Her parentage and first marriage are confirmed by an inquisition after the death of "Robert Waleraund" which records that the deceased held "Stupellaunton [Wiltshire]...of the gift of Lady Maud de Albo Monasterio sometime the wife of Sir John son of Alan, who had the land in free marriage from Lady Clemence de Verdun her mother". Inquisitions "Wednesday after Epiphany 12 Edw I", after the death of "Maud (late) the wife of Richard de Amundevyl alias Lady Maud de Verdun”, name “Richard son of John (son) of the said Alan... age unknown is her next heir... Richard son of Alan aged 18 at the feast of St. Michael last is her next heir”, found that she died “on Saturday after St. Katherine 12 Edw I”. 1
Inquisition Post Mortem
536. Maud (late) the wife of Richard de Amundevyl, alias Lady Maud de Verdoun.
Writ (missing).
Wilts. Extent, Wednesday after Epiphany, 12 Edw. I. [1283]
Kyveleygh. The manor.., including nineteen 'Acremen' and eleven 'Lundenarii' who shall work every Monday yearly except three, held in dower of the king in chief, rendering 20s. yearly at the castle of Dyvises.
She died on Saturday after St. Katherine, 12 Edw. I.
Richard son of John (son) of the said Alan (sic. but no Alan previously mentioned in the inquisition), age unknown, is her next heir.
[Salop.] Extent, Saturday after St. Lucy, 12 Edw. I.
Acton la Rundle. A messuage, garden, 140a. land in demesne, 4a. meadow, 15s. rent of free tenants, and 9l. 16s. 6d. rent of customers, pasture, a wood, pleas &c.
Conede. A messuage not built, 180a. in demesne, 3a. meadow, 47s. 3d., 1 lb. pepper and 1 lb. cummin rent of free tenants, and 12l. 7s. 6½d. rent of customers, a wood, a custom called 'Wrincak' (?), aid, pleas &c.
Upton. A capital messuage with garden, 2 carucates land in demesne, a meadow, 30s. 4d. rent of free tenants, and 7l. 7s. 1d. rent of customers, pannage, herbage of a wood, pleas &c.
Wroxcestre. A capital messuage, garden and small fish pond, 1 carucate land in demesne, a meadow, 11s. 8d. rent of free tenants, and 7l. 10s. 6d. rent of customers, a mill, a fishery, pleas &c.
All held by Richard de Amundevill, of the dower of the said Maud, of the king in chief, of the inheritance of Richard son of Alan, who is within age and in the king's wardship.
Sussex. Extent, Wednesday after St. Nicholas, 12 Edw. I.
Esewrithe. The hundred.. which was sometime assigned to Lady Maud de Werdun in dower, and to which pertain the tithings of Gretham, Storkt', Billingeh', and Howik, Perham the tenement of the parson of Rugwik, and the tithings of Niutimbre and Dunhurst.
Sussex, Extent, Tuesday after St. Nicholas, 12 Edw. I.
Norhstote. A messuage with garden, 30a. arable in demesne, 15a. meadow, pasture in the marsh, 6s. 6d. rent of assize, 28s. customs, &c, 24s. from a tenement in la Manewode, a fishery &c., which sometime were assigned to Lady Maud in dower.
Buri. The hundred (extent given) similarly assigned, including the tithings of Bigeneuere and Eringeham. The abbot of Fiscamp used to give 40s. to have fines (misericordias) from his tenants in the said hundred.
Sussex, Extent, Friday after St. Andrew, 12 Edw. I.
Esebourn. The hundred (extent given) similarly assigned, to which pertain the tithings of Stedeham, Cokkyngges, Graffham, Hetschete, Bekynton, Lynche, Hyppyngge, Wolbedyngge, Bodyton and Seleham.
She died on the day of St. Edmund, King and Martyr, 12 Edw. I.
Richard son of Alan, aged 18 at the feast of St. Michael last, is her next heir.
Sussex. Extent, Saturday after St. Andrew, 12 Edw. I.
Donhurst. The manor (extent given), including the hundred of Retheresbrugge, similarly assigned, and held of the king in chief, pertaining to the honour of Arundell.
Date of death, the day of St. Edmund, as above. Heir as above.
Sussex. Extent, Sunday the eve of St. Nicholas, 12 Edw. I.
Estden. The manor (extent given), including the advowson of the church, the pastures of Beuchamp, Wodelye, and Lytlendon, and a rent of 2s. 7½d. at Cycestre, similarly assigned, and held of the king in chief, pertaining to the castle of Arundell.
Date of death, the day of St. Edmund as above. Heir as above, aged 18 at the feast of the Purification, 11 Edw. I. 2