The Book of Hyde names "Elfelmi comitis filia Elfleda" as first wife of King Eadweard. Roger of Wendover calls her "secunda regina sua…Alfleda, Elfelmi comitis filia". "Elffled coniux regis" subscribed a 901 charter of King Edward.,%20AngloSaxon%20nobility.htm#AelfledaMEdwardWessex
Ælfleda married Eadweard I "The Elder" DE WESSEX, son of Ælfræd "the Great" DE WESSEX and Eahlwið of the Gaini, about 901. (Eadweard I "The Elder" DE WESSEX was born about 872 in Wessex, England, died on 17 Jul 924 in Farndon-on-Dee, Mercia and was buried in Winchester Cathedral.)