John Moyle of Kapunda
Avis Stephens
Joseph Millard
Nora Clara Wall
Tom Vivian Moyle of Kapunda
Annie Matilda Millard
Lorna Mary Moyle


Family Links

William Harold Teagle

  • Andrew Teagle
  • Helen Mary Teagle

Lorna Mary Moyle

  • Born: 18 May 1928, Kapunda, S.A., Australia 2
  • Married: 20 Sep 1952, Christ Church, Kapunda, S.A., Australia 1

  Research Notes:

On the 18th May, at Kapunda Hospital, to Mr. and M:s. 'T. V. Moyle, of Kapunda, a daughter

Chronicle (Adelaide), Saturday 2 June 1928

  Marriage Information:

Lorna married William Harold Teagle, son of William Eldred Teagle and Ruby May Wilson, on 20 Sep 1952 in Christ Church, Kapunda, S.A., Australia 1. (William Harold Teagle was born on 11 Apr 1922 in Bagots Well, S.A., Australia 3.)

  Marriage Notes:

"The marriage of Lorna Mary, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Moyle, of Kapunda, to William Harold, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Teagle, of Bagot Well, will be solemnised at Christ Church. Kapunda, on Saturday, September 20, at 3 pm."


1 The Advertiser (Adelaide), Saturday 13 September 1952.

2 South Australia BDM, South Australian Births 1907 - 1928. Book : 213A Page : 237 District : Kap.

3 Ibid, South Australian Births 1907 - 1928, Book : 95A Page : 249 District : Kap.

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