[Konstantinos] MAMIKONIAN of Adrianople
(-Abt 838)
(-Aft 838)
Inger MARTINAKIOS of Byzantium
Basileos I MAMIKONIAN, Byzantine Emperor
(Est 830-886)
Empress Eudoxia INGERINA
Leon VI "The Wise/The Philosopher" MAMIKONIAN, Byzantine Emperor


Family Links

1. Theofano MARTINIAKE, Empress of Byzantium

  • Evdokia MAMIKONIAN (d.y.)
2. Zoe TZAUTZINA, Empress of Byzantium
3. Evdokia "Baïana" of Phrygia, Empress of Byzantium
  • [Basileios] MAMIKONIAN (d.y.)
4. Zoe KARBONOPSINA, Empress of Byzantium

Leon VI "The Wise/The Philosopher" MAMIKONIAN, Byzantine Emperor

  • Born: 19 Sep 866, Constantinople
  • Married (1): 883/4, Manaura
  • Married (2): 893/4
  • Married (3): Spring 900
  • Married (4): 9 Jan 906, Constantinople
  • Died: 12 May 912, Constantinople
  • Buried: Church of the Holy Apostles, Constantinople

  Research Notes:

The Vita Basilii names "uxor…Eudocia cum liberis Constantino et Leone". Liudprand names "Leo Porphyrogenitus, Basilii imperatoris filius". Georgius Monachus Continuatus records the birth in Sep of "Leo imperator ex Michaele et Eudocia Ingerina". It should be noted that Symeon Magister records the birth in Sep (maybe in 866 from the context) of "Constantinus ex Michaele imperatore et Eudocia Ingerina" but does not mention the birth of Leon. It is not known whether this relates to a birth in the same year, and if this is correct what the true identity of the son was. Settipani discusses at length the legitimacy of Emperor Leon VI, concluding that he was the son of Emperor Mikhael III by Evdokia Ingerina who continued to be the emperor's mistress (he says) until his death in 867, when his widow was married to co-Emperor Basileios to preserve appearances. There appears to be no way of confirming or denying this. Emperor Basilieios crowned him co-emperor in 869.

He succeeded his father in 886 as Emperor LEON VI "the Wise/the Philosopher". Theophanes Continuatus records that "Leo…imperator" was 25 years and eight months old when he succeeded his father. He composed a large number of poems and orations. His major administrative achievement was the 60 volumes of new legal codes, τα βασιλικά, based on the work started by his father. In contrast, Leo's foreign policy was disastrous. Following the removal of the Bulgarian market from Constantinople to Thessaloniki, engineered by Stylianos Zautzes who gained from the move commercially, Symeon I Prince of Bulgaria invaded Byzantium in 894. Leon VI agreed an alliance with the Magyars to effect a counter-attack on Bulgaria's northern frontier. Following an invasion by Byzantine general Nikeforos Fokas, and a blockade of the Danube by the Byzantine fleet, Symeon was forced to conclude an armistice. However, Symeon secretly allied himself with the Pechenegs for a joint attack on the Magyars, subsequently renewing his attack on Byzantium. The Byzantines were defeated at Bulgarophygon in 896, and obliged to pay tribute to Bulgaria. The Arabs virtually completed their conquest of Sicily by 902, and attacked Armenia and Cilicia in the east. Thessaloniki fell to them 31 Jul 904. These disasters were followed by the reconstruction of the Byzantine fleet, some successes in the eastern Mediterranean, but final defeat at Chios in Spring 912.

Emperor Leon's series of marriages triggered major conflicts with the church. He dismissed Patriarch Nikolaos Mysticus who refused to recognise his fourth marriage, turning to Rome for a dispensation which was granted by Pope Sergius III in 907, but this inevitably worsened his difficulties with the Orthodox church.

Theophanes Continuatus records that Emperor Leon died 11 May. Emperor Konstantinos VII's De Ceremoniis Aulæ records that "imperator Leo Sapiens Basilii filius et filius eius Constantinus Porphyrogenitus" were buried in the church of the Holy Apostles.

Married firstly Theofano, daughter of Konstantinos Martiniakos and his wife.... Symeon Magister records the marriage in the sixteenth year of the reign of Emperor Basileios of "Constantinus Leonis imperatorem" and "Theophanonem Martinacii filiam". Georgius Monachus Continuatus records that "Leoni imperatori" married "Martinacii filiam…in Manaura". Settipani speculates that an ancestor of Theofano's father married a sister of Emperor Mikhael II. Symeon Magister records that Emperor Leon fell in love with "Zoem Zautzæ filiam" in the third year of his reign, and married her in the seventh year of his reign when "prima…eius uxor Theophano" retired "in sancta Soro Blachernarum". Theophanes Continuatus names "Theophano…imperatoris uxor" and in a later passage records her death after twelve years in power. Symeon Magister records that "Theophano Augusta" died "cum imperasset annos duodecim". Emperor Konstantinos VII's De Ceremoniis Aulæ records that "S. Theophano, prima uxor B. Leonis et eius filia Eudocia" were buried in the church of the Holy Apostles. She was venerated as a saint by the Orthodox church.

Married secondly as her second husband Zoe Tzautzina...., widow of Theodoros Gouniatzizes, daughter of Stylianos Tzautzes & his wife....

Married thirdly Evdokia "Baïana", from Phrygia, daughter of ---.... Theophanes Continuatus records that Emperor Leon married "puellam ex Opsicii themate…Eudociam" who was crowned as "Augusta", recording that she died giving birth to a male child. This third marriage was contrary to Byzantine law, Emperor Leon himself having confirmed the prohibition of third marriages by special law some year earlier, and triggered conflict between the emperor and the Church. Emperor Konstantinos VII's De Ceremoniis Aulæ records that "Eudocia, Baïni cognominata, tertia eiusdem Domini Leonis uxor" was buried in the church of the Holy Apostles.

Married fourthly Zoe “Karbonopsina”, daughter of ---...... 1

  Marriage Information:

Leon married Theofano MARTINIAKE, daughter of Konstantinos MARTINIAKOS, in 883/4. Theofano was repudiated in 893/4. (Theofano MARTINIAKE died on 10 Nov 897.)

  Marriage Information:

Leon also married Zoe TZAUTZINA, daughter of Stylianos Basilopator TZAUTZES, in 893/4. (Zoe TZAUTZINA died in May 899 and was buried in St. Zoe, Constantinople.)

  Marriage Information:

Leon also married Evdokia "Baïana" of Phrygia in Spring 900. (Evdokia "Baïana" died 12 Apr 901.)

  Marriage Information:

Leon also married Zoe KARBONOPSINA on 9 Jan 906 in Constantinople. (Zoe KARBONOPSINA died after 918.)


1 Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, Medlands: Leon.

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