lawe, Sir Thomas Williams, Dyed at Vaynol, vppon a sundaye morninge about 5 : of the clocke, the 26th daye of June : 1636, beinge then about the age of 50 : yeares : his sonne and heyre, Sir William Williams, being then in France : he was buried privately in the night, att Bangor, without either funeral sermon, or after, or other commemoracion : he was the sonne of Sir William Williams, the sonne of Thomas Wynne ap William, a younger sonne of the house Cychwyllan :
"My Father was Sheriffe of Carnarvonshire 1637 : but beganne his office before allhallowtide the yeare before :
"I left Vaynol, and together with my wife, Magdalen, came to live at Kemmes, the First of August : 1637 : the next christmas after, wee were ffaigne to goe to Chester, to the Ladye Williams, to live with her : my wife remayned there untill after the next whitsontide, beinge sickelye; and then came backe againe to Kemes :
"My mother in lawe, the Ladye Catherin Williams, dyed at Pryscot, in Carnarvonshire, vppon Thursdaye, the Fourteenth daye of November : 1639 : between 9 : and tenne of the clocke att night, and was buried in Bangor church, upon the Sundaye night followinge, without sermon or other commemoracion : she was the eldest daughter of Robert wynne, of Conweye, a younger brother of the house of Gwydder : her mother was Dorothye Dymocke, of Willington, in Flintshire : she was about 51 : or 52 : yeares of age when she dyed : her sonne, Sir William Williams, was then highe sheriffe of Carnarvon-shire :
"My grandmother, Mabli, the wife of Edward Herbert, of Kemes, dyed the 5th daye of December att Maes Machre, beinge then about the age of 81 : yeares : she was the Daughter of Richard ap Hugh ap Jem'. (Ievan), of Dolyfonndû, Esq.
"1639 :
"My Grandfather, Edward Herbert, of Kemes, dyed at Maes-Machre, vppon Tuesdaye, the ninth of Aprill, about eight of the clocke in the morninge, and was buried vppon Saturdaye after....
"He was the sonne of John Herbert, the sonne of Sir Richard Herbert, that was in Banburye-Field one (on) the partye of Ed: the Fourth :
"His mother was Elizabeth the daughter and heyre, of Robert ap Gruffith ap Gwillim ap Gruffith Derwas :
"1638 :
"My sister Catherine, the wife of William Wynne, of Glynne, dyed at Glynne, vppon a Saturdaye, beinge the three and twentyeth daye of Februarye, and was buried at Llanvihangel, vppon the Thursdaye after : she was (when shee dyed) of about the age of Fourty Four yeares, or between that and Forty Five : she was the eldest of all her Father's children...." 2
Lewis Anwill was named in his father's will (1641) as father of Katherine Anwill.