Cpt. Thomas Moyle
(Abt 1804-Aft 1841)
Mary Vivian
Thomas Stephens
(Abt 1822-1906)
Elizabeth Christophers
(Abt 1824-1901)
John Moyle of Kapunda
Avis Stephens
Mary Vivian Moyle


Family Links

Frederick George Nicholls

Mary Vivian Moyle

  • Born: 3 Dec 1877, Tarlee, S.A., Australia 3
  • Married: 10 Jun 1903, Christ Church, Kapunda, S.A., Australia 1 2
  • Died: 25 Jun 1951, Adelaide, S.A., Australia 4 5

  Research Notes:

"NICHOLLS—On June 25, at Adelaide, Mary Vivian, beloved daughter of the late John and Avis Moyle, and sister of Gussle. Annie, Emily, Harry and Tom, late of Kapunda."

  Marriage Information:

Mary married Frederick George Nicholls, son of Samuel Frederick Nicholls and Lealora Denford, on 10 Jun 1903 in Christ Church, Kapunda, S.A., Australia 1 2. (Frederick George Nicholls was born on 11 Aug 1878 in Bordertown, S.A., Australia 6 and died on 12 Aug 1948 in South Australia, Australia 7.)

  Marriage Notes:

"On the 10th June, at Christ Church, Kapunda, by the Rev. Geo. Griffiths, Frederick George, fourth son of the late Samuel Frederick Nicholls, of Hamilton, to Mary Vivian, fourth daughter of the late John Moyle, of Kapunda. Present address, Dalkeith, Belviders."


1 South Australia BDM, Reg. # 215/1152.

2 The Register (Adelaide), Wednesday 24 June 1903.

3 South Australia BDM, South Australian Births 1842 - 1906 Book: 193 Page: 186 District: Gil.

4 Ibid, Reg. # 769/3168.

5 The Advertiser (Adelaide), Friday 29 June 1951.

6 South Australia BDM, South Australian Births 1842 - 1906 Book: 205 Page: 355 District: Wel.

7 Ibid, Reg. # 730/4054.

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