James Crase of Kapunda
Mary Ann Vivian Moyle
Edward Planta Nesbit
Ann Vincent Farmer
Thomas Vivian Crase of Medindie
Charlotte Isobel Nesbit
(1861-Abt 1947)
Vincent Vivian Crase of College Park


Family Links

Clara Rosina Wilson

Vincent Vivian Crase of College Park

  • Born: 11 Aug 1890, Walkerville Rd., St. Peters, East Adelaide, S.A., Australia
  • Married: 23 Apr 1919, All Souls Church St. Peters, Adelaide, S.A., Australia 1 2
  • Died: 14 Feb 1970 3
  • Buried: Enfield Memorial Park, S.A., Australia 3

  Research Notes:


Crase, Knueky, & Co., Limited.- Capital, £25,000 in 25,000 shares of £1 each, of which 7,300 are to be issued as fully paid-up to Vincent Vivian Crase and Charles Kingscote Knuckey, pursuant to agree ment. Objects.- To purchase or otherwise acquire and take over from the vendors as a going concern, and to carry on the business of wholesale and retail hardware merchants, indentors and general agents now carried on at Adelaide by Vincent Vivian Crase, of Medindie, and Charles Kingscote Knuckey, of Glenelg, trading as Crase, Knueky & Co., at Synagogue place, and Everybody's Crockery, Glass and Hardware Cash Store, at 158a Bundle street, Adelaide, and all or any of the assets in connection therewith, and to carry into effect an agreement dated June 19, 1924, made between Vincent Vivian Crase and Charles Kingscote Knuckey, as vendors, and Gordon James Bowerinn Pridham, of Unley, accountant, on behalf of the company. Applicants for formation of company - Thomas Crase, Medindie. merchant, 1: Vincent Vivian Crase, Medindie, merchant, 1; Charles Kingscote Knuckey, Glenelg, merchant, 1; Donald Grant Wilson, Maylands, traveller, 1; Gordon James Bowering Pridham, Unley, accountant, 1. First Directors - T. Crase V. V. Crase. and C. K. Knuckey. Registered office- Synagogue place Adelaide. Incorporated September 9." 4

  Marriage Information:

Vincent married Clara Rosina Wilson, daughter of Robert Wilson and Charlotte Ellen Tysol, on 23 Apr 1919 in All Souls Church St. Peters, Adelaide, S.A., Australia 1 2. (Clara Rosina Wilson was born on 3 Dec 1895 in Hackney, Adelaide, S.A., Australia 5, died on 22 Feb 1986 3 and was buried in Enfield Memorial Park, S.A., Australia 3.)

  Marriage Notes:

Vincent Vivian Crase, age 28, status single, son of Thomas Crase; and Clara Rosina Wilson, age 23, status single, daughter of Robert Wilson


"On the 23rd April, at All Souls' Church, by the Rev. Canon Murphy, Vincent V., elder son of Thomas Crase, Mount Lofty, to Clara R., only daughter of Robert Wilson, First-avenue, St Peters."


1 South Australia BDM, South Australian Marriages Registrations (1917-1937), Book 279, Page 257.

2 The Advertiser (Adelaide), Saturday 6 Sep 1919.

3 SA Government, (http://www.aca.sa.gov.au/Records).

4 The Register (Adelaide), Thursday 11 Sep 1924.

5 South Australia BDM, South Australian Births 1842 - 1906 Book: 575 Page: 38 District: Nor.

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