"TEMBY.On the 26th April, at his residence, "Taroona," St. Kilda (late of Kalgoorlie), after a brief illness, the result of a buggy accident, John, beloved husband of Mary Temby, aged 36."
"Tho death occurred at St. Kilda on Sunday of Mr. John Temby, a former Bendigo man. Mr. Temby met with a vehicular accident last week. He was driving home from South Melbourne with his wife, and when rounding a corner came into collision with a tram. Both were thrown out. Mrs Temby fortunately escaped without injury, and it was at first thought that Mr. Teniby, too, was uninjured, and a telegram to that effect was sent to his father, Mr. John Temby, Upper-road, California Gully. The family was therefore grievously shocked on Sunday night when the news of his death was conveyed to Bendigo. The late Mr. Temby was 33 [sic] years of age, and was only married some months ago. He was one of the pioneers of the gold fields of W.A., having migrated thither about 10 years agoshortly after Coolgardie was first heard of. Prior to leaving Bendigo he had followed mining as an occupation, and had been a student at the School of Mines. The late Mr. Temby's career in the West was very successful, as he was at first manager of the Leviathan battery, Kalgoorlie, and then of the Golden Pebble mine. Subsequently he was for two years and a half manager of the Associated Gold Mines, Kalgoorlie. Ill health compelled him to resign, and he then took a trip to the old country. On his return he visited Bendigo once more, and stayed here for several months, during which time he married his cousin Miss Mary Temby, eldest daughter of Mr. John 'Temby, of Ironbark. Latterly the deceased had been residing at St. Kilda." 5
Abstract of the Will of John Temby, Junr., of George Hotel, St. Kilda in the City of Melbourne in the State of Victoria, Traveller, written 26 Apr 1902, probate granted 4 Sep 1903. 7
Appoints his father John Temby, Charles W. Cropper of Kalgoorlie in W.A., agent, Sydney J. Yeo of Kalgoorlie, share broker, and Harry Hale of Kalgoorlie, solicitor, as executors and trustees of his last will.
Gives, devises & bequeaths all his real and personal estate to his trustees, to invest and sell the same, and to pay to his wife Mary an annuity of £300 from the proceeds.
Gives all his furniture, plate, linen, household and personal effects to his wife.
Directs that his trustees retain £5,000 to invest and pay the income to his mother Jane Temby for the term of her natural life, and after death, to be paid between his brothers and sisters....
Directs his trustees to pay the following legacies: £5,000 to his father John Temby, £1,200 each to his sister Olive Temby, his sister Louie Jane Killier, his brothers Frederick Nicholas Henry and Walter, £250 to his wife's parents, £250 each to his wife's sisters Mrs. Murray and Miss Temby, and to his wife's brother Alfred Temby; £1,500 to his stepson Arthur Self of Perth; £250 to Thomas Kelly senr. of Claremont Perth; £250 to William Allan Irwin of Kensington for the benefit of his son William Allan Irwin, junr., et al.
Witnesses: Thos. Napoleon Woodward, Charles E. Brown