James Crase of Kapunda
Mary Ann Vivian Moyle
Andrew Pooke Jones
(Abt 1812-1906)
Jane Withiel
(Abt 1816-1849)
George Crase of Adelaide
Caroline Jane ("Kate") Jones
Harold George Crase


Family Links

1. Edith Annie Forster (née Douglas)

2. Marion Kirkwood Kemp

Harold George Crase

  • Born: 21 Mar 1877, Adelaide, S.A., Australia 3
  • Married (1): 14 Jun 1902, Wesleyan Manse, Perth, W.A., Australia 1
  • Married (2): 27 Dec 1910, St. Paul Church, Adelaide, S.A., Australia 2
  • Died: 1936, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 4

  Research Notes:

Australian Electoral Rolls (WA)...

In 1916, Harold George Crase, warehouseman, and wife wife Marion Kirkwood Crase, were living at "Hillside", Darley Street, South Perth.

Australian Electoral Rolls (NSW)...

In 1930, Harold George Crase, Indent Agent, and wife Marion Kirkwood Crase, were living at Elsmore Street, Merrylands.


Sands Directories: Sydney and New South Wales, Australia, 1858-1933 > 1919:

Crase, Harold G., N. S. H. Rd., Rose Bay




(Before Mr. Justice Ferguson and Jury.)


McLeod and Co. (India). Ltd. v Crase.

The plaintiffs In this action, McLeod and Co. (India), Ltd., sued Harold George Crase, seeking to recover £551 and interest, an amount alleged to have beeu advanced in loans at various times. The defendant, as to £401, pleaded never indebted, and as to £150, said that he had delivered, transferred, and assigned to the plaintiff company 500 fully paid up £1 shares in the Kalsomine Manufactures, Ltd., which were accepted by the plaintiffs in consideration of £150 owing by him. Mr. Reginald Harris (Messrs. Harris, Seabrook, and Co.) appeared for the plaintiffs and Mr. Swan (instructed by Mr. R. N. Henderson) for the defendant.

The Jury returned a verdict for the plaintiffs for £165."




Defendant Crase Discharged.

The hearing of the conspiracy charge arising out of the affairs of the Property Insurance Company, Ltd., was resumed at the Central Police Court yesterday, before Mr. MacDougal, S.M. John Gunn, 45, solicitor, Wil- liam John Beckett, 38, company manager, Allan Fraser Howden, and Harold George Crase were charged with having, between January 1, 1927, and December 27, 1929, conspired to defraud the public. All the accused pleaded not guilty.

At the conclusion of the evidence of Ludovic Blackwell, the charge against Crase was dismissed, and he was discharged...." 5

  Marriage Information:

Harold married Edith Annie Forster, widow, daughter of M. E. Douglas, on 14 Jun 1902 in Wesleyan Manse, Perth, W.A., Australia 1. (Edith Annie Douglas died on 14 Dec 1911 in Kalgoorlie, W.A., Australia 6.)

  Marriage Notes:

"On June 14, 1902, by special licence, at Wesley Manse, Rev. T. James officiating, Harold George, second son of Geo. Crase, Esq., Adelaide, to Edith A. Forster, nee Douglas, of Sydney."


"Harold George Crase petitioned for a dissolution of .his marriage with Edlth Annie Crase, on the grounds of misconduct with Claude Woodgate.
Mr. R. S. Haynes, with him Mr. Canning, appeared for petitioner, respondent and co-respondent, were unrepresented.
After hearing the formal evidence, his Honor granted a decree nisi." 7

  Marriage Information:

Harold also married Marion Kirkwood Kemp, daughter of Peter Kemp and Mary Jane Roberts, on 27 Dec 1910 in St. Paul Church, Adelaide, S.A., Australia 2. (Marion Kirkwood Kemp was born on 30 Oct 1871 in Encounter Bay District, S.A., Australia and died on 24 Jan 1931 in Merrylands, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia 8.)

  Marriage Notes:

Harold George Crase, age 33, status single [sic], son of George Crase; and Marion Kirkwood Kemp, age 36, status single, daughter of Peter Kemp


"A bright wedding was celebrated at St. Paul's Church, Adelaide, on December 27, 1910, when Mr. H. G. Crase, of Perth, W.A., son of Mr. George Crase, of Adelaide, was married to Marion Kirkwood, second daughter of Mrs. Kemp and the late Mr. Peter Kemp, of Currenoy Creek, S.A...." 9


1 The West Australian, Saturday 28 Jun 1902.

2 South Australia BDM, South Australian Marriages (1842-1916), Book 245, Page 864.

3 Ibid, South Australian Births (1842-1906), Book 180, Page 212.

4 NSW Registry BDM (deaths), 187/1936.

5 The Sydney Morning Herald, Thursday 17 April 1924; Thursday 6 February 1930.

6 Ibid, Saturday 23 Dec 1911.

7 The Daily News (Perth), Tuesday 8 March 1910.

8 Western Mail, Thursday 12 February 1931.

9 Chronicle (Adelaide), Saturday 7 January 1911.

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