It is highly likely that Thomas Duke belonged to the family of Daniel Duke and Mary, who appear briefly in the Ewhurst parish register between 1616 and 1628. This could explain why Thomas named his eldest son Daniel. However, the register shows only one baptismal record, that of John Duke son of Daniel, christened in Ewhurst on 5 May 1616. Daniel died seven months later, buried on 7 Dec 1616. Another Daniel Duke, ostensibly the son of the former Daniel, was buried in Ewhurst on 14 Nov 1624. The record reads "Daniell sonne of widdow Duke", indicating his mother was still living. Indeed, another entry in the Ewhurst parish register dated 9 Apr 1627 records the marriage of John Watts and Mary Duke, vid: (short for vidua, Latin for widow.) John Watts was buried in the following year on 1 Oct 1628. It would appear that the younger Daniel Duke, who died in 1624, was an older brother of John born 1616.
Buried June the 29 Thomas Duke
July the 2 An Affidavit was brought that the said Tho: Duke was buried according to a late Act of Parliament made for the burying in woolen (burial record).
Will of Thomas Duke of Ewhurst in the County of Sussex, Husbandman, written 28 Feb 1677/8, proved 7 Jul 1680. 3
(Names of family members are in bold.)
In the name of God Amen the Eigth and Twentieth day of February in the Thirtieth Year of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God King of England &c In the year of our Lord God One Thousand Six hundred seventie & seven, I Tomas Duke of the Parish of Ewhurst in the Countie of Sussex husbandman being Sicke and weake in body but perfect of mind and memory God be praysed, doe and ordayne this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following That is to Say In primis I commend my Soule into the hands of God hoping in his mercy through the merits of Jesus Christ for eternall Salvation, And my body I yeeld to the earth to be buried in decent manner. And as touching that temporall estate God hath given me I will and dispose the same as herein after followeth, Item I give and bequeath unto An my eldest daughter twelve pence to be paid unto her within twelve moneths next after my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto Mary my daughter twelve pence to be paid unto her within twelve moneths next after my decease, And also Ten pounds of good English money to be paid unto her Immediately after the decease of Alice my wife if it will then vise. Item I give and bequeath unto Jane my daughter twelve pence to be paid unto her within twelve moneths next after my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto Alice my youngest daughter my Cottage and the lease of the wast where on the said Cottage Standeth with Thappurtenances thereunto belonging being in Ewhurst aforesaid and after her decease I will and bequeath the Said Cottage & lease with Thappurtenances there unto belonging unto Thomas Watson the eldest son of the said Alice. And further my will and mind is that Alice my wife shall have her dwelling in that part of the said Cottage wherein widow Spray now dwelleth being the East end thereof dureing the terme of her natureall life without paying any thing therefore. Item I give and bequeath unto Jane Christmas my grand child Ten pounds of good English money to be paid into the hands of my Cousen John Duke of the parish of Playden in the County of Sussex aforesaid yeoman 4 within Twelve moneths next after my decease. And my will is that the said John Duke shall paye the said Ten pounds and the profits that shall arise thereof unto her the said Jane Christmas when she shall attaine to her age of seventeene years. But if the said Jane shall departe this life before she attaine to the aforesaid age of seventeene years That then my will is that the said Ten pounds be forth with paid unto Jane my daughter before named. All the residue of my goods moveables and chattels I give and bequeath unto Alice my wife before named whom I make ordaine and appoint to be the Sol Executorex of this my last will and Testament and She to performe full fill and see all my debts legacies and funerall expences paid and discharged. Item I do make and appoynt the before named John Duke overseer to this my last will. And I do hereby revoke & make void all former wills by me made or declared whatsoever. In witnesse whereof I the said Thomas Duke have hereunto set my hand & seale dated the day & year first above written.
(his mark)
Witnesses: Wm. Henly, Henry Henly, Mary Henly