Hywel Vaughan of Gwengraig, Gent.
Margaret Owen, Heiress of Hengwrt
Griffith Nanney of Nannau, Esq.
Ellen Wyn
(Est 1570-)
Robert Vaughan of Hengwrt, Esq.
(Abt 1592-1667)
Catherine Nanney
Griffith Vaughan of Dolmelynllyn, Gent.


Family Links

Catherine Jones

Griffith Vaughan of Dolmelynllyn, Gent.

  • Born: 20 Oct 1628, Hengwrt, Merioneth, Wales 4
  • Married: Shortly after 10 Jul 1652
  • Buried: 29 Aug 1700, Merioneth, Wales

  General Notes:

compiler's 9 x great grandfather

  Research Notes:

4th son 1


Vaughan of Dolmelynllyn.—This was a branch of the ancient family of Hengwrt and Nannau..., not of early or of long settlement at this now venerable place. Griffith Vaughan, Esq., the first of the house, fourth son of Robert Vaughan, Esq., the antiquary of Hengwrt, settled at Dolmelynllyn, having married Jane [sic], dau. of John ap John ap Robert, of Glyn Malden.... 2


Named in the Will of Richard Johnson, rector (1717) referring to an indenture quadripartite dated 9 Jan 1697/8, of which Griffith Vaughan of Dolmelynllyn was of the fourth part. His son John was of the third part of the indenture.


The Will of Griffith Vaughan of Dolmelynllyn Merioneth, Gent, written 9 Apr 1700, proved 18 Mar 1700/1. 3

(paragraphed for easier reading)

In the Name of God Amen in the ninth day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand Seven hundred I Griffith Vaughan of Dolmelynllyn in the County of Merioneth Gentl. being sick & weake in bodye but of perfect sense & memory (praysed be God) doe make this my last Will & Testament as followeth

First I bequeath my Soul to God & my bodye to the grave to be interred in Christian buryall at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my beloved sonn Hugh John Van. five shillings

Item. I give & bequeath unto my beloved daughter Elizabeth five shillings

Item. I give & bequeath unto my beloved daughter Anne the like summe of five shillings

Item. I give & bequeath unto my beloved daughter Ellin the like summe of five shillings

Item. I give & bequeath unto my beloved Sonn in Law David William the like summe of five shillings

Item. I give & bequeath unto my beloved Sonn in Law Lewis Anwill the like summe of five shillings

Item. I give & bequeath unto my beloved wife Catherine one moity of all my goods Cattle Chattles & Creditts as the Law has allotted her. And as touching & concerning the other moitye of all my goods Cattle Chattles & Creditts I give & bequeath the same between my two sonns Robert & Hugh to be equally divided between them. And in case either of them happen to dye without issue then the Said Legacye shall descend to the survivor.

Item. I doe hereby nominate & appoynt my Said Sonn Hugh Vaughan Sole executor of this my last Will and testament making voyd all other wills by me made.

Item. I doe hereby nominate Hugh Nanney of Nanney Esqr. as Trustee of this my Will.....

In Witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and Seal this day and year first above written.


Sealed Signed declared and published in the presence off:

Lewis Owen
Richard Johnson

  Marriage Information:

Griffith married Catherine Jones, daughter of John ap Robert John of Glynmaelda and Elizabeth, shortly after 10 Jul 1652. (Catherine Jones died after 1718.)

  Marriage Notes:

This INDENTURE made the tenth Day of July in the yeare of our Lord one thousand sixe hundred Fiefty two BETWEENE John ap Robert John of Dolegleder in the Countie of Merionyth gent. and Elizabeth his wife, Robert Vaughan of Hengwrt in the Countie aforesaid esquier, and Hugh Gruffyth ap Evan of Tr (r) morva in the Countie aforesaid yeoman and Catherine his wiefe of the one partie, And Howell Vaughan of Gwengraige in the County aforesaid esquier and Edward Owen of Dolgleder aforesaid in the said Countie gent. of the other partie WITNESSETH that as well as for and in Consideration of a Lawfull marriage hereafter by God's permission ............... to be had and solemnized between Gruffyth Vaughan gent. one of the sonnes of the said Robert Vaughan and Catherine Jones Daughter of the said John ap Robert John, and of the sume of fortie pounds lawfull moneys of England already paid and satisfied by the said Robert Vaughan unto the said John ap Robert John for the marriage portion of the said Gruffyth Vaughan and for his preferment in or to the said marriage ............... and ............... he the said John ap Robert John Doeth acknowledge himself fully Satisfied Contented and paid and thereof and of everie parte and parcell thereof Doeth exoneratte acquitte and Discharge the said Robert Vaughan his heires executors, and administrators and every of them by thei's p'sents.

