Rhydderch ap Humphrey of Esgair Lwyd
(Est 1615-1702)
William Evans of Gwanas
Owen Rhydderch of Esgair Lwyd
Ann Evans
Humphrey Owen of Pen y gareg, Gent.
(Abt 1720-1806)


Family Links

Catherine Anwyl

Humphrey Owen of Pen y gareg, Gent. 1 2 5

  • Born: Abt 1720, Esgair Lwyd, Llanwrin, Montgomeryshire, Wales
  • Married: 5 Apr 1743, Tal-y-Llyn, Merioneth, Wales
  • Buried: 20 Dec 1806, Tal-y-Llyn, Merioneth, Wales 3

  General Notes:

6 x great-grandfather

  Research Notes:

Named in the Will of his father-in-law William Anwyl of Hengae, Gent, as husband of William's daughter Catherine (1776)


Release to make a tenant to the freehold for suffering recoveries with double voucher of the m., farm and lands called Ddolgoed, t. Ceiswyn, p. Talyllyn and the m. and lands called Tyddyn glan crewi, otherwise Tyddyn yn llawr Penegoes, p. Penegoes, and deed to lead the uses thereof.

10 Jul 1792

1. John Owen, otherwise John Owen Jones, of Ddolgoed, p. Talyllyn, co. Mer., gent., only son and heir of Evan Jones, late of Ddolgoed aforesaid, gent., by Sidney, his late wife, both dec., and Mary, wife of the said John Owen, otherwise John Owen Jones, eldest daughter and heir of Hugh Vaughan, late of Tyddyn glan crewi, otherwise Tyddyn yn llawr Penegos, p. Penegos, co. Mont., gent., dec., and Evan Jones Owen of Dolgoed [sic] aforesaid, gent., eldest son and heir apparent of the said John Owen, otherwise John Owen Jones, by the said Mary, his wife.

2. Humphrey Jones of the town of Machynlleth, co. Mont., gent.

3. Humphrey Owen of Penygarreg, p. Talyllyn, co. Mer., gent.

4. John Anwyl of Hengae, p. Talyllyn, co. Mer., and David Davies of Brynllwydwyn, p. Machynlleth, co. Mont., gent's.


Humphrey Owen of Penygareg died aged 87 years. 1


The Will of Humphrey Owen of Pen y gareg, Gentleman, written 19 Apr 1803, proved 15 Jan 1811. 4

[paragraphed for easier reading]

This is the last Will and Testament of me Humphrey Owen of Penygareg in the Parish of Talyllyn in the County of Merioneth Gentleman being of perfect mind memory and understanding as followeth that is to say

I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Martha Pugh of the Town of Dolgelley the Sum of Two hundred pounds for her own sole and separate use and benefit and that the same or any part thereof shall not be subject or lyable to the control debts or Engagements of her present or any future Husband and her Receipt alone shall be a good sufficient discharge to my Executors herein after named for the same notwithstanding her Coverture

I give and bequeath unto my Son Owen One Feather Bed and four blankets, and also my large Chest wherein I keep Oatmeal which Chest I desire it may be considered in future as belonging to follow the premisses

Also I give and bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Anne Owen the Daughter of my Son Owen the sum of Forty pounds

I give and bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Catherine Pugh twenty pounds

And as to all the rest residue and Remainder of my personal Estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever I give and bequeath the same and every part equally between my Son William and my Daughter Anne Williams of Pentre Mawr share and share alike, and I do hereby name constitute and appoint my said son William and my said daughter Anne Williams Co Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all other Wills by me heretofore made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this nineteenth day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and three.

Signed sealed published and declared by the above Testator Humphrey Owen as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other have set our hands as Witnesses to the due Execution thereof.

Howel Parry of Dolgelley
Catherine Pughe of Dolgelley

On the fifteenth day of January in the year of our Lord 1811 the within Will was insinuated proved approved & in common form of Law decreed valid & administration granted to the within named Executor William Owen (power being reserved for the other executrix Anne Williams to take upon herself the Execution thereof whenever she shall legally demand the same) he being first sworn in common form of Law & that the whole of the goods chattels & credits of the said deceased do not amount in value to £500.
Before me, Wm. William, Surrogate.

  Marriage Information:

Humphrey married Catherine Anwyl, daughter of William Anwyl of Hengae, Gent. and Catherine Vaughan, on 5 Apr 1743 in Tal-y-Llyn, Merioneth, Wales. (Catherine Anwyl was born about 1722 in Hengae, Tal-y-llyn, Merioneth, Wales and was buried on 8 Jul 1802 in Tal-y-Llyn, Merioneth, Wales, aged 80 years.)

  Marriage Notes:

Humphrey Owen of Dol-lwyd in the Parish of Llanwrin, Gent, & Catherine Anwyl daughter of Wm. Anwyl of Hengae, Gent, Talyllyn Parish


1 Collections Historical & Archĉological relating to Montgomeryshire and its borders..., London, 1890, Vol. XXIV, p. 268.

2 The History of The Princes, The Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog and the ancient lords of Arwystli, Cedewen, and Meirionydd, by J. Y. W. Lloyd, of Clochfaen, Esq., M.A., K.S.G., London, 1885, Vol. IV., p. 426.

3 Talyllyn Parish Registers, Burials.

4 B / 1811 / 151 / W, Bangor Probate Records, held at the National Library of Wales.

5 File 8: P. H. (Philip Hugh) Lawson, Pedigrees, genealogical notes, and extracts relating to the Anwyl family of Hengae, parish of Tal-y-llyn, co Mer., Anwyl of Hengae, p. 55, held at The National Library of Wales (Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru).

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