James Sanders
Mary Hodges
William Carpenter
(Abt 1835-1912)
Elizabeth Crase
James Sanders
Frances Jane Carpenter
Elizabeth Mary Sanders


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Ernest Datson Manley

Elizabeth Mary Sanders

  • Born: 24 Oct 1884, Maitland, S.A., Australia 2
  • Married: 8 Jan 1902, Adelaide, S.A., Australia 1

  Marriage Information:

Elizabeth married Ernest Datson Manley, son of William Henry Manley and Mary Jane Bennetts, on 8 Jan 1902 in Adelaide, S.A., Australia 1. (Ernest Datson Manley was born on 30 May 1876 in Moonta Mines, Moonta, S.A., Australia 3 and died on 31 Aug 1951 in Adelaide, S.A., Australia 4 5.)


1 South Australia BDM, Reg. # 210/80.

2 Ibid, South Australian Births 1842 - 1906 Book: 337 Page: 174 District: Dal.

3 Ibid, South Australian Births 1842 - 1906 Book: 168 Page: 21 District: Dal. (called Earnest Manley).

4 Ibid, 772/4779.

5 The Advertiser (Adelaide), Saturday 8 September 1951.

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