In 1851, Thomas Styance (17) of Linton, farm labourer, was with his parents in Loose Street, Loose, Kent.
In 1861, Thomas Stiance (28) of Hunton Kent, unmarried, brewhouse labourer, was lodging in Nettlestead Kent.
In 1871,Thomas Skyance [sic] (38) of Linton, ag lab, and wife Ann Darcus (23) of Harrietsham, were living in West St., Harrietsham Kent. Present was son Thomas A. (2) of Harrietsham. Ann's parents were living nextdoor.
In 1881, Thomas Styance (44) [sic] of Hunton, ag lab, and wife Ann D. (32) of Harrietsham, were living in West St., Harrietsham Kent. Present were children (born in Harrietsham): Rose A. (10), scholar, William A. (4), Alice L. (1)
Thomas Stiyances died aged 48 years (GROE Death Index) 3
Thomas Styance died aged 50 years (England, Kent, Parish Registers, 1538-1911).