James Sanders
Mary Hodges
James Sanders


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Frances Jane Carpenter

James Sanders

  • Born: 3 Aug 1854, The Murray/Burra District, S.A., Australia 2
  • Married: 1 Nov 1877, Residence of William Carpenter (father), Tiparra, S.A., Australia 1
  • Died: 10 Oct 1884, Maitland, S.A., Australia 3

  Research Notes:

"James Sanders, a driver for Mr.Opie, met with a serious accident while returning from Ardrossan, whither he had taken passengers to the steamer yesterday. He was found lying unconscious on the Maitland-road, five miles from Ardrossan, with the buggy capsized. He was taken back to Ardrossan and then brought on here, reaching Maitland in the evening. He has not yet regained consciousness. The extent of the man's injuries are not known, but there are small hopes of his recovery." 4


" On Monday an inquest was held on the body ot James Sanders, who was killed by being thrown from his buggy. The evidence showed that deceased left Maitland for Ardrossan on October 9 in good health, but tired from loss of rest. He left Ardrossan at 2 o'clock, when he was sober, and was next seen by a farmer lying in the vehicle, apparently asleep, with the reins tied up. At 4 o'clock a man named Bartholomew saw the trap upset five miles from Ardrossan and deceased lying on the road close by. With the help of a man named Bullins he lifted deceased into his conveyance and took him to Ardrossan, and then to Maitland. A doctor was called in, and found Sanders unconscious. He died on the following evening. The jury returned a verdict to the effect that death resulted from concussion of the brain, caused by a fall from his boggy. The deceased was buried on Saturday, his remains being followed to the grave by a number of friends and members of the I.O.O.F. lodge. Deceased, who was thirty years of age, leaves a widow and two children." 5

  Marriage Information:

James married Frances Jane Carpenter, daughter of William Carpenter and Elizabeth Crase, on 1 Nov 1877 in Residence of William Carpenter (father), Tiparra, S.A., Australia 1. (Frances Jane Carpenter was born on 29 May 1859 in Kooringa, Burra, S.A., Australia 6 and died on 11 Nov 1914 in Prospect, Adelaide, S.A., Australia.)


1 South Australia BDM, Reg. # 113/326.

2 Ibid, South Australian Births 1842 - 1906 Book: 6 Page: 200 District: TMu.

3 Ibid, Reg. # 141/325.

4 South Australian Register, Saturday 11 October 1884.

5 South Australian Weekly Chronicle, Saturday 18 October 1884.

6 South Australia BDM, South Australian Births 1842 - 1906 Book: 17 Page: 250 District: Bur.

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