In 1841 Elizabeth Trescowthick, aged about 55, and husband James Trescowthick, aged about 65, butcher, were living in Portreath Moor, Illogan. With them were John Trewartha (30), butcher, Mary Trescowthick (20), dressmaker, Elizabeth Trescowthick (15).
In 1851 Elizabeth Trescowthick (67) of Illogan, widow, domestic at home, was living in Illogan, Cornwall. With her were son John Trewartha (43) of Illogan, unmarried, butcher, daughters (born in Illogan): Mary (32), servant, Elizabeth (25), servant.
In 1861 Elizabeth Trescowthick (77) of Illogan, widow, housekeeper, was with her son John Trewartha (53) of Illogan, unmarried, butcher, at 16 Railway Terrace, Portreath, Illogan.. Also there were Elizabeth's daughters Mary Trescowthick (41) and Elizabeth Trescowthick (35), both unmarried.
Elizabeth Trescowthick died aged 78 years. 4