And for the Selinge ............... and Conveyinge of all and singular the messuage Lands Tenements wth the appurtencs hereinafter ment'oed for such uses and behoofes as are hereinafter Declared, expressed .......... for and concernnige the same and everie of them, as alsoe for Divers other good Causes and lawfull considerations (them the said John ap Robert John and Elizabeth his wiefe, Robert Vaughan, and Hugh Gruffyth ap Evan and Catherine his wiefe thereunto especially moveinge) IT is Coven'nted and agreed uppon by and between the said parties That they the said John ap Robert John and Elizabeth his wiefe, Robert Vaughan, and Hugh Gruffyth ap Evan and Catherine his wiefe shall and will at or before the next greate Sessions to be holden and ............... for and w'thin the said Countie of Merinyth acknowledge and Leavy unto the said Howell Vaughan and Edward Owen and their heires or to the heire's of one of them one Fine for the acknowledgement of there Right as that wch the said Howell Vaughan and Edward Owen have of there gift to be recorded and engrossed ............... thereuppon to be had according to the Lawes and Statutes in that Case made and Provided of and uppon all and singuler that messuage tenement and Lands ............... called tythyn Derwas? and of ............... all and singuler these several messuages Lands and tenements and hereditants wth the appurtenc's Co'enly called and known by the severall names of Glynne Maylda ............... and Llwynniarth all ............... Lieinge in Dolegleder in the Countie of Merionyth aforesaid, and all other the messuages, Lands, tenements, ............... hereditmts ............... of the said John ap Robert John or whereof he the said John ap Robert John nowe is or by right ought to be seized of any estate Inheritance or freehold in possession, remainder ............... Situate and lieinge in Dolegleder aforesaid in the said Countie or elsewhere in the said Countie, And alsoe of and uppon all and singular that messuage tenement and Lands wth the appurtennc's Called by the name of Doleymelynllyn situate and Lieinge in Llanysltyd in the Countie aforesaid ............... beinge the Lands and Inheritance of the said Robert Vaughan, And likewise in and uppon all and singuler that messuage tenements and Lands &c ............... Called by name off Pant Phillip situate lieing and being in Cregemran in the Countie aforesaid being sometime the Lands and Inheritance of the said Hugh Gruffyth ap Evan ............... being 10 mess, 6 tofts, 15 gardens, 120 a land, 100 a meadow, 250 acres of pasture, 40 acres of wood, 120 acres of bruen and 44? acres of moore ............... And it is further Covenanted declared and agreed uppon by and betweene the said parties ............... that Howell Vaughan shall hold said premises in trust ...............

Here follow provisions for Gaynor Rowland, mother of John ap Robert John, and Elizabeth, wife of John ap Robert John, who is in receipt of a separate mentenance, allowed her by court as alimony, and paid her by John ap Edward of Dolgelley, yeoman. The life tenancy of John ap Robert John is secured.


Wm. ap Robert.
Elizabeth, [his wife.]
Hugh Gruffyth ap Evan.
Robert Vaughan.
Edward Owen.


Charles Morris.
Thomas Price.
Wm.? Hughes.
Rob Lloyd.
Thomas Griffithes of Shrewsbury in the Countie Salop.
John Lewis Gruffyth.
Owen Hughes. 4


1 Collections Historical & Archæological relating to Montgomeryshire and its borders..., London, 1890, Vol. XXIV, p. 268.

2 Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and County Families of Wales, Thomas Nicholas, 2000, p. 684.

3 B / 1700 / 76 / W, Bangor Probate Records, held at the National Library of Wales.

4 Abstract reproduced in Welsh Founders of Pennsylvania, Thomas Allen Glenn, 1970, pp. 57-58.

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