Caroline's age varies considerably through the Censuses....
In 1851 Caroline Lethlean (6) of Cumberland was with her widowed mother Mary in Baripper Camborne.
In 1861 Caroline Lathlean (18), birthplace unknown, was with her mother and stepfather William Marley [Murley] in Centenary St., Camborne.
In 1871 Caroline Lathlean (23) of Cumberland, was with her widowed mother Mary Murley in Trelowarren St., Camborne.
In 1881 Caroline Johns (31) of Camborne [sic], and husband Stephen Johns (30) of Camborne, mine engine driver, were living in 31 Beacon, Camborne. Present were children (born in Camborne): Eliza Ellen (7), scholar, Joseph Edward (3), Arthur (2m)
In 1891 Caroline Johns (41) of Cumberland and husband Stephen Johns (40) of Camborne, mine engine driver, were living in Beacon, Camborne. Present were children (born in Camborne): Eliza E. (17), draper's assistant, Joseph E. (13), scholar, Arthur (10), scholar, mother Margaret Johns (70) of Camborne, widow.