...Geoffrey de Lucy held Chelmscote Manor, as well as Cublington, in the reign of Hen. III.; but it does not occur in the Inquisitions taken after his death in 1252, nor until the Escheat after the decease of his son, about 1283.... 1
25 Dec 1235
Rex Willelmo Marium, salutem. Ostendit nobis Galfridus de Lucy quod occasione seisine, quam tibi fieri precepimus de terris que aliquando fuerunt in manu Wintoniensis episcopi in Thorenton,' et de quibus nobis dedisti intelligi quod disseisitus fuisti per voluntatem nostram, disseisivisti ipsum Galfridum et Nicholaam uxorem ejus de terris quas ipsi tenuerunt nomine dotis ipsius Nicholæ in eadem villa. Et quia non debet aliquis injuste disseisiri de libero tenemento suo, set si aliquis crediderit se jus habere sibi perquirere debet per legem terre, tibi precipimus quod eisdem Galfrido et Nicholæ seisinam suam sine dilatione rehabere facias, ne oporteat eos conqueri propter quod ad hoc manum opponere debeamus.....
Calendar of Close Rolls, 20 Hen. III, p. 339
29 Sep 1242, Bordeaux
The king has granted to Geoffrey de Lucy that he and his heirs may render 100s. to him each year for the debts of Geoffrey de Lucy, his father, at the same terms at which the aforesaid Geoffrey was accustomed to render £10 for the aforesaid debts at the same Exchequer.
Calendar of Fine Rolls, 26 Hen. III
16 Aug 1252, Woodstock
Grant to Geoffrey de Lezingnan, the king's brother, and his heirs and assigns of the wardship of the lands late of Geoffrey de Lucy, of whomsoever he held them, to hold until the full age of the heirs.
2 Nov 1252, Windsor
Grant to Geoffrey de Lezingnan, the king's brother, that when the churches fall void in the lands late of Henry de Hastings and Geoffrey de Lucy, which are in his keeping by grant of the king, he may confer them during his said keeping.
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Hen. III, vol. 4, pp. 148, 163