Named with her husband in the 1759 Will of her paternal aunt Grace Harris of Camborne.
In 1777 Cordelia was the sole executrix of her husband's will.
Cordelia Carthew, widow (burial record).
Abstract of the Will of Cordelia Carthew of the Parish of Camborne in the County of Cornwall, Widow, written 31 Oct 1794, proved 13 May 1795. 6
Gives to her two daughters Mary Rickard, widow, and Cordelia Crase, widow, thirty shillings.
All the rest of her estate and effects she gives to her two sons Samuel and Joseph.
Directs her executors to provide for and maintain her daughters Mary Rickard and her child, and Cordelia Crase.
Directs that if her son Samuel marries Anne Williams the daughter of Colin Williams late of Gwithian, then his share of her effects will become the property of her son Joseph.
Appoints her sons Samuel and Joseph co-executors of her last will and testament.
(her mark)
Witnesses: Henry Bolitho, John Gribbell