"Berengarius…vicecomes et uxor mea Garsindes filiique nostri Raymundus, Petrus […clericus] et Bernardus" donated property to the cathedral of Narbonne, with the advice of "Garsindis comitissæ matri meæ", by charter dated 23 Apr 1048.
Vicomte de Narbonne. A charter dated 1066 records the settlement of disputes between the archbishop of Narbonne and "Bernardum Berengarii vicecomitem eiusdem civitatis". "Berengarius vicecomes et uxor mea Garsindis" swore allegiance to "domno Raymundo Berengarii seniori nostro" for one of his fiefs by charter dated 5 Feb 1067, subscribed by "Raimundus Berengarii, Petrus Berengarii, Bernardus Berengarii filii eorum". 1