The Fundationis et Fundatorum Historia of Forde Abbey names (in order) "Johannem…Hugonem tertium…Robertum…ac Thomam" as the sons of "dominus Hugo secundus" & his wife, adding that John became abbot at Tavistock.
He was summoned to parliament 23 Apr 1337, whereby he is held to have become Lord Courtenay.
He succeeded his father in 1340 as Earl of Devon. 1
son and heir
Lord of Oakhampton, Devon, Joint Warden of Devon and Cornwall, Chief Warden of Devon
Served in the Scottish and French wars and was Knight Banneret on 20 January 1327; repulsed the French descent on Cornwall 1339
He was summoned to Parliament on 23 April 1337, by writ directed Hugoni de Courteney juniori, whereby he is held to have become Lord Courtenay. He succeeded to the Earldom of Devon on his father's deah in 1340.
He had livery 11 January 1340/1. He made, by license. of Edward III, an extensive entail in tail male of his lands. He attended the tournament held at Lichfield, 9 April 1347, as one of the Knights of the King's Chamber.
Inq. p.m. 1 Ric. II, No. 12. 2
18 Aug 1377, Westminster
To Robert Hulle escheator in Devon. Order to deliver to William de Latymer and to Edward heir of Hugh de Courtenay earl of Devon all the lands of the said earl and the issues thereof taken since his death, except lands which the earl held jointly with Margaret his wife and Elizabeth de Veer, and lands assigned by the king in dower to the said Margaret ; as the late king granted to the said William and Edward for a yearly farm to be rendered at the exchequer the wardship of all the earl's lands taken into his land by the earl's death and by reason of the said heir's nonage.
The like to Nicholas de Somerton escheator in Oxfordshire, Berkshire and the county of Suthampton.
Calendar of the Close Rolls, 1 Rich. II, p. 9.