Witglaff (Wiglaf), King of Mercia
Cyneðryð, Princess of Mercia
Ceolwulf I, King of Mercia
(Abt 770-Aft 823)
Wigmund, King of Mercia
(-Abt 839)
Ælfleda, Princess of Mercia
Eadburh, Princess of Mercia
(Bef 839-Aft 885)


Family Links

Æthelred "Mucel", Ealdorman of the Gaini of Mercia

Eadburh, Princess of Mercia

  • Born: Bef 839, Mercia, England
  • Died: After 885

  Research Notes:

Asser records that Alfred's mother-in-law "Edburga of the royal line of Mercia…was a venerable lady and after the decease of her husband, she remained many years a widow, even till her own death".


Weir in his Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (Pimlico), p. 9, speculates that Eadburh was perhaps daughter of King Ceonwulf of Mercia (d. 821) and his wife Elfreda (Ælfryth, d.c. 821). A number of secondary sources (including thepeerage.com, citing Journal of the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, Chobham, Surrey, U.K) show Eadburh (Edberga) as the daughter of King Wigmund of Mercia (d. by 839) and Ælfleda his wife (a niece of the above Ceonwulf). As Eadburh is recorded as having outlived her husband Æthelred Mucel by many years (he died c.885), it seems unlikely that Eadburh was the daughter of Ceonwulf and Ælfryth. 1

  Marriage Information:

Eadburh married Æthelred "Mucel", Ealdorman of the Gaini of Mercia, son of Mucel of the Gaini and Unknown. (Æthelred "Mucel" was born before 848 in Mercia, England and died about 885.)


1 Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLAND,%20AngloSaxon%20&%20Danish%20Kings.htm#EadburgaMerciaMEthelredMucilGainas.

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