Emperor Louis I "le Pieux" installed him as missus imperatoris in Brittania (sole ruler) in [831].
Duke of Brittany. Emperor Louis I confirmed the donation of "fideli nostri Nominoë" to the monastery "Rotonensi S. Salvatoris…in pago Broweroch" by charter dated 834. His forces defeated the Frankish army of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks at Redon 22 Nov 845, following their attack in retaliation for the murder of Renaud Comte de Nantes by Erispoë, Nominoë's son. The two sides made peace in 846. The Chronicle of Adémar de Chabannes records that "Nomenoius dux" captured and destroyed "Redonas civitatem et Nannetis" before returning to Brittany, the event being dated from the context to the early 850s.
"Nominoio tyranno Britonum" fought "Lambertus comes et Warnarius frater eius" in 850, and died "851 indictione 14". The Annales Bertiniani record the death in 851 of "Nomenogius Britto". The Annals of St Salvator Redon record that "Nominoius princeps…cum Erispoe filio" were buried at the abbey of Redon. 1
Some secondary sources show Nominoë as the son of Erispoë "the Elder" of Brittany (such that his son was Erispoë "the Younger").