Matthew Laity
Mary Rowe
William Clifton of Huel Kitty
Mary Bennetts
Matthew Laity of Beacon
Grace Clifton
Matthew Laity


Family Links

Elizabeth Glanville

  • Matthew Laity
  • Elizabeth Laity
  • Mary Jane Laity
  • John Laity
  • Grace Laity
  • Amelia Laity

Matthew Laity

  • Christened: 21 Sep 1816, Camborne, Cornwall 1
  • Married: 4 May 1839, Camborne, Cornwall 1

  Research Notes:

In 1851 Matthew Laity, aged 32, born in Camborne Cornwall, miner, and wife Elizth. Laity, aged 30, born in Camborne, were living in Beacon Camborne. With them were children (born in Camborne) Matthew (11), miner, Elizth. (10), scholar, Mary (8), scholar, Jno. (5), scholar, Grace (3), and Amelia (6m). Matthew's widowed mother and siblings were living nextdoor.

In 1861 Matthew Laity, aged 43, born in Camborne Cornwall, miner, and wife Elzth. Laity, aged 40, born in Camborne, were living in Beacon, Camborne. With them were children (born in Camborne) Matthew (21), miner, Elizth. (20), Mary Jane (19), work at mine, John (15), miner, Grace (13), work to mine, and Amelia (5), scholar.

  Marriage Information:

Matthew married Elizabeth Glanville, daughter of John Glanville and Elizabeth Wagstaff, on 4 May 1839 in Camborne, Cornwall. (Elizabeth Glanville was christened on 21 Oct 1820 in Camborne, Cornwall.)

  Marriage Notes:

Matthew Laity, of full age, bachelor, miner, resident of Beacon, son of Matthew Laity (deceased), miner, and
Elizabeth Glanville, minor, spinster, miner, resident of Tuckingmill, daughter of John Glanville, miner

Married after Banns

Witnesses: James Pooley, John Glanvill


1 Cornwall OPC.

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