Rhydderch ap Humphrey of Esgair Lwyd


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Rhydderch ap Humphrey of Esgair Lwyd 1

  • Born: Est 1615
  • Married:
  • Died: Jan 1702, Esgair Lwyd, Llanwrin, Montgomery, Wales

  General Notes:

compiler's 8 x great grandfather

  Research Notes:

Roderick Humphreys is named in the inventory taken in 1691 following the death of [his son-in-law] Meredith Evan (husband of his daughter Margaret Rhydderch) as being owed £6 5s. 1d. 2


The Will of Rhydderch ap Humphrey of Esceyr-lŵyd in the Parish of Llanŵryn County Montgomery, widower, written 22 Jan 1699/1700, inventory taken 15 Jan 1701/2, proved 4 May 1702.

(paragraphed for easier reading)

In the Name of God Amen. The two and twentieth day of January One thousand Six hundred ninety nine. I Rhoderic ap Humphrey of Esceyr-lŵyd in the parish of Llanŵryn County of Montgomery and Dioces of St. Asaph Widdower, being weak & infirm in body, but of sound & perfect Memory (thanks be to Almighty God for the same), I calling to mind the uncertain State of this transitory life, & being desirous to dispose & settle things in order, do make this my last Will & Testament wherein is contained my last Will & Testament in manner and form following, revoking and absolutely annulling by these presents, all & every Testament & Testaments, Will & Wills heretofore by me made & declared either by Word or Writing, notwithstanding any promise to the Contrary or Clause derogatory in the same: And this to be taken only for my last Will and Testament & none other.

First I bequeath my Soul to Almighty God my Maker, & to Jesus Christ my Redeemer, and to the Holy Ghost my Sanctifier, & my body to the Earth from whence it came, to be buried in such decent & Christian Manner, next adjoining to the grave of my Wife if possibly so much Sound & fresh ground may be had in the Church-yard of the parish Church of Llanŵryn there to rest, untill my Soul & Body shall meet again, & be reunited at the ioyfull Resurrection of the Just, & be then made partakers of everlasting Joys of Immortality & Glory, with God in Mercy, through the merits of Jesus Christ alone, hath promised & prepar'd for all those of truely and unfeignedly repent & believe in him.

And touching such temporall Estate of Goods Chattels & Debts, as the Lord hath been pleas'd far above my deserts to bestow upon me: I doe order, give, bequeath & dispose the same in manner & form following. First I doe give & bequeath unto my Eldest Son Humphrey ap Rhydderch One shilling.

Item. I doe give & bequeath unto my Son Owen ap Rhydderch Twenty shillings.

I doe also by these presents give & bequeath unto my Daughter Catharine the Wife of John David John the summe of Twenty Shillings.

I doe also give & bequeath unto my Grand-Child Jonet John David the Daughter of John David John & Catharine his wife my Daughter the Summe of five pounds.

Item. I give unto my Grandchild Prudence Meredith the Daughter of Meredith Evan and Margaret his wife my Daughter the summe of four pounds.

All the rest & residue of my Goods & Chattels Household Stuffe, Implements of Husbandry & all other Moveables whatsoever I have, or in right belonging or due unto Me I doe hereby give devise & bequeath unto my Daughter Margaret Rhydderch, desiring her to undergoe the burthen & Charge, & to pay out of the same the Expences that shall happen at my funerall which I leave to her discretion. And lastly, I make constitute ordain & appoint my Daughter Margaret Sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal, the day and year first above written.


Signed Sealed published and declared in the presence sight & hearing of:

Hugh Rydderch,
Rhod: ap Humphrey Arthur,
Robert Tench, cler.

A True and perfect Inventary of all the goods Cattles Chattels Implements of Husbandry and Houshould Stuffe of Rhydderch ab Humphrey now Lately Deceased in the parish of Llanwring and County of Mountgomery was apprissed by us John Jones, William John David, & Richard Evan, the 15th Day of January 1701/2 ...

Imprimis of ewe & weathers of severall agges 55 att 3s. 9d. a peece 06 10 09
10 lambs att 2s. a peece 01 00 00
5 bras pans of severall sorte att 01 04 00
15 pewter dishs & plats 2 candlsticks 1 saltsetter all att 00 15 00
2 irone pots 1 backson & a brandiron 00 10 00
3 bedstids 1 feither bed 1 flock bed 2 boulsters 5 hempen sheets 6 coverlids and 6 blanketes 03 10 00
8 pounds of wool att 2s. 2d. a pound 00 17 04
---den vesels 01 00 00
1 table 1 whiele 2 cheares and 8? chests 00 12 00
Implements of husbandry att 00 05 00
John Jones by bond 10 12 00
Evan Thomas of Kridfiswel 02 00 00
Mary Cadwalader of Blaenglesirch widdow 02 10 00
Owen Rhydderch of Machynlleth 02 10 00
Henry Oliver of Ceuenmaisinor? 00 05 06
Money in the house 04 05 00
  38 06 07

  Marriage Information:

Rhydderch married Anne. (Anne was buried on 16 Oct 1698 in Llanwrin, Montgomery, Wales.)


1 SA / 1702 / 86 / W, Bangor Probate Records, held at the National Library of Wales.

2 SA / 1691 / 142 / I, Bangor Probate Records, held at the National Library of Wales.

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