Christopher Bennett of Camborne Vean
Anne Carthew
Samuel Sellers
Elizabeth Galliott
Samuel Bennett
Eliza(beth) Sellers
(Abt 1813-1886)
Christopher Bennett


Family Links

Violet Llewellin

Christopher Bennett

  • Born: 1857, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 3
  • Married: 7 Apr 1880, St. Mary's Church of England, Balmain, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia 1 2
  • Died: 3 Jan 1917, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 4

  Research Notes:


The death occurred early yesterday morning, after a long illness, of Mr. Christopher Bennett, a prominent figure in the Australian newspaper world.

The late Mr Bennett, who was the principal and managing proprietor of the "Evening News," "Town and Country Journal," and the "Women's Budget" was a son of Mr. Samuel Bennett, the founder of these papers. Born in Sydney in 1857, he was educated at the King's School, Parramatta. He married in 1880 a daughter of the late Mr. W. N. Llewellin, of the Customs Department, and leaves three sons and one daughter, who is married to Captain Robins, who commands H.M.A.S. Tingira.

On the death of his father he became managing proprietor of the newspapers named, and his management has maintained those properties in the front rank of Australian journals. One of his sons is a barrister of the Inner Temple, a second, Sergeant K. L. Bennett, of the Australian Forces, was seriously wounded at Pozieres, in France, while the third, Lieutenant Cecil Bennett, is serving, also with the Australian Forces in France. All three sons are graduates of Cambridge University.

A man of wide sympathies, Mr. Bennett occupied a high place in public esteem, although his health of late years had curtailed his activities; and amongst Red Cross workers, as well as amongst the public generally, sincere sympathy will be felt for Mrs. Bennett, who has been a leading worker in the movement, being the assistant director of the voluntary aid detachments. At the recent parade of 3000 voluntary aids before the Governor-General and Sir Gerald Strickland, in Government House grounds, Mrs. Bennett took a principal part in the organisation of the function.

The funeral will take place at South Head Cemetery at half-past 2 o'clock this afternoon." 5

  Marriage Information:

Christopher married Violet Llewellin, daughter of William Norman Llewellin and Mary Ann, on 7 Apr 1880 in St. Mary's Church of England, Balmain, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia 1 2. (Violet Llewellin was born about 1858 and died on 11 Jul 1948 in Clanville Rd., Roseville, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia 6 7.)

  Marriage Notes:

"BENNETT—LLEWELLIN. — April 7, at St. Mary's Church, Balmain, by the Rev. T. Tress, Christopher, third son of the late Samuel Bennett, proprietor of the TOWN AND COUNTRY JOURNAL, to Violet, third daughter of W. N. Llewellin, of Nicholson-street, Balmain."


1 NSW Registry BDM (marriages), 1633/1880.

2 Australian Town and Country Journal, Saturday 17 April 1880.

3 NSW Registry BDM (births), 960/1857 V1857960 58.

4 NSW Registry BDM (deaths), 10/1917.

5 The Sydney Morning Herald, Thursday 4 January 1917.

6 NSW Registry BDM (deaths), 18947/1948.

7 The Sydney Morning Herald, Monday 12 July 1948.

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