Fulk Paynel, Lord of Dudley (-Aft 1129) |
Fulk Paynel, Lord of Dudley 1
Ellis names "William Paynel of Moûtiers-Hubert and Fulk Paynel of Dudley" as the sons of William Paynell Seigneur de Moûtiers-Hubert, without citing the primary sources on which he bases his supposition. Domesday Descendants does not specify his parentage. The 1130 Pipe Roll records "Fulcoius Paenell" paying half a fine relating to his suit against "Rogerum Parlarium" in Staffordshire. “Gervasius Paganellus” donated property to Tykford Priory, with the consent of “uxoris meæ Isabellæ comitissæ de Norhamton”, by charter dated 1187 which names “Fulcodius Paganellus avus meus et Radulfus Paganellus pater meus”. 2 ![]()
1 Racines et Histoire, Famille Paynel, p. 2.
2 Foundations for Medieval Genealogy, Medlands, Fulk Paynell.
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