Jenkin BASSETT, Arglwydd Bewpyr
William FLEMING of Flemingstone
William BASSETT of Bewpyr, Esq.
(Abt 1477-Aft 1514)
Christopher BASSETT of St. Athan
(Abt 1514-1563)


Family Links


Christopher BASSETT of St. Athan 1 2

  • Born: Abt 1514
  • Died: Jan 1563, St. Athan, Glamorgan, Wales

  General Notes:

Compiler's 10 x great-grandfather

  Research Notes:

Son of Wm Bassett & Catherine Fleming according to book by Christopher Bassett.

Will of Christopher Bassett, Gentleman 1563 St Athan PM-589
Canterbury PROB 11/ 46
In the name of God Amen The fythe day of January anno Dni 1562 I Chrystofer Bassett of St Athan in the conty of Glamorgan gentleman Sicke in body and perfect in remembrance Doe make my Testament and Last Wyll in maner and forme following /
Firste I comend my Soule to allmythty God, and my body to chryston Buryall
Item Imprims I give to the cathedrall church of Landaff £10
Item I give to my parysh churche ____ [can't make out the amount written in symbols]
Item I give to the parsone for me my tythinge 2 shillings
Item I give to Jane my wyfe the occumpanyon of my house in Sainte Athan and of all my free landes there, wythe a plow of oxen, a mayne, a foll wythe there apptenances, of __ kyne and a bull, of __ thope, whereof __ be weachers and of __ ___ _____ __ be weather hogg and __ be yenes being in my farme at Marcros, and of - Enes wuthe the occumpanyon of my whole houshold stuffe and plate, of my downe mare, and my gray geldinge, of my rowne horse in St Athan, and of my ___ in the parke, wythe half the wheate in the ground there of my whole Edythe (?) there to same whole in the nexst yeare / To have and to hould all the foresayd goods cattells houshold stuffe plate grayne and corne in the ground to the sayd Jane my wyef for and duringe the tyme that she shalle and remayne wydow and unmaryed in maner and forme followinge that is to say upon condytion that she the sayd Jane my wyef do ymontynent (?) upon my decease and ____ made by my Executor or his Overseers, or of one of them bynd her ___ by her Dede obligatory suffycient in the Cause to my Sonne Wyllyam being my Executor in the sume of £300 of good and lawfull money of England, _____ upon condytion that yf she the sayd Jane doe in her __ _____ and before the tyme that she the sayd Jane do take any husband make or cause to be made a fine suffycient and ____ estate in the cause of all her righte and inforeste of and in as well my sayd mansyon house at St Athan, as allso of and in all my landed Tenements and heredytaments that I purchased of the ryghte honorable Wyllyam Earle of Worcester / To have and to hold the sayd houses and landes to the sayd Wyllyam my sonne and his heirs accordinge to the terms of the purchases thereof made for ever / And allso yf that the sayd Jane doe Before she do take any husband upon the payment of the same of £300 of good and lawful money of England to be made to her, or upon render of payment of the sayd Some to the sayd Jane by ye sayd Wyllyam my sonne or one of his overseers, do delyver or cause to be delyvered to the sayd Willyam my
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Sonne all the goodes Cattells and houshold stuffe plate grayne corne in the ground that I have in this profbust nogh bequeathed to my sayd wyef / And allso yf she sayd Jane my wyef do happen to be and ____ wydowe and _____ ___ the sayd Wyllyam my Sonne do assigne the full ___ £100, if then the sayd Jane do as well by good and fine compeyanmts in the lande, make a good and indeferyble ofsate of all her righte and interest in ye moyty and half dets of my sayd mansyon house in St Athan and of and in the moyty of all the Landes that I purchased of the sayd Earle of Worcester, To have and to hould the __ moyty of the sayd mansyon house & lande to the sayd Wyllyam my Sonne and to his heires accordinge to the terme of the sayd purchased for ever / As allso defyned or cause to be defyned to the sayd Wyllyam my Sonne the moytye of all the sayd goodes cattells houshold stuffe plate grayne and corne in the ground at his sayd accomplyshement of the adge of 99 years To have and hold and amoy the same to the say Wyllyam and his assigns for ever /
Then my Wyll is that they sayd Jane my wyf shall have to ___ the syndinge me bringinge up of my children ____ of all my foremencyoned house Landes goode cattells houshold stuffe plate grayne corne in the ground and the prossecces thereof to her owne ___ of and behoulf noytheont ___ of any acompfe therefore for and duringe the tyme she shall be ___ and __maryed /
