James Sanders
Mary Hodges
William Carpenter
(Abt 1835-1912)
Elizabeth Crase
James Sanders
Frances Jane Carpenter
Edith Jane Sanders


Family Links

Arthur Stanley Perry

Edith Jane Sanders

  • Born: 17 May 1880, Moonta, S.A., Australia 2
  • Married: 10 Jun 1911 1
  • Died: 1917, Daly district, S.A., Australia 3

  Marriage Information:

Edith married Arthur Stanley Perry, son of Josiah Perry and Rebecca Jane James, on 10 Jun 1911 1. (Arthur Stanley Perry was born on 12 Feb 1883 in Hamley Mine, near Moonta, S.A., Australia 4 and died in 1961 in Daly district, S.A., Australia 5.)


1 South Australia BDM, Reg. # 247/841.

2 Ibid, South Australian Births 1842 - 1906 Book: 242 Page: 202 District: Dal.

3 Ibid, Reg. # 409/211.

4 Ibid, South Australian Births 1842 - 1906 Book: 298 Page: 360 District: Dal.

5 Ibid, Reg. # 926/4969.

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