The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Renardum…comes Ioviniaci…et Rogerum Ioveville domnum" as the two sons of "Iovevillam Gaufridus secundus, tertius…eiusdem loci domnus". Pibon Bishop of Toul recalls donations made to Saint-Mansuy, among others those by "Arnoul chanoine de Verdun et Blanche dame de Joinville", with the consent of their heirs "Etienne clerc, le comte Renard et Roger son jeune frère", by charter dated 29 May 1103.
Seigneur de Joinville. "Roger seigneur de Joinville et Geoffroy son fils", with the consent of "Audiard femme de Roger", renounced rights over the abbey of Saint-Urbain by charter dated 1132. "Roger de Joinville, sa femme et Geoffroy leur fils" witnessed a charter dated 1137 under which Geoffroy Bishop of Châlons confirmed the foundation of the commanderie du Temple, at Ruetz by "Haton de Hatoncourt". 2