Cpt. Thomas Moyle
(Abt 1804-Aft 1841)
Mary Vivian
Thomas Stephens
(Abt 1822-1906)
Elizabeth Christophers
(Abt 1824-1901)
John Moyle of Kapunda
Avis Stephens
Elizabeth Ann Moyle


Family Links

James Smith Pearce

Elizabeth Ann Moyle

  • Born: 8 Jun 1867, Kapunda, S.A., Australia 3
  • Married: 14 May 1896, Christ Church, Kapunda, S.A., Australia 1 2
  • Died: 9 Aug 1943, Mount Barker, S.A., Australia 1

  Research Notes:

"Mrs Elizabeth Pearce, widow of the late Mr James S. Pearce, died at Mt. Barker on Monday at the age of 76 years. For many years she lived in Kapunda. where she was held in the highest esteem. She was the eldest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John Moyle, who at one time kept the old Lord Palmerston hotel. Surviving members of her family are:— Mr Malcolm Pearce (private secretary to the Premier), Mr Sydney Pearce (of Bennett & Fisher's Adelaide office), Mrs R. Trigg (Mt. Barker), and Mrs D. Will (Farina). Messrs T. V. and H. Moyle, of Kapunda, are brothers of the deceased, and her surviving sisters are:—Mrs. F. G, Nicholls, Mrs. H. Maddern and Miss A. Moyle (of Kapunda), and Mrs Carbins (Barmera)"


"Death Of Mrs. E. A. Pearce

The death occurred recently at Mount Barker of Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Pearce, widow of James S. Pearce, formerly of Kapunda.

Born at Kapunda 76 years ago, Mrs. Pearce was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Moyle, of that town, a family closely connected with the activities of the district in the early days. Until recent years, Mrs. Pearce lived at Kapunda, where she was held in high esteem. She leaves two sons (Mr. M. A. F. Pearce, of Erindale. and Mr. J. S. Pearce, of Kensington Park) and two daughters (Mrs. Ray Trigg. of Mount Barker, and Mrs. Douglas Will, of Wilpoorina Station, Farina)." 4 5

  Marriage Information:

Elizabeth married James Smith Pearce, son of James Pearce and Harriet Edmonds, on 14 May 1896 in Christ Church, Kapunda, S.A., Australia 1 2. (James Smith Pearce was born on 28 Jan 1859 in Gawler, South Australia, Australia 6 and died on 20 Sep 1929 in Kapunda, S.A., Australia 7 8.)

  Marriage Notes:

"On the 14th May, at Christ Church, Kapunda, by the Rev. C S. Hornabrook, James S., second son of Mr. James Pearce, J.P., to Lizzie, eldest daughter of Mr. John Moyle, all of Kapunda."


1 South Australia BDM, Reg. # 187/717.

2 The Advertiser (Adelaide), Monday 18 May 1896.

3 South Australia BDM, South Australian Births 1842 - 1906 Book: 54 Page: 186 District: Kap.

4 Kapunda Herald, Thursday 12 August 1943.

5 The Advertiser (Adelaide), Tuesday 31 August 1943.

6 South Australia BDM, South Australian Births 1842 - 1906 Book: 17 Page: 474 District: Bar.

7 Ibid, Reg. # 515/323.

8 The Advertiser (Adelaide), Monday 23 September 1929.

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