And yf yt happen the sayd Jane my wyef to refuse to be bound to the sayd Willyam my Sonne in maner and forme aforesayd Then my wyll ys that ye forsd Wyllyam my Sonne shall yncontynent after my dease enter into my sayd mansyon house and Landes purchased of my lord of Worcester and ___ to expill thereof the sayd Jane, and allso the sayd Wyllyam my Sonne upon the sayd refusale to him made by the sayd Jane shall possess and ___ to his owne proper ___ all my sayd goodes cattells landes and household stuffe plate grayne and corne in the ground bequeathed to my sayd wyef and that she shall have no ___ thereof by virtue of this my laste wyll and Testament, unlesse she be bound in maner and forme aforesayd / And also yt happen the sayd Willyam my Sonne to dye before he attayne the age of 21 yeres and wytheout yssue males of his body begotten, Then my Will ys that the sayd Jane be bound to make the lyke estate and gyfte of my sayd house Landes goode cattells and other the premysses wythe there appurtenannces to Jenkyn my second Sonne as before ys rehersed to be made to the sayd Willyam my Sonne / And yf yt happen that my Sonne Jenken dye before he doe attayne the such adge of 21 yeres and wythout yssue male of his body begotten, Then I wyll that the sayd Jane be bound to make they lyke estate and gyfte of the premysses wythe there appurtenances to my Sonne Thomas / And yf yt happen the sayd Thomas to dye wythoute yssue male of his body lawfully begotten and before his accomplyshement of the adge of 21 yeres, Then my wyll ys that the sayd Jane my wyef shall be bound to make the lyke estate and gyfte of all the foremencyoned premisses to Rychard my younger Sonne and to his heyres And assynes forever / And yf yt happen the sayd Rychard to dye before the adge of 21 yeres and wytheout heires males of his body lawfully begotten, Then I wyll that the sayd Jane, my wyef do make the lyke estate and gyfte of the premysses to my next Sonne to be borne yf my wyef be delyvered of a Sonne/
I give to Anne Wenlliam and my last Daughter £20 whereof I wyll ___ to me to be payd at the Feaste of St John the Babtyth next followinge the date hereof to Rychard Dyo of Langan and he to send the sayd Anne and to be bound to repay the sayd £10 to the sayd Anne at the day of her maryadge and thether £10 to remayne in my brother Wyllyamis hand untyll the tyme of her maryadge /
I give allso to Mary my daughter £60 to be payd at suche tyme as she shalbe maryageable
Item my wyll ys that whereas my wyef goythe now wythe chyld, that yf she be delyvered of a daughter that they sayd Daughter shall have to her marryadge £40 to be payd in maner and forme as to my Daughter Mary
Item my wyll ys that £20 of my debtes be ymontynent upon the ___ thereof equally devyded betweene my Brothers and Systers children
Item I give and bequeathe to Jenkyn my Sonne all my farmes at Marcros wythe a stocke of one hundred shepe, sonne kynd and ___ Oxen ___ and the apptennces / To have and to hold the sayd Farme and stocke to the sayd Jenkyn and to his assignes for and duringe the yeres there upon expered / Provyded that yf my sayd Sonne Wyllyam do happen to dye wytheout heyres males of his body lawfully begotten Then my wyll ys that my Sonne Thomas shall have the sayd Farme of Marcrosse and the stocke thereupon from the deathe of the sayd Wyllyam for and duringe the terme of yeres thereim ___ / And yf yt happen the sayd Jenkyn my Second Sonne to dye after the sayd Wyllyam and wytheout yssue of his body begotten / Then my wyll ys that my Sonne Rychard shall have the sayd Farmes of Marcrosse wythe the stocke thereupon for the yere therein expired /
Item I give to my two Sonnes Thomas and Rychard the Lande of Barrie wythe the parke of Alymiton, To have and to hold the sayd Farmes wythe there appurtenances unto the sayd Thomas and Rychard inyurly for therme of the yeres thereupon unexpired, The whiche Farmes Troyll that my brothers Wyllyam and John, and my nephew Rychard Bassett __ stocke and stoore to the moste gayne and comodyty of the sayd Thomas and Rychard /
Item I wyll that my brothers Wyllyam and John and my nephew Rychard shall have the custody of all my Farmes in marcrosse Flymston and Barry and of all the stocke and cattle beinge thereupon untyll my sayd Sonnes do attayne the adge of one and twenty yeres /
