- Married:
- Died: After 7 Jun 1032
Research Notes:
A second testament of "Adalaidis vicecomitissa", dated 29 Mar 990, bequeathed property to "nurum meam Ricardem" and after her death to "Ermengaudum nepotem meum, filium suum". "Ermengaudus archipraesul" names "Ricardis vicecomitissa…Raymundo vicecomite et Berengario filio ejus...Willelmo nepoti meo…Berengario nepoti meo" in his testament dated 22 Mar 1023. Stasser suggests that she was Richarde de Millau, daughter of Bérenger Vicomte de Millau et de Rouergue & his wife ---, to explain transmission of the name Bérenger into this family. From a chronological point of view, this appears implausible. The testament of "Ermengaudus archipresul", dated to [1005], named "Bernardus comes, Ricardis vicecomitissa…" as his executors and bequeathed property to "Raymundo vicecomiti et Berengario filio eius…Willelmo nepoti meo…Raymundo comiti Barchinonæ…Willelmo comiti Tolosano…Irmissindam et…Witardo et Gaucelino filio eius…". "Berengarius vicecomes" donated property to the canons of Saint-Just and Saint-Pastor, for the souls of "patris mei Raimundi et avunculi mei Ermengaudi archiepiscopi", by charter dated 7 Jun 1032, signed by "Ricardis vicecomitissæ matris eius, Garsindis uxoris eiusdem, Raimundi filii eorum…". 1
Marriage Information:
Richarde married Vcte Raymond I DE NARBONNE, son of Vcte Matfred DE NARBONNE and Adelais DE TOULOUSE. (Raymond I DE NARBONNE was born Est 955 in Narbonne, Aude, Languedoc, France and died in 1019.)