William Bawden died aged 81 years (burial record).
Abstract of the Will of William Bawden of the Parish of Camborne in the County of Cornwall, Widower, written 7 Feb 1794, proved 26 Jan 1798. 4
Gives and bequeaths 1 shilling to his son John Bauden.
Gives and bequeaths 1 shilling to his daughter Jenifer Bailey.
Gives and bequeaths 1 shillinlg to his daughter Eliz. Crowge.
Gives and bequeaths 1 shilling to his son William Bauden.
Gives and bequeaths 1 shilling to his son Nicholas Bauden.
All the remainder of his goods, chattels and effects he gives and bequeaths to his son Christopher Bauden whom he appoints sole executor of his last will and testament.
(his sign)
Witnesses: Thos. Nicholls, William Roberts