And allso that my sayd brothers and Nephew shall have ye governice of my chyldren duringe all the sayd tyme and shall put suche of them to scoole as they shall think ___ to learne /
Item I wyll that my Brothers and nephew shall yerely by these ___ indenced make find accounte eache to other of suche comodyty and proffectes as shall ___ of the sayd Farmes of Marcrosse Flymston Barry and northmore wythe the stocke thereupon /
And after shall make find accounte to my sayd Sonnes at the tyme that they attayne the adge of one and twenty /
Item I give to my Sonne Wyllyam the leases of northmore /
Item I ___ that yf any of my sayd Sonnes shall happen to dye before they attayne the adge of 21 yeres, tht his or there goodes shalbe distributed amonges the reste of my Sonnes /
Any yf all my sayd Sonnes happen to dye before they attayne the adge of 21 yeres Then I wyll that all
[next page]
my goodes moveable and unmoveable shall remayne to my brothers Wyllyam and John and my nephew Rychard they to dystrybute the Some of £30 thereof amonges my Brothers and Systers _____accordinge to there dyscrecyon provyded that yf my sayd wyef be delyvered of a Sonne, that they the sayd Land of Barry and Flymston wythe the stocke thereupon and the ____ there of to be equally devyded betweene my thre Sonnes (that ys to say_ Thomas Richard and my youngeste Sonne at there full adge /
Item I give to Edward Willims __ £10 to be payd in the Feaste of Socinte my shall thanhmyell nexte ensuinge the date hereof /
Item I give to Robert Davydes two daughters £4 /
Item I give to both my man £10 /
Item I do give to the reparations of the hiyhe ___ ___ Sainte Athan and St Maryes church £10 /
Item I give to Barry __ ____ ____ Item to katheren Xobe £100 to be payd at her day of marydge /
Item I give to Jane my Neis £100 to be payd at her day of maryadge
Item Igive to Wyllyam Mors my redd wole and den __ /
Item I do give to John Crofe and to Jonaw Mawader a ___ and £100 that ys in his hand, And to Margery Davydes two children two ___ /
And for Allson ap Johns two childen £5 apece /
Item I ordayne constytute and appoyte my Sonne Wyllyam my soole Executor whome I ___ to be govirned by my brothers Wyllyam and John Bassett any my nephew Rychard Bassett untyll he attayne to the adge of 21 yeres /
Item I do appointe my brothers Wyllyam and John Bassett and my nephew Rychard Bassett to be ye Overseers of this my laste wyll and testament /
Item my wyll ys that my brother Wyllyam shall _____ upon my decease ____ the Some of £60 to three of my daughter Mary, the Some to be ymployed for the moste advantage to herself and behoulf and my sayd brother to ____ my dmyster as moste they sayd Some of £60, as comodyty that shall growe thereof whatsoever yt be when she do attayne the adge of 19 yeres /
Item yf my wyef be delyvered of a daughter I wyll that my brother Wyllyam shall receyve the Some of £40 to her use, to be ymployed for her moste comodyty and he to ____ the sayd Some of £40, and the encrease thereof when she shall attayne the adge of 19 yeres /
Yt ys to be remembered that my nephew Rychard Bassett hathe all ye ____ of all my free land /
Item My brother John Bassett hathe foure leases (that ys) two leases of my farmes in Marcrosse, and two leases upon Normore which be all that he hathe / This wyll was sealed and delyvered in the presence of Chrofer Covnoyge, Roberte Nycholas, Edward Hoyd, John Fylly Harry Robyn John Crose Roberte Davyd
Diasmo terfio die ___ Februaris Anno Dmi 1562 … Willmia Bassett, Johanni Bassett of Richardo Bassett … Chroferi Bassett Defunct, etc administram … Willmi Bassett Executoris … Willmo Bassett ef John Bassett …Riyo Bassett … Willmia Bassett //?
Will, dated 5 Jan. 1562/3 (proved 22 May 1579) show that his house and lands in St. Tathan were purchased from William Earl of Worcester; two farms sub-leased to his brother, John Basset; nephew, Richard Bassett of Beaupre "Has all the evidences for my free land." (PM-177.4) 3

  Marriage Information:

Christopher married Jane MORGAN, daughter of Thomas AP MORGAN and Elsbeth FERCH HWLKYN. (Jane MORGAN died on an unknown date.)


1 The Golden Grove Books of Pedigrees, Peter Clement Bartrum, p. 274.

2 Welsh Genealogies AD 1400-1500, Peter Clement Bartrum, (Aberystwyth. Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru / The National Library of Wales, 1983), Basset 2, p.58; Iestyn 16(K), p.1087.

3 Christopher Bassett's will is reproduced here (

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