Named as a beneficiary in her father's Will (1562), then married.
The Will of Jane Ansley, Widow of Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, written 13 Jun 1590, proved 8 Oct 1590.
[paragraphed for easier reading]
In the name of god Amen, The thirteenth day of June Anno Domini one thousand Fyve hundred ninetie, In the two and thirith yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne ladye Elizabeth by the grace of God of Englande Fraunce and Ireland Queene defendresse of the faith... I Jane Ansley of Chippinge Norton in the countie of Oxford widdowe being sicke in bodie but yet in perfect memorie thankes be to the Lord do ordaine and make this my will and testament in manner and forme followinge.
First I bequeath my soule to almightie god and my bodie to be buried in the church of Chippingnorton
Item I give and bequeath twentie poundes of English monie to the towne of Chippingnorton for ever to the use as hereafter his mentioned that is my will is that tenn poore men of occupacion to have fortie shillinges a peece for the terme of three yeares they puttinge in bonde to the maisters of the towne for the payment thereof at the three yeares ende. And they the poore men to paye a yearely twelve pence in the pounde to be given to the poore of the said Chippingnorton and if it be not done and executed accordinge to this my will then my will is the twentie poundes aforesaid to returne to the use of my sonne Edmond Ansley and his heires.
Item I give and bequeath Saulford Fyve poundes to remaine in stocke there for ever to be put into Fyve mens handes that is to saye twentie shillinges a peece for the terme of two yeares they puttinge in securitie for it as is before written. And also payinge yearely twelve pence in the pounde and to be given to the poore yearly as aforesaid.
Item I give and bequeath to Edmonde Ansley my sonne twentie pounds of like money And his two children tenn poundes a peece.
Also I give and bequeath unto John Ansley my sonne twentie poundes a featherbedd withall that belongeth thereto a coverlett with an F. and anst. and six paire of sheetes, three paire of herdon and three paire of tow a matteres a paire of fine sheetes and a paire of pillowbeeres two tableclothes a towell a dosen of napkins and a dosen of platters and a dosen of porrengers two brasen potts one lesser and another bigger a panne and a kettell a broth and a latten basen.
Item I give and bequeath to Appelen Nicholson my maide twentie poundes of like money to be paied her at her daye of marriage
Item I give and bequeath to my cosen Edmonde Ansley my brother Harry Ansleis sonne Fyve poundes to be paied to him when he shall be put to prentishipp and his maister to have the use of the said Fyve poundes untill he shall come out of his apprentishipp And that his maister shall put in good bondes for the payment of the Fyve poundes againe to the said Edmond Ansley at his cominge out of his apprentiship.
Item I give and bequeath to Thomas Fytter my servaunt tenn shillinges. And also to Ellen Cox six shillinges eight pence
Item I give and bequeath to Richard Russell six shillinges eight pence.
Item I give to James my servant two shillinges sixe pence, To Thomas Miller two shillinges sixe pence. To Sibell Juell two shillinges six pence. More I do give to Thomas Edes two shillinges six pence.
Also all the rest of my goodes cattell and chattells whatsoever unbequeathed I freely give and bequeathe to Richard Ansley my youngest sonne whome I do make my sole executor my funeralles beinge discharged makinge my overseers of this my will and testament my brother Edmond Howchins my sonne Edmonde Ansley my cosen Edward Undrell on Barton on the Heath and Thomas Cornish of Chippingnorton.
In witnes whereof I have sett my hand the daye and yeare above written.
Witnesses to this will Thomas Newman. Jane Jn Ansley her marke. 2