Adèle D' ANJOU, Comtesse de Vendôme 1
- Married: Between 1016 and 1020
- Died: 26 Feb 1033/5
Research Notes:
The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum names "Gosfridum Martellum et filiam Adelam" as the children of "Fulco Nerra". The primary source which confirms her marriage precisely has not been identified, although the Historia Nivernensium Comitum records that the wife of "Bodonem [filium Landrici]" was "stirpis Andegavorum".
She succeeded her maternal uncle in [1016/20] as Ctss de ½ Vendôme. A charter dated to [1032] records that Foulques "Nerra" Comte d’Anjou transmitted "honor Vindocinensis" to his only daughter by "sororem defuncti pontificis", and that she had four sons of whom "primogenitum…Burchardum". 2
Marriage Information:
Adèle married Bodon DE NEVERS, Comte de Vendôme, son of Landry IV DE MONCEAU, Comte de Nevers, and Mathilde DE MÂCON, Comtesse de Nevers, between 1016 and 1020. (Bodon DE NEVERS was born about 997 in Nevers, Nièvre, Bourgogne, France and died about 1023 in Bourgogne-Comté, France.)