Pérez de Urbel that Munio Núñez may have been the same person as Nuño Núñez “Rasura”, although the names "Nuño" and "Munio" were different. “Monnio Nunnez et uxor mea Argilo” granted rights to Brañosera by charter dated 13 Oct 824, confirmed by “Gundisalvo Fernandiz comite” who names them as “avi mei”, further confirmed by “Fernando Gundisalviz comite et uxor mea Urraca”, and further confirmed by “Sancio Garcianez comes” who names “meos avos Gundisalvo Fernandiz et Fernando Gundisalvez”. Brañosera is within the jurisdiction of Aguilar de Campoo, west of the source of the river Ebro in the lower mountains of Burgos. 1