Samuel Bennett
Eliza(beth) Sellers
(Abt 1813-1886)
Alfred M. Cane
Alfred Bennett
Emily Anne Cane
(Abt 1845-1917)
Alfred Leonard Bennett


Family Links

Elsie May Brunskill

  • Beth A. Bennett
  • Alfred George Alan B. Bennett

Alfred Leonard Bennett

  • Born: 10 Jun 1877, 183 Bourke St., Woolloomooloo, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia 2 3
  • Married: 11 Apr 1918, Congregational Church, Pitt St., Sydney, N.S.W., Australia 1
  • Died: 10 May 1942, Mosman, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia 4 5

  Research Notes:

"BENNETT.—May 10, 1942, at his residence, 80 Prince Albert Street, Mosman, Alfred Leonard, beloved husband of Elsie Bennett and father of Beth and Alan."


Abstract of Will of Alfred Leonard Bennett, late of Mosman near Sydney, formerly of "The Oaks," Farmer.

Written: 7 Jul 1937
Probate: 28 Jul 1942

Effects: £360. 5. 2. net.

Executors & Trustees: wife Elsie May Bennett & The Union Trustee Company of Australia Limited.

Beneficiaries: Executors and Trustees In Trust for his children should they attain the age of twenty-one years. 6

  Marriage Information:

Alfred married Elsie May Brunskill, daughter of Anthony Brunskill and Elizabeth C., on 11 Apr 1918 in Congregational Church, Pitt St., Sydney, N.S.W., Australia 1. (Elsie May Brunskill was born in 1888 in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia 7.)

  Marriage Notes:

"BENNETT-BRUNSKILL.—April 11, at Pitt-street Congregational Church, by the Rev. N. J. Cocks, B.A., Alfred Leonard, second son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bennett, of Clairveaux, Rose Bay, and of Cyrene, Almora street, Mosman, to Elsie May, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Brunskill, of Allonby, Wagga."


1 NSW Registry BDM (marriages), 3222/1918.

2 NSW Registry BDM (births), 1787/1877.

3 The Sydney Morning Herald, Monday 18 June 1877.

4 NSW Registry BDM (deaths), 11084/1942.

5 The Sydney Morning Herald, Monday 11 May 1942.

6 New South Wales Will Books, 1800-1952, no. 270022.

7 NSW Registry BDM (births), 29377/1888.

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